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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Geforce Experience, will alert you to new Drivers , if you let it install with any new Driver ...you may already have it perhaps? but personally I don't use it and don't let it install, as I don't use any of it's other Features and being a Computer Enthusiast, I like to look after my own systems, and like to do a bit of research 1st to make sure the Driver is a "good" Version. Personally I have not found any difference in GR or Studio Drivers , in Chief or while doing some occasional gaming, and as far as I know Chief does not take advantage of any of the Studio Driver Enhancements that other 3D products like Blender and Maya do/can use. Chief , shows you the Driver in Use, in Preferences > Render > Video Card Status > Driver Version : ( last 5 digits are the Driver No# ) You can also right Click you Desktop and open the Nvidia Control Panel ( on Win 11 click Show more options 1st ) and in the bottom left Corner you will see "System Information" click it, and the DBX will show all the System info, the Driver No# being the 1st one. * Last Driver version NOT shown in pics above..... Mick.
  2. Edit the CAD Block perhaps with a 3g or ???? I use the Bonus library Richard mentions too, you can make them your Default Electrical items too. Mick.
  3. Latest Version Driver , suggested to me by Tech Support............. Version: 535.98 WHQL Release Date: 2023.5.30 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 DESKTOP - GAME READY DRIVER Version: 535.98 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/205173/en-us/ LAPTOP - GAME READY DRIVER Version: 535.98 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/205178/en-us/ STUDIO DRIVERS DESKTOP - STUDIO DRIVER Version: 535.98 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/205035/en-us/ LAPTOP - STUDIO DRIVER Version: 535.98 WHQL https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/205036/en-us/
  4. AFAIK Chief won't do it automatically, but you can copy the Handle you like, to your User Library and change the 3D Symbol , X,Y,Z Options and then place it in front of the Doors and move into Position for height etc. in and Elevation View ( and Plan view if you want to recess it slightly). Mick.
  5. The Title Block is all done on Page 0, and don't put anything on Page 0 you don't want on every page.... M.
  6. It will / would be A LOT OF WORK I thought Chief had a KB Tutorial on Eyebrow Dormers but couldn't I find it , but did find a Video on "Compound Curved Roofs" and the principles would be the same, just smaller, unfortunately, it will take quite a bit of trial and error as the Video is not very in-depth. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/709/compound-curved-roof.html?playlist=95 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/746/drawing-curved-and-barrel-roofs.html?playlist=95 Mick
  7. Winders Checked - should be all that is needed in this situation............. M.
  8. I think the REV-a Shelf Library for Chief was "Batch" converted , hence the material assignments aren't Real World and there is no easy way to fix them, unfortunately someone thinks that is "good enough as it only used for the Schedule and Ordering" , but Clients do actually like to see this stuff Chief Architect. Post a Sample plan with the offending symbols so Others can have a play if you can't figure it out...... @MarkMc can likely help.......... Mick.
  9. You should really post Questions in the Q&A Forum , this Forum is For Tips you want to share with Others.... But make Sure you have CAD Clippings Lines Shown in Elevation , and uncheck all the clipping options and just Clip to To Room 1st, and close the DBX, which should make Chief find the Wall/Ceiling/Floor Surfaces and then open the DBX again and Uncheck the Clip to Room again and close the DBX again. (don't enable any clipping options) Then back in Elevation , use the Clipping line to expose more as needed (or cut off more). This works for me at least ...... Also when using a Back Clipped Camera, always Pull the Clipping point to the OTHER side of the wall you want to Clip too other Chief sometimes has issues determining the Surface of the wall which show up as weird triangles in some elevations views, especially once sent to Layout. Mick.
  10. This stills happens here occasionally too, even when Walls and Footings are the Default Foundation AND the Room Type ( garage) has Mono Slab unchecked, so I am not sure what triggers it, and would turn off Room Below providing if I could permanently, as we aren't even allowed Slabs on Grade, even Garages have too have Stemwalls and Footings. M.
  11. You'd need to provide the Plan ( or a test plan with similar issues) , so people can give you advice as there are a number of things that could be wrong, and like you I suffer from this now and again as sometimes Chief is "too smart" ( or dumb? ) for it's own good. Some thoughts though... Slab thickness differences (Chief puts slabs right on the footing) stemwall heights Ceiling Heights M.
