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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Nothing aimed at you Brad , I was just pointing out I think the whole change-over was poorly planned, and without much consideration for many Loyal Long Term Users , who have in many cases been cost thousands of dollars and I am sure there will be more, I was not one on them, so I have no skin in that game, as I will continue using Chief for another decade perhaps, it just doesn't sit well with me, as one of those long time loyal Users. As Eric pointed out there was 1 email, a week after the Forum announcement and I suspect 50+% went straight to Junk Mail, with the new Subscription Model implemented 35 days (?) later. Just "Poor Form" from my point of View. M.
  2. Did you join it with the Join Tool properly? , you will get extra lines too if there is even the slightest mis-alignment of two surfaces M.
  3. I was wonder that myself actually , so didn't explore further after I noticed the Simplify polyline tool.... Good point it is a weird one.... Plan is right here on the Forum , just send it in..... M.
  4. I agree , put it over in Suggestions so we can all upvote it..... At least these Days you can Open two Layouts at once which makes C&P easier but being able to RC a detail and paste it to another plan would be great. * I asked for it here but another Entry on the list would help.... as they noted my suggestion already https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/35604-allow-importing-of-cad-details-including-schedules-in-cad-details/?tab=comments#comment-275668 M.
  5. Well it was only 5 weeks ( Nov.29th) and came during the Holiday period and the Email looked like another "Offer" for Training or their usual Newsletter , so I think many ignored it and will pay the price in the next 6 months especially if not frequent Forum Visitors. Personally I think the switch should of happened with the Release of X15, giving people time to to find out and update their SSA or in some cases Sell ( transfer) their software license as was previously allowed, I personally know of a small 3 man company who's Owner is now stuck with two additional licenses as Chief refused to let his employees buy those two licenses, and wanting to stay Perpetual the Employees were forced to buy at Full Price last week, so they were all losers in that scenario. M.
  6. Looks like the same issue as last time ........ your CAD work is not "Clean" apparently ...... there must be a spurious break point or something in the original cad line work, as soon as I selected the Red "Tub" the "Simplify Polyline" Tool came up on the Toolbar . I can't see it so it must be small.
  7. Chief no longer allows Transfers of Licenses , the only choice now is to subscribe to the New ( since Jan.9th 2023) Subscription Plan M.
  8. Oh yes the CTRL key is a must , as is zooming in ( mouse wheel needed 100% ) to be accurate I was suggesting using a grid of CAD lines spaced with dimensions , so everything is balanced and 100% accurate..... I'll leave Glenn to explain the "Inserts into Wall" it's not a Tool I use much..... @glennw M.
  9. me too actually , having 2 right buttons on the Elecom Huge trackball is handy ..... M.
  10. That is how I understand it yes...... if you just want to "Play" with X14 , you can download the Trial Version, you just can't save plans , export or Print from Trial Versions. M.
  11. I would assume it is a standard full subscription which includes an upgrade to any new releases within the subscription period , so someone getting it now, will get X15 in June? assuming a similar timetable as last yr ... The X15 Beta is already out ( for some) so hopefully it's going well. Okay that is good info for someone doing this, as long as they are aware you can't open Plans created in a Version newer than whatever your older version is, ie a X14 plan won't open in X10 in your case if you don't pay for the 2nd year.....and every year after until you no longer want to use Chief. M.
  12. Chief's Dim. Tools won't locate Auto Panels added to Cabinet sides, and the side effect of that setting would mean a Dim for every door edge ( and cabinet ) as you drag a dim. line across a run of cabinets I believe, hence the tips above to make 3/4 or 1 1/2" End Panels out of Base ( or Wall) Cabinets instead. Mark has some good tips on doing this , and is why/how I started doing this, not sure I found all his Tips above though ? @MarkMc Mick.
  13. You made a post about something very similar last May , but I'm not sure you returned to it still using Point Markers.......here you go.......... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/34537-cabinet-panels/?do=findComment&comment=268751 Also Vid. and plan here on making a 1 1/2" Filler or End panel https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31824-15-filler-with-panel-attached-vid/?tab=comments#comment-250551 M.
