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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Well you should be following up with CyberPower for sure, since under warranty, and asking a few questions...... If allowed under Warranty I'd probably pull the AIO and reinstall it with fresh TIM (Thermal Grease) , hopefully you don't find it was forgotten or they only use the MFG's pre-applied TIM which maybe too little for a large CPU like a 13900k. With 3 fans it sounds like a 360mmm AIO ( you didn't mention brand/model ) which I'd do some research on personally re the 13900k, but I have been using Arctic Cooling's Freezer 240mm AIOs for the last 8-10yrs with no issues but the most likely scenario is, it maybe installed incorrectly or the TIM ( thermal interface Material ) is not done correctly, ie not enough or is not of high quality like Noctua's NT-H1 ( use NT-H2 on the 13900k perhaps) or Thermal Grizzly's Kyronaut. Not being an extreme Overclocker or even overclocking these days on the 11700k I have currently, I haven't noticed a performance difference in the two. https://noctua.at/en/nt-h1-3-5g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lFd4l7wX3I&t=6s https://www.thermal-grizzly.com/en/products M.
  2. Not as ar As I know you must load the Maps yourself after the Material is Made..... If you need something to make PBR Maps , try PixPlant 5 , very reasonable cost especially for single users , like a one person company. M.
  3. True, same here , it or x264vfw have been my goto's as well..... On Mac perhaps try HEIF or HEVC which I think both offer better compression. ( not sure about quality ) M.
  4. * thanks for doing the Sig. It may well be that you only have 2GB of Video Memory (Ram) which is the minimum, as Chief has recommended at least 4GB now for several Versions with 8GB being better and now recommended for X15, though being on a Mac you can't to PBR RTRT yet. I assume you are running the latest Drivers for your GPU? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02761/chief-architect-minimum-system-requirements.html#X15 Mick.
  5. Techo Bloc already has a good SketchUp Texture Library and Patterns (AutoCad Hatches) available of their Products like Pavers, you should add them to your list to do a Full Chief Library with too, they already work with AutoCad, Dynascape, Pro Landscape and Structure Studios etc. It's just a suggestion of course https://www.techo-bloc.com/support/resources/technical-resources/designers-toolbox Mick.
  6. My advice would of been to do the CAD in Chief , as Chief Walls LOVE to snap to CAD Lines , but I guess you've got it now since it appears you haven't been back to the Thread. M.
  7. You haven't provided enough info for anyone to really help and you haven't done you Forum Signature either , so we don't have a clue what version you are using, camera type, or the hardware you are running it on. See Chopsaw's or My Signature to add some info to yours, so people don't need to ask every time you post ( I see you are new here ) https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  8. Try making the Layout Box Border's color Orange and make sure it is displayed in the ALDO and then just go page by page and see if you have an empty one ( or 2 ) delete any found and save the LO and close it, then re-open it and check again in the PB..... repeat till gone if needed.... M.
  9. I have to say I am not a great fan of the new Library system either ( old wasn't ideal either though ) and am surprised this current system made it through Beta Test as is..... M.
  10. Yes that has always been my understanding, as they are built on the same Branch. M.
  11. Personally I have never noticed any difference in Game Ready Or Studio Drivers , ie I've never had the Studio Version work , when the GR Driver didn't for any particular Driver. For me , other than the afore mentioned Bad Drivers , the crashes have been associated with older Plan brought forward , eg a Plan originally started in X11 or X12, opened in X13 or X14, but I've never been able to track it to a certain action, though as you mentioned, I had crashes after trying to move the camera once open too. M.
  12. There are known issues with the 525.xx series of Drivers , and Chief confirmed about a month ago that 528.24 or 528.49 are good, and are the current Drivers they recommend, The 531.xx Series has/had other Issues such as there Telemetry Data using 10-14% of the CPU after using a 3D App , though that has been fixed hopefully , I am back on 528.49 myself. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-driver-updates/?do=findComment&comment=290350 Mick.
  13. Do you Run Macrium Reflect Full Version by chance? It is a known incompatibility for me , confirmed by both Chief and Macrium IF a Backup of C:\ Drive is run While Chief is open, Macrium stops Chief writing to Disk, which it does all the time for Undo Plans , AutoSaves, Archive Saves etc, for periods from 3 - 22 mins ( the longest I waited as a test ) . Took me quite a long time to figure out what was causing the Chief Lockups , but now I know , If needed I pause the Macrium Backup and Chief is instantly working again. Mick.
