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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Good Attitude but unfortunately frustration in CA is 2nd nature... it the most frustration piece of SW I have ever used but you have to learn to "let go" or it will drive you crazy Shoot an elevation camera at the Wall and pull the top of the Wall up to the Ceiling manually ...and then it shouldn't move or change as once you do that Chief takes it hands off that Wall from that point on ( no auto build enabled ) ....this you need to remember as you may change something in the future and the wall will need manually updating as well or you'll need to switch it back to "Default Wall Top" on the Structure Tab to get it to re-generate. Mick.
  2. Ok , best to always just copy System Layers and rename as needed , as CA won't allow you to delete (renamed) System Layers if the need arises. M.
  3. Haven't downloaded your plan but it sounds like the common occurrence of having 2 walls in the same place , which shouldn't happen but does , eg a attic wall chief has "Forgotten" is still there but the windows don't recognise it. M.
  4. "Deck is over a non deck room. Framing may not be correct" this doesn't have anything to do with your Dormer , it is the Room on the side of the house you have named as a Porch ( but is a Deck Room Type) as part of it is over the Room you have set as a Court Type on the basement level. KB Article : <<< Click for link I think you may have just been working on the plan for a few hours and had not resaved it recently, so Chief was still holding onto the things you had changed / deleted temporarily, as if I unzip your plan it is 99mb and if I open it in X12 and immediately save it, it drops to only 8.6mb. You can Purge Materials any time you are in the Materials Selection Tab under PLAN MATERIALS...on the left , before you do anything else is best , with the button on the right , it removes any material no longer used in the Plan ie anything that doesn't have a blue check mark, but you can also use the Plan Materials Dialog to do it too and any time via 3D > Materials > Plan Materials
  5. The Default Layer , not Layerset, is just called Windows , it appears you have made new layer for each Level ? which I've never done, so I'm not sure what is happening but in the case of Mulling Units , that returns the Mulled Unit to the Default Layer automatically called Windows , so you'll need to change it's layer back to the appropriate (Window) Floor Layer. M.
  6. As you mentioned Earlier it is now called Reflect Geometry now instead though...... which is why people aren't "seeing" it I assume M.
  7. Sorry didn't see you reply earlier today about Following the link above, I have updated the Post and the PDF to include the Fix as well now, I thought it was in there so I didn't need to retype it...... I am not sure what is up with your other issues as it didn't happen here, there was a gap on the Triangle side but I just pulled the top of the wall up a couple of inches to fix it , I wouldn't recommend that in most cases but occasionally it is needed especially if Balloon Through Ceiling doesn't work ( in the Wall's Structure Tab) and it didn't in this case..... I am not sure why your plan was so big previously ( 91mb ) but after purging Materials and resaving it the Plan file is only 9mb - unzipped.... attached below.... MHD_X12_B_dormer_issues.plan M.
  8. No but there is a thread in the Symbols Forum with Parts etc IIRC M. * found a really old post of my own from 2014 with one..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/627-stairs-with-a-volute-at-the-bottom/?do=findComment&comment=4518 and another from 2014 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/2610-one-way-to-add-volutes-to-stairs/?tab=comments#comment-21152
  9. Follow the link above , I have updated the Post and the PDF to include the Fix as well now...... Or Chief has a KB Article as well....... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00586/restoring-wall-materials-changed-using-the-material-painter.html M.
  10. You've been using the Paint Can Tool on Exterior Walls, which isn't a good idea , see my link below about that... all I did here was set the Walls back to Siding 6 and the Material's back to default.... other than that you have it good
  11. If you want a framed Cabinet , why aren't you using a framed Cabinet ? with an Opening not a Door ?
  12. Pull it a few inches at a time and see what happens , do you by chance have a invisible wall ( Room Break) on the inside defining the Dormer "Room" try moving it back if so. M.
  13. your on a mac it appears and you have iCloud , is it full ? 22mb is pretty small, it is unfortunate CA lowered the limit to 14mb ( used to be 25mb) during Covid as a cost cutting measure. I thought Mac's came with Dropbox too which is a free 2GB.... M.
  14. The missing part of the side wall is common , depends on a number of factors but generally you can select it while in 3D and pull it across manually to fill in the Hole. Mick.
  15. True , personally I missed the Original Post but currently am not a SP User , so can't share back but Thanks for the Libraries. * might be an Idea to add the Ver. eg X14 , to the Files names, so future Users know what Version the .calibz Files were made in. FYI : SP1 and SP2 seem to be the same Library..... thx. M.
  16. These are Actually Chopsaw's Instructions , I just re-posted to the Tips Sections @Chopsaw I've been using Pixplant for a couple of years now , Ver.5 also does PBR Materials and Texture Maps, so I figured for the $39 Single User Price it was worthwhile. https://www.pixplant.com/index.php Mick.
  17. If you don't use a lot of custom textures , just zipping the plan file itself should suffice , though you may run into issues for example if you use something from a Bonus Library the other User doesn't have installed, as everyone has the Core Library stuff. M.
  18. Probably not if you are that organized M.
  19. It's a Permissions Issues , Chief isn't being allowed to write (update) to the Folder the CA .ini file is in..... DB's KB Article should help sort it out. M.
  20. I agree with the Others, buy yourself (another?) a 8TB-12TB Ext. HDD drive, the WD Elements works well for me..... and put on the Cloud too. ( for redundancy) Materials can add a lot to a Full backup of Plans Or Layouts size but if you are in the Practice of placing new Textures in the Chief Textures Folder and have CA set to also do so with new Materials in Preferences , you can likely get away with just Zipping the Layout and Plan up instead , of course you'll want to be backup the CA Data Folder to an External ( or Internal ) HDD too , I use SyncbackFree for that purpose. Mick.
  21. Try in test Save As Plan 1. convert 3D solid to a plain polyline 2. Convert plain polyline to Countertop ( they allow moldings to be assigned to their Edge) 3. Choose/Apply molding to edge of countertop ( may need to pre-draw the molding in cross section 1st if not done? ) 4. In your case set CTop to desired thickness/height. Mick.
  22. Thanks , but not sure why you'd have to register for a recorded Webinar ? ( so I didn't try that....) it's a Public Beta after all. M.
  23. This seems to be the Webinar Registration Page from last week , not the actual recorded Session ? M.
  24. Which are on Page 0 and auto populate to the other Pages.... M.
  25. All subscription Based now ( Jan.9th ) though there is a one - off Upgrade offer for the 1st year for Users with old Versions. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37322-chief-architect-software-licensing-changes-beginning-january-10-2023/?do=getNewComment a how to for your SIG. as Ryan mentioned..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick.