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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Not if your Forum sig. is accurate x9 does not have that feature AFAIR? M.
  2. Have a look at the size of the User Library File and see if it is empty ( 0-100kb), which may mean it is corrupt or has been replaced automatically by a backup if Chief couldn't find the File when the Program Opened. ( reboot your computer and try again if not already done too ) \Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Database Libraries Mick.
  3. No Full Elevators as far as I am aware but there is a new(ish) Bonus Library - Commercial No#12 which has Accessories for Elevators and Escalators. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1234
  4. I personally find Chief Default settings for Interior and Daylight Ambient (* 31) very low for most views , so I have both set to 58 in my Template Plan, and again as personal preference, I don't like how Bloom "softens" images or how dark Corners and Wall Ceiling intersections are so dark with AO set at 100% so I normally have it in the 30-50% range. * caveat I am not a Rendering Expert ...all just personal preferences... Mick.
  5. I don't use DBox much myself, I tend to use G.Drive being an Android User , so I am unsure how much it might be effecting a MR Clone , though I would of thought exiting dropbox for a few hours while the Clone was done would eliminate issues ...but maybe not. The Rescue USB(?) is just a bootable Disk that will Run MR without having to Run Win10/11 , other than that the interface is identical to what you see in Windows. Doing the Clone from Windows should have asked if you wanted to continue in WinPe which is the same thing as using the Rescue Disk, I don't usually Clone from Windows for this reason and just use the Rescue Disk instead. You may need to set the Bios to Boot to USB 1st ( if it doesn't see it when plugged in during boot) or you may have an Option as you Boot , sometimes F8 or F12, to Choose the disk to Boot From. You can try the bootdisk and just exit out with no problems assuming you don't do anything..... M.
  6. Just like in the Real world --- build the curved Walls 1st - those you can set the Radius for in Chief, (no curved wall in your plan? then just delete it when done) , as the curved Stairs will snap to the curved Wall , they also snap pretty well to a CAD ARC
  7. Did you try the Clone ( not Image) using the MR Rescue Disk/USB ? ( no windows 10 running then ) make sure you run the FixBoot off the menu when Clone is done and make sure it picks the 980 Drive not the 850. Then reboot , power off Computer immediately, unplug power cable too 850 SSD, reboot, go into Bios and make sure the Boot option is set to Windows Manager and it says 980 Pro ( or similar ) , save and reboot,..... into Windows..... Once up and running again you can close it down and plug the 850 power back in, and reboot , then you can go ahead and Format the 850 and use it as a Data Drive to run MR backups too for example ( much quicker than to a HDD backup). Always nice to do a Clean Install but can be a bit of Work...... but the holidays are coming.... Mick.
  8. No Problem you could try Samsung's own Software but I've always had more luck with MR https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/download/consumer/ If you are on Win 11 try MR 8 instead of a MR7 version.... Mick.
  9. Also see if this tech article helps...3rd Section shows how to make your own Toolbar : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00811/customizing-toolbars.html
  10. It appears you have the Gamepad enabled in CA , but maybe don't have one attached?
  11. David is right it is the Brick Ledge , do a Floor Overview Camera while on level 0 and you should be able to see it. M.
  12. Thanks Yusef, you seem to have a way to make CA do things it thinks it can't M.
  13. I'd need more details Larry perhaps PM me..... M.
  14. Without the plan , the only suggestion I can think of is make sure the Front Wall ( red scribbly line in pic) is not 1 wall break it at the Garage if needed and set it to Hip. M.
  15. It sounds like you were not in the Plot Plan Saved Plan View (SPV) when you drew the SB Line, as it would of been placed on CAD, Plot Plan automatically... remember to switch Disciplines' as needed on the SPV Menu, same as you would switch to the Electrical SPV before doing Electrical Work
  16. Nice find .............that is a looong way from home..... So the issue maybe a really big Plan Area, rather than just a Large Terrain Perimeter then.... Probably worth Reporting to Tech Support still as that still shouldn't happen.... M.
  17. That thread may explain it as I just about always "Clip to Sides" as Robert suggested, not 100% sure this is Scott's issue though? though it maybe also that I don't frequently send Color to layout. I have not seen a lot of Posts on this issue which is a bit surprising and maybe why Chief hasn't fixed it (not enough reports to get high on the list) https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/32422-color-fill-issue-in-layout/?do=findComment&comment=254794 M.
  18. Isn't that always? maybe I am missing something? as I have not seen this issue , and was thinking it was a MAC thing but I guess not if you see it? M.
  19. Yep nice Image as usual , but perhaps they lost something in the latest Update last week? ( I assume second pic is from an earlier version? ) Mick
  20. True, it just another of those Time wasting things, that I personally think we should have control of in the Premier product..... I understand it in the Consumer software which is used mostly by HomeOwners, but not in Professional Software, with Users world wide, with Different Codes being applicable everywhere. Personally I would never want a 6 3/4" Riser so I am not sure why we are hardcoded to 17 treads ...or where Chief got 17 from for the hardcoding? M.
  21. It is my experience that the 17 treads is hard coded too , I tried changing it to 16 ( to get 7 1/4" +/- Risers default ) but the Program always switches it back to 17, so I have to open and change it anyway.... not sure if this is related to no default Riser being able to be spec'd.....the Tread Depth seems to hold though..... Default New stair in Plan Mick.
  22. Well this is a new one , I shot a backclipped camera , whole screen went black as Elev. opened and has stayed black, moving the camera did not help, so I saved the camera as a test and finally the elevation view came up..... This was in a clean plan from the default residential Template.... M.
  23. My guess is your HD ARCH. Software does not have full editing rights in a full CA Premier file..... still strange you can't delete something. M.
  24. Using you iPhone were you Are you saying stuff is shifting when you print to PDF? , ( going from Chopsaw's post....) I do see the shift now in the PDF..... yesterday I was looking for "Shadows" , not CAD Lines with a 3' offset.... One for TS for sure ...I have not seen that personally but am on a PC. M.
  25. Not sure what you are seeing I am not Scott ? Tech. Support is done through your Digital Locker.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/