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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Your Idea should work , but if you pull the insulated Roof inside the Walls and the non-insulate over the Walls it will control the wall's heights automatically. M.
  2. My Take.......... 1. Draw 3 CAD lines 60" Long at the required Angles ( open Line DBX and check angle and set length as you go ) 2. Hit Alt-Q on your Keyboard ( General Wall Defaults ) Choose Outside Surface 3. Draw the 3 Walls Clockwise , (starting on left) , they will snap to the CAD Lines with the outer surface. *** initially they may appear the wrong length but as mentioned above you are seeing the wrap around on the ends. Mick. Larry 45° Wall Plan_X15.plan
  3. Sorry 1st pic above is with Suggested Settings, which is what extend slope gave me, but maybe I have something else on or off or ??? like Glenn did. M
  4. it must definitely be all about the correct settings, if I try this in X15 ..... I am back to the extend slope downward Roof..... and if 1 try to match the OH manually ie set the OH to say 6" ( 24" OH on main roof , 18" bumpout ) Chief does all sorts of weird things (Pic 2) which I assume is to do with the new Heel Height for Trusses.... in another try it altered the main roof OH to 6 " all the way along too Just way easier to fix manually though I think extend slope downward should do better with bumpouts since that's what it's for....
  5. Yep , send it in as I've never had issues before as long as the ACAD File was 1 or 2 yrs "younger " than the Chief Version (release year). At least Tech. Support should give you some insight into what Version do ( should ) work in X15 which would be good info for everyone here. I've also found that not all Surveyors include the Elev. Line Height Data in the CAD Lines and you have to do it manually ( convert them to El. Lines ) M.
  6. You can sometimes run into this Issue if someone Renames a System Default Layer ( White Wrench ) instead of copying it to make a new Layer, in which case they can be a bear to delete in my experience. M.
  7. Okay thanks DB, yes it was the Fillet Tools I didn't see on the Toolbar for Pics but I see now with the F Key held if you drag a corner , it arcs concentrically until it is a (max) full 1/2 round................ you might get a Full Circle if needed, by adjusting the pic box to be a square in size 1st, i didn't try that.
  8. Well I'd say they sent the Wrong File the 1st time then No? or had all the layers turned off when saved? as I tried it several different ways and got nothing different even importing every layer to its own new layer , and Chief shows there is nothing on those layers. * Yes different info in the 2010 file................ M.
  9. Ok back , and the 1st File you posted does import into X15 are you trying in X14 perhaps? although I see no Topo Data just PLs and street etc.... I'll try it again in case the Elev.. info layer was turned off.... It is however spread WAY out, the PL Info is at top right and the Company's text label bottom left....
  10. Usually Chief is 1 Version (year) behind , same with importing Sketchup Files, as Chief is a year or more in development , so 2020 versions etc usually work perhaps 2021 too?....... I have not tried your file as yet on PC..... but can if needed. Mick.
  11. Hmmm , well I tried it in X15 before posting to be sure and there are no Fillet options on an Image ( Picture File Box ) only on LO Boxes and Live Cameras sent to LO. .......But maybe I an doing something wrong?
  12. It only works with Layout Boxes and Live Cameras AFAIK, not Images sent to Layout and I'm not sure it works in X12 at all? I think that was new in X13 or X14 wasn't it DB? Mick.
  13. No , not just you Rob , many have similar issues with the new Library system , I am not a fan of it myself.... M.
  14. It was a limitation of OpenGL , the 3D Tech used in Chief for most of it life, but it now uses DirectX12 with unlimited lights, since X12 I think it was? Mick.
  15. There was a time in PBR you couldn't get a reflection of Glass , so it looks like they may have gone a bit far in x15's new materials, as it looks like you are using "Mirror" not STD Glass there M.
  16. For sure , otherwise they quickly become a nightmare when trying to select other objects in that view. M.
  17. Yes it's the Text Style (size) ( usually) but you also have a space in your page numbers ie PG 2 not PG2 , so it's even bigger , since it auto sizes off the Text usually. M.
  18. as Gene mentioned it's just a 2/2 unless I am missing something *** funny 3 answers all more or less at the same time.... M.
  19. Looks like he is using X7 Eric , and 8 lights (OPGL not DX12 ) was the default ( and max) back then I believe..... which will mean turning off all lights except that hallway...... * I'd check that head rm on those stairs too , looks low from the pic on the turn? M.
  20. Not sure Chief has a "Clean Up Tool" , though perhaps tech support does? Though a lot of stuff like Preferences are (also?) in the Chief .ini File which may not be removed either? Mick.
  21. Thanks and welcome to the Forum. Mick.
  22. Looks like you might have found a bug from my quick play/test , it happens here too.... I tried the double Rollers . so please send it in. M.
  23. Wouldn't a dedicated Saved Plan View (SVP) with a dedicated Default Set(Anno) / Layerset work for this? or are you thinking you need a whole different Layout for Planning vs Building? M.
  24. What SW did you just purchase Chief Architect or one of the Consumer Home Designer Versions of the Software, like Pro or Architectural? I know there are several Users on the Forum that do Steel Buildings who maybe able to help , like @ComputerMaster86 and @basilbabaa As you can see most of us have a Forum Signature below or Posts , you could do yours as well , since I think you maybe here quite a bit and it'll save answering these same questions every time.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  25. Bit hard to tell really as you won't get the "Results" seen/mentioned above with a simple Click of a button OOB, , it's as much about Lighting and Materials as anything else, and most take their work into a Photo App afterwards too for enhancements, though X15, with the new De-Noising filter is better than previous versions. M.