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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I haven't heard of anyone doing it for Chief, but if paying Hourly , maybe it's time to just buy a 2nd computer with a 4090, and YOU charging the Hours to your Clients ( and Forum Members as a Service? ) to eventually pay for it. * didn't I hear you say just a week or two ago "I only dabble in Rendering" - yeah right , some nice work in your other Thread(s) by the way.... M.
  2. Well I'm sure most of us will all still be here , will be interest to hear ( for me anyway) how it all goes. M.
  3. If you need individual Room Schedules you can do it like Bill suggests above or you can Add the Room Column to your Schedule as I do, I make it the 1st Column, I then roughly drag the Cabinets into "Room Groups" , Renumber the Schedule, and as I work through the Elevations, start the numbering Left to Right in each View, going clockwise around the Room usually. Mick.
  4. perhaps consider doing Panels/Partitions out of Base Cabinets instead , one advantage is Base Cabinets accept Style Palettes, Shelves and Partitions don't. M.
  5. I am sure there will be a few people interested in your efforts/plans going forward , but I'd suggest not spending too much until you know it will work. The article you link to is (was/started as) more about helping Users get their Laptops to NOT use the iGPU and forcing Chief to use the Nvidia/AMD Card in the Laptop , and now in Win10/11 setting up GPU Scheduling , so I'd suggest calling Support and asking a few questions for sure. M.
  6. My thoughts too actually , if you want the "abstract look" , turning down Turbulence etc helps not make it too "arty" M.
  7. Chief has never supported multi-gpu rendering eg SLI , made that mistake many moons ago myself, and I don't think CA has any plans to implement it, as Rene says it is slowly being faded out as modern GPUs are so powerful nowadays. ( as well as multi GPU's not be very cost effective , especially at todays price's ) M.
  8. You can't by Selecting the Main Title, like you can with the User Library ( good habit as a Backup now and again eg monthly ) but you can Group Select Folders within the Bonus and Manufacturer's Libraries and export them , say in alphabetical Groupings.
  9. Hi Steve, yes I think this looks better however I think personally you are "washing out" the Exterior a "little too much". Under- exposing Images slightly is a long time Photographer's Tip and usually brings better saturation, and it's easier to "lighten" an Image , post processing, if needed vs trying to "fix" an over exposed/washed out image.....though I realize that was your intent above, but I can also see it from Rene's point of View. M.
  10. Yeah Thanks , it just very slow when cabinet 72 , needs to be Cabinet No#1 , but please add any thoughts to the Thread linked above.... M.
  11. Thanks again...you know you read my mind right? ie a making a Library of all the BGs in this thread .... Have a good weekend. M.
  12. Thanks again Steve, looks like you are having fun I am unfortunately deep in a set of Permit ConDocs that needs to go out for next week , so no time to play , but I appreciate the uploads. M.
  13. New Drivers , confirmed OK by Chief........................... see two posts above. DESKTOP - GAME READY DRIVER January 25, 2023 Version: 528.24 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/198796/en-us/ LAPTOP - GAME READY DRIVER January 25, 2023 Version: 528.24 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/198797/en-us/ DESKTOP - NVIDIA STUDIO DRIVER January 25, 2023 Version: 528.24 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/198730/en-us/ LAPTOP - NVIDIA STUDIO DRIVER January 25, 2023 Version: 528.24 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/198731/en-us/ Mick.
  14. Sweet , thanks for the update Ed, I will update the Thread then. Mick. .
  15. 3D Warehouse Symbols are best edited in SketchUp, ( or other software that can open .skp files), many come with "extras" you don't want or need , but editing the Chief CAD Block does not remove those Items unfortunately. Some Homework https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00805/editing-2d-cad-blocks-assigned-to-3d-symbols.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00809/converting-an-object-into-a-symbol.html Not sure but Eric may have a Video on using the Surface Delete Tool ? Eric ? @solver M.
  16. I was waiting for Ed's reply to be honest, but that does sound strange. M.
  17. Yes, but why is it separate? why is it not just a bump out? it's at the same level , same materials etc , perhaps that's just how I'd do it.... M.
  18. Thanks Perry , beginning to look like we can once again allow new Drivers on our Systems M.
  19. I missed that in the Camera View , though I'd still call it an anomaly . I am not sure why you used a landing there though ( didn't occur to me) instead of just shaping the deck as needed for the stairs each side? Mick.
  20. Thanks for the Update Brad , that is excellent news..... Mick.
  21. EVGA is still selling 2060's for $259 , which is pretty cheap as an entry price...... https://www.evga.com/products/ProductList.aspx?type=0&family=GeForce+20+Series+Family&chipset=RTX+2060 Or this 3060 for a $100 more https://www.evga.com/products/ProductList.aspx?type=8 M.
  22. I thought it might be a Room Definition or Wall definition Issue so was just trying a few things , so happy I found it , lets hope it stays that way and +1 on what Eric said , just had to open the saved camera to look around.... M.
  23. I didn't either , might just be a Chief Anomaly as switching the Walltype to Deck Railing 6 , checking out what changed ( no extra flooring strip now) and switching it back to Walltype Railing 17 seems to have fixed it ....of course YMMV M.
  24. My Laptop has the 2070 and it works just fine with the usual caveats of bad Drivers , ie those above 526.98 currently, and I know MarkMc has the same in his, so he may have a few comments too. @MarkMc Is it slower than my 3080Ti (see sig) in the desktop , yes, by at least 25-40% but realistically how much PBR-RTRT does anyone do everyday? In the everyday skut work, especially that of an Intern, I don't think it would matter, and If you need renders faster another User like yourself could open the plan and do them. You don't say if you have a 2000 series card or can get one cheap or ??? but all PCIe4 cards are compatible with PCIe3 too AFAIAA, so picking up a 3070Ti as one example should be just fine , it should outlast the current PC and be moved to the next system most likely , just mentioning is I am starting to see , at leat at retail, 2000 series cards going for prices similar to some 3000 series cards....the thing to check is the physical size of the Cards as ssome are huge and may not fit in Pre-built Case like those Dell, Hp etc sell. M.
  25. Thanks for the Info Ed , I see now that they also released the Game Ready Driver 528.24 Overnight as well https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/198796/en-us/ Mick.