  14. Hi, Not sure what version you are using as you haven't done your Forum Signature , but if this is in X15 ? please report the Issue with the Ceiling Level etc to Tech Support. M. for your Sig. : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662
  15. Did you try Ballooning the Gable Wall Up ( Wall's Structure Tab ) M.
  16. Power is all 240v there AFAIK, which will easily kill you unlike 110v which may or may not, if a hazard is touched.... hence heavier duty wiring etc. Might also be about the age of the places stayed in too? ie the Razor only outlet , I do seem to remember those but haven't been there in many years now. M.
  17. I'd think , making a small room with invisible Walls and making the Room Type Open Below should work. M.
  18. Since you are in X12 ( X15 has new features for this ) search the Forum for Fascia Mounted Railings, there are even a few Samples plans included, and different methods to use. M.
  19. It appears there is a small return wall perhaps 1"-2" long? which is set as a hip roof Is the floor of the porch at the correct level ? if so the Porch R.Plane and the main house R.Plane will not be the same height if that was the intention? M.
  20. I'd like this one myself for As-Builts and Proposed Plans.... M.
  21. This may help https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00667/drawing-an-octagonal-structure-with-railings.html M.
  22. No, As it wouldn't meet the ManF. Warranty min. pitch of 3 in 12 (in most cases) but I've used 2 or 3ply Roll Roofing ( Torch-Down) plenty of times for something low pitched like this. Try building it in a New Plan , since the main plan is so slow and use Edit Area to copy paste it later to the Main Plan or even bring it in as a Symbol , made in the other Plan. * Val's , (VHampton) idea should work too with the Polygon Shaped Deck with 8' Sides and negative slope roof ....as a starting point to get the Roof Planes etc too. Mick.
  23. The Full plan is a bear for sure , you have a ton of "Geometric Shapes" , and some at least could be done differently eg all the timber framing on the pavilion could be true roof or floor beams , the roof beams should find their own pitch for example once the roof is built and the posts and beams could be done Auto with the Railing Tools. One a Plan this advanced in development you could "break" the Roofs on existing structures if you turn Auto Build Roofs back on , but that would still mean having walls and the Wall Directives setup before hand too , so manual maybe just as quick.... Chief LOVES to snap things to CAD lines , be it walls or Roof Plane edges , so set up some CAD reference Centers Lines ( orange below ) , I just picked the Center of the Chimney and then set up Radial CAD Lines every 20° for example and so they swing the full 180° , these can then be used to get the Walls and Roof Planes all intersect where they should. Then draw the Middle Roof Plane , setting the correct (fascia) height so it joins to the Cricket RP and use copy reflect, to flip the planes about themselves around the Half Circle, pulling the corner diamonds to the CAD Lines as needed ,roughly done below in 2nd pic, though I haven't fix overhangs or angles on the outer edge as I'm out of time, but another CAD Line would work for that, for precise angles and length , eg use the Regular Polygon Tool to make a 18 sided ( 18 x 20° = 360 ) polygon with 8' sides (Or as calculated) and centre and rotate it to the orange CLs with the center tool once placed. (green in Pic below) Then snap the outer corners of the RPs to the corner of the Reg. Polygon. *** Actually it would be easier to do the REG. Polygon 1st and then snap your Radial CAD lines to it's points.....
  24. Have not downloaded your Plan ...mostly because I can tell from your Pics that the Roof Planes are ALL backwards...... note the Slope arrows pointing UP the Roof and the fact that you need a negative Roof Pitch and the Ridge (86") is lower than the Fascia ( 116" ) .... , spin them 180° ( with triangle ) , make the slope positive 1 1/2 / 12 and try re joining them with the Join Tool/ Mick.
  25. You can also try drawing 3D Solid ( drawn in Elevation > Parallel Tool to bottom of Stringer ) if for example a 2x4 on the flat is to be the Grip - able Rail, as 3D Molding Lines can get tricky at times if you need it to follow more that one flight.... M.