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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. NO need to Copy and Paste as you work to a new Plan, simply do a SAVE AS with a revision Name or Number and you have an Identical Plan. this saves all the settings etc , in Defaults you may have changed from your Template , the Defaults in the Template, can mess up a plan if C&P is used eg say you went from 8ft stud height to 9ft etc ...you'd have to fix all that. a little more info on z-fighting : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00107/troubleshooting-why-materials-appear-to-flicker-when-a-camera-view-is-rotated.html M.
  2. You can use the Roof Plane Label instead of the Arrow and pitch by specifying the Label and inserting an Object Specific Macro..... (Red Arrow) or You can also use a simple Macro in a Text Box with Leader Line (arrow) connected to the Roof Plane ..... make a macro in TMM (text below), and then insert it into the Text box via the Text box DBX Roof Plane SqFt %surface_area% eg : You can find other simple Macro's simply by connecting a Text Box with Leader to most Objects and inserting the premade macro %objectproperties% which will fill the text box with all the premade Macros CA understands automatically , you can then use them to get the info needed, in this case all the info that the Polyline Info Tab shows.
  3. To help with this in the future , in your Template Plan , use the Insert Point Tool to place one at 0,0 and then find the Point and then save the plan , so that when you open a new plan the 1st thing you see is an X ....which you can delete from the same menu as the Place point Tool or simple hit the Delete key while nothing is selected in the plan. You can also turn on the Status Bar and Coordinates in Preferences so you can see where the Cursor is , if not done already..... The 0,0 and drawing close to it usually solves most of the Z-Fighting Issues Eric has shown.
  4. Are theses examples done in VectorWorks ? they look similar to some of the work I have seen from Landscape Architects in the Past, and they all used VW. M.
  5. Hi Bob , just be sure if you use My Method to Build Framing for each Wall AND Turn on Framing in ALL views or you won't see the Screened Walls. This Forum doesn't have a Solved Button AFAIK , just a Like Button on the Right side of a Post ( Heart in a Circle) , but what I have seen others do is Edit the 1st post and Add the Word [Solved] to the Thread Topic Heading and then add a link to the Best answer at the bottom of the 1st Post. If you right Click the Time and Date of the Best answer you can usually copy the Address/Link Location and then Paste it into the 1st Post eg: ( Or Copy and Paste this below) The Method that worked in this Situation : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/19216-screened-in-patio/?do=findComment&comment=157957 You could also link to Steve's Video Tips Posts for doing Flat Ceiling "Rooms" here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/19253-video-lesson-screen-porches-railing-walls-and-panels/?tab=comments#comment-158022
  6. It may depend on Local Codes but I thought the staircase had to be 39" ( 3'3" ) not 3' ? I think CA's Staircase is 39" by default too ?
  7. This tends to happen if the Wall extends less than it's own width past the intersecting wall in my experience ( CA is sometimes too smart for it's own good ) and as Mike said the easy fix is to Break The Wall and reverse the short section. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  8. It is an existing Sloped Alum. Patio Cover Bob wants to enclose, so he can't use Attic walls , T.Support confirmed the Railing Walls/Panels will not follow a Sloped Ceiling , which was my experience playing with this too , so I Used the Framing Materials Method as shown above. M.
  9. Try CADHatch at http://www.cadhatch.com/ they may have one made you can use? They have a free Pattern Generator for Tile and Brick but I don't think it can do a herringbone or Chevron style. M.
  10. Ahhh I guess things have changed a bit since then , think I had HD Pro10 back then. I think X8 can still read plans from that ERA. M.
  11. Will move my Cheif Data Folder back off Dropbox and see , thanks for the info.... Was thinking it maybe latest Nvidia Drivers maybe too? just trying to think what else may have changed lately since we haven't had a CA update for a few months now.... M.
  12. The Framing Wall Method works in your Plan too ...once I built a MonoSlab Foundation for the House ...... I didn't finish it but here is the plan to take a look.... M. Home 2_MHD Screen Walls.plan .
  13. I had no issue with the Gutters in this plan , but my issue is in ALL plans so I don't think it is a Defaults Issue as they are Plan Specific. Started using Dropbox recently as a test with my laptop , not sure if it is related though not sure it could effect anything like this.....
