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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Double check that your Library filters are still set to "NOT FILTERED" ie. show all
  2. The header itself ..... after moving the inner header member against the outer one and adding the top and bottom cap to do the section above (test) I noticed the Inner member had moved back to it's original auto build position flush to the inner face of the stud. It's possible my x9 template plan is playing Havoc once again , or I did in fact do a framing rebuild while trying different hings here in the thread and forgot about it. I had thought (wrongly?) that once we manually moved or altered a framing member that it was no longer included in an Auto Rebuild , so may need to be more careful and use the Retain wall framing box in the Wall's DBX. M.
  3. Ok , let me have a play in a Pure OOB CA X10 Plan.... cos apparently that works for you..... M.
  4. It maybe another Framing Issue with the use of Older version Files from X9 etc , like the Header Labels Issue with plans brought forward , I'll have to have a play in an X10 only Plan. Are you saying you have a Framing Sub Section in the Component DBX ? or did you add that F1 ? M.
  5. I made a report about the missing Framing in the Component DBX , but haven't heard if it is a Bug or just the "new way it's done" M.
  6. Some images would help explain the problem ...use the Windows Snipping Tool Also please fill in your Signature ....see mine below for how to do that , thanks.... M.
  7. Do you know the Thickness of the Thatch? adjust on >>>Roof Surface Structure TAB Do you have a Close Up, square on, Image/pic of the Thatch ? ...... to make a new Material out of....a seamless texture wouolld br best for a large surface like that. Cut the Roof Plane around the Upper Window so the wall will continue up. M.
  8. ***EDIT Nope apparently not you were right your code above works (thx) as he wants the Joist label in Ft-Inch , my way only gives inches by the looks of it... * make below the last line above and it will show the Type of Lumber or TJI as well ...you could also add depth x height if desired s = "#{array[0]}" + "' " + "#{f(array[1])}" +'"' + "' " + " " + type_name M.
  9. It will show inches for sure but I think you have unchecked the "default dimensions" box under label , so still have decimals showing....
  10. Try Changing the Roofing material in the Structure Tab to 1/4-3/8" thickness not the Wall Material Thickness... *** edit for Others.... you have to make the change manually for each roof plane, or use the Edit All Roof Planes tool; making the change in the Defaults will not modify existing roofs. M.
  11. Yes, I had to add the Display Options Icon Back to use while in the ML too. You can still add stuff to the Sub Categories Column, you just have to use the Component DBX to do it , however don't bother filling in the Description Field in the Component DBX as the ML Ignores it and it will still say "accessory" as that is what you add in the Component DBX , though you can change it in the ML. I was told by Support recently that the ML Description Field is Hard Coded which maybe why this happens?, and also why it Currently Calls Every piece of Lumber FIR unlike the Framing Schedule which says Spruce ...(when I use a Spruce Material I made that is , instead of the standard CA Fir Framing.) In the current case where the Component DBX isn't showing Framing for a wall , you still need to move the AC item to Framing with the Drop Down and create the Sub Category Name , so it shows in the ML under Framing. PS. I used a macro to fill in the number of studs in this example M.
  12. There is ....Eric simply misunderstood what you were trying to do, cos I know he knows this....... change the Primary Format to fractions not decimal places after making it Feet and inches ie: '-"
  13. been a while since I played with it , but the Label isn't an "option" or TAB, it is usually just a Text block which you can move , retype etc after exploding the CAD Block , once done you then re-select everything and "Block" it again, and make it the default for the symbol. M.
  14. I don't believe it is a migration issue , the Materials List has changed in X10 there is no longer a Sub-Categories section in Preferences ( so no button in components dbx either) , why I can't answer but you can add "accessories" through the Component DBX still , I had not noticed the Framing section of the Wall Component DBX is missing, so I am thinking bug too.
  15. because of the bug in the Trusses Building right if a lower roof is present below....
  16. I edited above while you responded....... your glass rail is setup incorrectly .... you have the wall material set as Glass. see above edit: forgot to mention to rebuild the framing after you fix the Railing...
  17. when was the last time you built the Roof in this plan ? It 's easier if you save the camera in the location you want people to look at ,so they can just open the saved camera. also you have not done your Signature...so people don't know what version you are using and both x9 and x10 are now active......see my signature to do yours... Your glass rail is setup incorrectly , use panel style and set the panel as glass.....you also set the interior and exterior wall to glass ...should be drywall sso you don't see the framing
  18. You have to select the Trusses not the Roof Planes , ( plan view , turn Framing-Roof Trusses on) .....Trusses are not part of the roof plane , just defined by it.... click on truss in the dropdown under framing , then hold shift and group select them all in plan view ,open, check rebuild box...done , all pretty quick... M.
  19. Select all the Trusses with a marquee select , open and choose "force truss rebuild">ok
  20. Check the ALDO and make sure that EVERY Layer has a blue Check mark under Display for the ALL ON Set......I am thinking at some point you have turned off Rim Joists for example , since I now see Joists. from what I can see in the pic your glass rail extends below the floor? M.
  21. you may need to open the symbol ( Chair and Pencil Icon not Book ) and alter the CAD BLOCK , you may need to insert it , explode it , move label , rename CAD Block and make it the default for the symbol and then resave the symbol to your library.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00805/editing-2d-cad-blocks-assigned-to-3d-symbols.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00380/deleting-unused-cad-blocks-from-a-plan.html
  22. playing with the Colour Picker tool ? it is the same colour as the Cabinet fill .....someone did the exact same thing other day.... M.
  23. you may need to Build the framing too if you haven't already and auto framing is off.... M.
  24. best to post in the Seeking Services Forum..... M.
  25. has anyone else had an auto header rebuild itself to CA's Default style after trying to alter one as I did? not sure if this is an X10 issue or cos it is a Legacy X9 Plan converted M.