  14. Only if you need an ARC or curved section , if you break a Normal Wall it won't allow the use of the ARC Tool ( unless that changed in X14 I didn't try it ) PS..... Chief LOVES to snap to CAD Lines , so you can use them and setup them with Dimensions and then "snap" the Wall/3D Solid Points to them. M.
  15. Not sure but maybe how you have your Hot Keys setup up differently too? ESC should work as well ...... FYI: Space is "Select Objects" ESC is "Cancel selection/Previous Command" Mick.
  16. It used too, always has but we had this issue in X11 or X12 I think ? and it came back in X14 , and none of the updates have fixed it.... M.
  17. That is my suggestion if affordable....... but if you can get a 2nd hand (used) 2000 series like a 2070 Super , it mybe enough to last you a few years yet If that is a Solid you can add an ARC ( curve ) by adding a small angled piece ( add a break) and then use the ARC Tool and then the Tangent Tool to smooth it out if needed. M.
  18. This is my understanding too, but I thought MTHD may know something others don't (yet) or may misunderstand what he's getting into, especially as an occasional User and Upgrader. M.
  19. CA will need to Clarify but it appears they are offering Users of ANY older version a 1/2 priced ie $995 upgrade to the latest version ( x14) if they upgrade to the Subscription Model for the 1st year...only.... but it is $1995 per year after that , my question was because MTHD hasn't upgraded since X10 due to cost I assume, but what happens come 2024 if he decides $2000USD is too much to spend "on a hobby" , can he continue using X15 he'll receive in the 1st yr or does he lose access to X15 and have to revert to his last legacy version (X10 ) which is an issue since X10 can't open anything done in X14/X15..... or can the User continue using X15 in perpetuity? ( with a SSA-like fee perhaps?) M.
  20. It is likely then that the 960 doesn't not 100% support the new 3D engine in X14 then, you could perhaps look for a new 3000 or 4000 series GPU or even a used GPU in the 2000 Series depending on your budget, if you are not considering a whole new computer of course. I don't think it's a Hole , he has broken the bottom edge and just pulled it up............ you can do the same thing with a Wall in Elevation , however a Wall can't have the Radius curves..... hence why I think David used the 3D Solid , it also will not show the framing like a wall when "cut" which needs to be patched.
  21. An upgrade is nice but since it is to a Subscription Version, what happens this time next year if as in the past you decide to not pay the full $2000 subscription in 2024? Will you be able to continue using X15 ( should be out by then) or do you lose all access to X15? M.
  22. Just bumping this Up to see if Rob and I are the only ones with this issue , as I am hoping it is fixed in X15, this was an Issue that came back in X14 after being gone for a version or two and 8 months later it is still driving me nuts every day...... M.
  23. Trying installing the latest Nvidia Driver ( you have 512.15 ) suggested by Chief to use Version 526.98 or 526.86 which I am using from November, it may or may not help with the black screen problem. This is my Thread/posts to the best Nvidia Drivers in Chief............. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-drivers-updated/?do=findComment&comment=281778 M.
  24. this can be done by navigating to 3D> Lighting> Add Lights but since you can't see them in 3D cameras you can place them anywhere , more about it near the bottom here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00777/working-with-lighting.html I guess because your Card does not support it , so Chief has already disabled it. I can see in the pics above your computer has (2) Graphics cards , so you do need to check the Render Tab in Chief and make sure Chief is using the Nvidia Card. Show me your Render Tab pls. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03140/forcing-chief-architect-programs-to-use-a-specific-graphics-card-in-windows-10-11.html M.
  25. Not sure if it helps , but as mentioned an Overview includes everything in the plan , so a lager Terrain Perimeter will alter the view as will, importantly in some cases, "lost objects" eg something you tried pasting in the wrong view and is now 500ft ( or further) from the house M.