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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. yes , just uncheck the box in your default foundation settings , I'd set the measurements all to 0" (or as small as it allows 1st though) , just in case... obviously CA can't tell if it is an ICF Foundation only or not so you are going to have to do some setting of defaults.... Leave CA open and only let the computer sleep for a few days so you can keep working on stuff , if you get to the point you decide to buy or rent , don't close CA and just activate it , so you don't lose everything you have done to that point.
  2. it would appear you have Sill Plate on in the foundation Build DBX but not showing in your 3d view ?
  3. Old unused roof plane perhaps? ( eg, if manual RP and retain manual RPs is checked on rebuild)
  4. At 1st I didn't trust it, so double checked it with other tools like a Digital Angle Finder I have and use in the Shop , but found it is pretty accurate as long as you calibrate it on a known level surface first.
  5. Looks like a Error in detection of the Card ...it says you have a 6GB 1060 , that only has 1mb of Ram ....which isn't possible.... you can check the Render Tab in Chief's Preferences under VideoCard Status... for what it detects too. With a 6GB card like mine and yours it May say 4GB though (4095mb) , that is cos the memory may not be in one physical block and it only sees the 1st FrameBuffer as it is called.
  6. I'm wondering how you used it for doing that , I have one but usually do it like Perry , you can even use a Smart Phone and Level App these days....
  7. Do you mean the Dimensions as Chopsaw has pointed you too or how to Start with a Feet and Inches Template Plan ? Profile.plan is the Imperial feet and inches OOB CA Template ProfileM.Plan is the Metric OOB CA Template (OOB = out of the Box /default)
  8. Actually I was thinking the same thing Richard.....I drew the the (southern?) PL as a separate polyline and then move it towards the house 30'-35' and it seemed to fit pretty well. I have a Client with a similar lake Front Property and the PL is actually 10m (approx 33') from the Waters edge , which is what made me think of trying it....
  9. Sounds like Automatic Framing is Off by default , in your Template Plan.....you really need to spend the Time in your Template to Open the Defaults and go through EVERY thing and set things up the way you normally work , the best you can. Once Done and saved as your New Template , you will always have those settings in every drawing eg the ICF Foundation Wall. That being said I think you are using the Trial from some other posts I read , so you can't do a Save or use Library Items... , you could Rent it for a month I suppose....$199 , if not ready to buy. M.
  10. Typically in Chief after setting up your Wall and Foundation Defaults, you draw the 1st Floor Exterior walls ( Level1), then Build Floor>Foundation ( Level 0 ) to get the Basement Area based off the 1st Floor Walls automatically, you don't Draw it in the Order it is Field Built , it's just how CA works best and you will fight the Program if you don't. I too find myself having to do stuff the "Chief Way" ( and learn their terminology) rather than work from a Contractor/Builder's/Industry mindset on a lot of occasions .
  11. Hey @Jo_Ann good to see you over here on the Dark Side Hopefully you have been good this year? so Santa will bring you HDPro 2018
  12. There are some issues on PC's with the the latest 388.xx Series drivers but I have seen no reports of issues on MAC. On PC most find it helps going back to version 382.05 from May. M.
  13. Eric is right you will get better help on Hometalk , since Members there have the same Programs and feature sets. Pro could do this fairly easily as it has Manual Roofs ,but I think you have suite , Since you mention Upgrading to AHD.... JoAnn on HomeTalk has had AHD for many years and has found many "workarounds" for these Situations, I'd be surprised if She could not do it in AHD , maybe even Suite , so Post over there, you can use the same Username and password to login... M.
  14. If you made 3D objects and want to make them into a symbol use Tool>Symbol>Convert to Symbol and choose Fixture exterior (I think should work fine). You can't have anything else in the Plan when you make a symbol otherwise it will become part of the symbol too. for more in-depth info check out this Tutorial in the Knowledge Base...a good place to start if you have questions... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00809/converting-an-object-into-a-symbol.html If you want to try the Sketchup import there is a tutorial for that too.....you just need to get a symbol for Sk.Up 2016 ( or earlier ) so X8 can import it Sketchup File How To Import Tutorial https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00117/importing-a-3d-symbol-from-an-outside-source.html I had a quick look at the one Dennis linked you too and imported it into X7 and removed the rope and buoy so there are two different Traps in this X7 Library for you to try.... Lobster Traps_MHD.calibz M.
  15. IIRC you can place a Fence on a Terrain wall and put the Gate in the fence , but not directly into a Terrain Wall ( seen as Terrain Path on the status bar) A fence won't sit on a Terrain Retaining Wall , as two walls cannot be in the same space , so that should tell you which one you actually used or if it says Terrain Path on the status bar when you select it , it will accept a fence and thus a gate. *Just had a quick play and as Jerry mentioned a Terrain Retaining Wall will accept a Gate but they may (weirdly) auto add the normal default door Casing, jamb,hinges and handle etc , so you have to go in and turn those off in the Door DBX. That is also when you need to set the height as initially the Gate will insert at the same height as the retain wall above the terrain. Mick.
  16. Looks like a Hazing Ritual for the new Draftperson in the Office the information is all there but it's no wonder the City want's it Cleaned up I work by the Hour and I am not cheap
  17. If you make a Room Molding Polyline and then break the RMPL at the edge of the Cabinet Kick , you can then select the portion upto the cabinet on the half wall (click right on the edit handle is easiest) and uncheck "no molding on this edge" , it will fill back in. It maybe helpful to drop a cad line in at the kick distance in from the cabinet face so you can accurately cut the RMPL. M.
  18. I believe you are right , ie. Send as Image , does not a remain live and would need to be resent.....
  19. Only send to layout>Current screen as Image seems capable of doing what you want in a quick test here.... I tried using an imported image instead too (assuming you have photo of Lot here) , then sending the Watercolor view with Image and current screen is the only one that works for me...other wise the layout box border around the house cuts a hole ( you see the layout background) in the image M.
  20. Thanks Joe , when I clicked on the Extension line the edit handle only showed it could move in and out , (when hovered over) , not up or down so I didn't even try it.... M.
  21. Maybe they thought you meant the Dimension number itself , those are movable (small square) and usually need to be , but I don't think the Marker's can be , at least not in my test plan , they can't be selected separately, but I can't get the wording to overlap like in your pic, they all move automatically like your Top of Slab Marker did M.
  22. Didnt think about it earlier but I just looked in the Original Plan and the Camera (no3) is a FLOOR camera not a FULL Camera ....hence no roof or foundation M.
  23. You can get a hint about PB Rendering in the X10 Preview Video, but it's public release is 4-6mths away I'd think , usually comes in the 1st or 2nd quarter of each year and as long as you have current SSA you get the upgrade free , so no reason not to go full version now , there is an option to Rent Premier too. Yes Photons on in all above pics but Caustics Off as they increase the time factor ...... Send your Plan to TS and get a few answers , as I see no reason Interiors shouldn't be able to do a good RT of an Interior, The Bleed is a known problem with the RT engine if there is no Roof or Floor system/foundation , not sure it classifies as a Bug though since the light needs something to bounce off and contain it... M.
  24. Okay ...in the night time view I thought it was a Terrace with doors leading out , in the daytime shot I see it is Windows and an Open Sash (casement) Window...
  25. the biggest issue is the Tone Mapping Settings ...just way to bright.... I set set it up something close to Graham's Post here .... Tone Mapping "ON" Contrast 35% Intensity 35% Softness 4% Color Correction 0% Brightness 48% Contrast 70% Saturation 50% https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/14512-lets-ray-trace/?do=findComment&comment=123490