  12. Sounds like one for Tech Support , but it sounds like you no longer have Write Permissions to the Folder. Mick.
  13. Usually I wouldn't advise editing Walls manually , but if they are troublesome then you may need to break SOP and in an Elevation View try Editing the Walls Top and Bottom ( this auto adjust the Footing ) , similar to how you Step a Foundation. See the KB Article on the Technique.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01809/creating-a-stepped-foundation.html Mick.
  14. This should work I think..... but YMMV Mick
  15. Great news, happy to help. I've Update my List of Available Libraries as of May 31st 2023 , and posted the PDF here if you'd like a copy.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31252-list-of-x15-currently-available-libraries-as-at-may-31st-2023/?do=findComment&comment=246354 Mick.
  16. Library List Updated to May 31st, 2023. 469 Libraries now. PDF is in the 1st Post above. Mick.
  17. Chief No longer allows the Transfer of 2nd Hand Licenses unfortunately. You have to subscribe now , either on a monthly ($200 ) or yearly basis ($2000) M.
  18. When I search the Online Library ( on the Web ) I don't find an Adams Wood Catalogue, is it from an older Version than X14 perhaps? You could try deleting the Adams Wood .calib file from : C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Manufacturer Libraries or for the Bonus Plants here : C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X15\Bonus Libraries In my case there were actually (2) Marvin Windows .calib files , one with an x14 in the name, so perhaps you have something like that going on too? Mick.
  19. Yes. it won't transfer the Textures from the old folders for you (follow Mark's advice for that) , it will only add New Textures from the point you enable the Preference. As far as I know yes , deleting the Material in the User Library does not also delete the Texture in the Textures folder ( in case you want to remake it I suppose?) It should be fine to delete the X14 Folder , especially if you dont use the Chief folder to Store Client Data etc , but once the Textures Folder is empty , I think the Library will be pretty small. The Other folder you may want to back up is the database libraries folder which is where Chief keeps your User Library , but you can also ( before deleting any textures) Right Click on the User Library and Export it as a Backup to a safe location e.g. an external Drive. M.
  20. Well , these days extra Storage space is fairly Cheap, if a Clean up is due to needing more space on C:\ , ie you could add an extra 2TB or 4TB internal Drive for a D:\ or add an external 4TB or perhaps 8TB USB3 Hard Drive, so you can Archive Chief Data Folders etc ( and uninstall the old versions of the Program. You only need X15 now) This would also be a good location for your Chief Libraries Downloads, which would normally be downloaded, on Win 10 to the Default Windows Download Folder, most Browsers are set to use this Folder Automatically, if you didn't specify a specific Folder for Chief Library Downloads? Some Models from 3D Warehouse may not come with Textures , this is usually a sign that they were batch converted by a Corporation to say time and money, and Users are expected to open them in SU and apply there own "Finishes". Make sure this Preference is set for your downloaded Models and Material's you make Textures, to be saved to the Chief Textures Folder. Mark's advice to copy / paste all files in the older versions Textures Folder to the latest Version is good advice especially if you didn't migrate the Textures when you installed the latest version ( currently X15 ) as it is the 2nd place Chief looks for Textures ( the 1st being the Folder the Plan is in ). Mick.
  21. Sad but true , Users had to figure things out for ourselves and had done that before Chief's tutorials were posted.... Look up two old Threads here on the Forum... Lets Raytrace and Lets PBR Both started by Graham Korby aka User @TheKitchenAbode M.
  22. I am not sure if different in X15 , but in X14 you need that Set in Both Preferences AND the General Plan Defaults as Scott Shows above ( that is an X15 DBX though ). The General Plan Default can be set in your Template Plan and re-saved so you don't need to do it every plan. Mick.
  23. Kbird1


    I guess you've heard Plumbers with Chainsaws on your Projects too ? and need the Framers to Place Joists as needed for clear drops... * thx for the Library too. M.
  24. Just Zip the Plan/Layout perhaps?, not the Reference Files if the Permit Company is not creating or adding new materials etc. This may leave things out though, like PDFs and Images etc which maybe needed in Layout, so it may just be easier to sort the folder after unzipping and deleting .jpgs and .pngs ( or moving them to the default Textures folder Per Rene ) if it bothers you. M.
  25. Kbird1


    Chief does not do any Piping at all, never has, it also does not purport to be Code Compliant in any other area either. M.