  14. I don't usually unlock them , but in this case the roof isn't complete and I wanted to pull it around the Corner etc At the moment I am having major issues with 3D views not regenerating on there own after a change and have to keep using the Rebuild 3D button to see if my changes were correct , seems to have been happening all week in different plans , not limited to this one..... M.
  15. Post the .plan File , I am sure people will have a play......probably better to ask/repost in the Q&A forum though for that.... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, if you are Using a Home Designer Title best to post over on HomeTalk rather than Chief Talk , as Chief USers would need to remember to Check the Box allowing you to Edit a Chief Plan. Of course a real Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M. M.
  16. I did not need to rebuild the roof planes as far as I remember?, just checked the Gutter Box in each roof plane and was able to change the Default Gutter to your one.... M.
  17. TS has confirmed that the Railing Walls will not work properly if the Ceiling is Sloped and we use a Post to Ceiling setting in the Railing Wall, Post to Beam may work as that causes the Attic wall to build on the gables but it won't be Screened but the normal siding instead. *** I am not sure if Steve's method works on Sloped Ceilings as his Video does not show that particular Case? I have another method ( Below ) but this is T.S. reply...... Thanks for contacting Technical Support. I tried several different methods to get this to work, but ultimately the issue is that the software does not have ability to cut the panels in the railing. So when we adjust the railing height to reach the roof line, the remainder will poke through the roof at the lower sections of it. While you could use the break wall tool to adjust multiple sections, the result then is that your center line is skewed with each section. Alternately, you could use a regular wall, and fill the area with windows altering the trim to create the look of your posts. Then the Glass can be painted with a Screen material as detailed in this article: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00747/creating-a-screen-porch.html Framing Material Method. It is a similar method to my Board and Batten and RainScreen Libraries where you add extra Framing Layers (and the Mesh to a new Wall Definition) , I abandoned using Railing Walls for the Screened Porch and just make sure to have Framing Built and Turned on in ALL Views..... The Rail at 36" can be added via Wall Blocking at the desired Height using the Wall Detail Window. Seems to work fine for the most part with a bit of manual reframing eg at the Corners. Plan : MHD_Screened Porch - Framing Material Method.plan Mick.
  18. Yes, sorry forgot to mention your Roof Planes all have the Gutter check box Off..... I also unlocked the Gutters in Plan View ( on by default ) to manipulate the Auto Gutters as needed in my Plan. M.
  19. Hi P. I had a play and copied your Gutter Profile via a CAD to View Detail , and it worked well , but are you sure of your sizes ? as it looks deeper than the Pic of the actual Gutter... Plot3V5_Gutter Profile.plan M.
  20. Hi P. In CA, Gutters are actually Mouldings and do not need to be closed Polylines. When Drawing Mouldings for CA use, you ALWAYS start from the left Side and work to the Right ...essentially flip the Image above of your Gutter 180° , then CA will join them automatically. A CA Tutorial on Gutters : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00677/drawing-a-custom-gutter-molding-profile.html and https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00824/editing-a-molding-profile.html
  21. I think you could multiple the "count" x 1500 etc see if this helps https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2438/using-formuals-in-materials-lists.html?playlist=104
  22. Wendy did a great tutorial Series a few years ago in the Tips Forum https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/6824-annotation-sets-wendys-oob-mods-and-instructions/?tab=comments#comment-78326 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/6468-stream-of-stuff-from-wendy/ @WendyatArtform
  23. That is how I do As-Built > Proposed > Final Drawings and have never seen that Issue..... No sure which version of Chief is Chief 10A though?
  24. You saved CA original Bonus libraries to USB or you exported Libraries to USB and later Re-imported them? I have not seen any issue importing Direct downloaded CA Files going into the Wrong Library. Re-download them perhaps? Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M.
  25. A Manual roof could be done but Invisible walls around the Lobby may give you the Roof all Auto too. You are probably on the right track for the Store Front Windows , you will likely need to set the Window Defaults Separation Value to 0" 1st though so you can bump each window upto the one next to it , a small thin Casing , maybe needed to cover the gaps due to the angles , I am not sure how Mulling the Windows will work in this particular case. M.