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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. In my Pic? just the default off the Build Menu..... M.
  2. Pucks and Floros made for that location should auto find the bottom of a Wall Cabinet , check the Symbol in use and make sure the Option Mounts to bottom of Wall Cabinet is Checked.
  3. Hi Zack , welcome aboard.... that is cos you broke the wall, placed the Fireplace and then joined the Wall back together Just push the fireplace up against the wall and let it "auto" place.... then when re-selected, it should show a Diamond handle , grab it and drag the fireplace "box" thru the Wall
  4. Wall Heights in CA are governed by the Roof/Ceiling Height as a general Rule...... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00772/building-a-cape-cod-roof-by-adjusting-ceiling-heights.html ***PS ......in CA you can NOT draw walls etc on the ATTIC Level and get a Room Definition , and CA uses the "Room" to control Heights etc so that is an issue. This Tutorial on Manual Dormers may help you get Started : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00449/creating-a-manual-dormer.html there is also a Series of Videos on Dormers : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?default_tab=video&q=dormers this one is specifically Manual Dormers https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/9923/focus-manual-dormers.html Mick
  5. Easy to do in CA as you can see above...just remember in the Real World you need somewhere for the Water to go off that Corner and a 6" gutter will not do it , you'll end up with a nice Waterfall there, every time it rains otherwise. You might consider not having the Gables and just make it one long Dormer Roof instead .....that way you have a full length gutter and more head Room in the Stairs/Bathroom too. M.
  6. Hit F1 and put BackClipped into the Search Area , and the link on the left to Cross Sections and Elevations has a good explanation.... scroll down for Diagram... You can open the BC Camera View and set the distance of the Backclip exactly if needed. The Backclipped Cross Section tool includes only the objects or portions of objects between the starting point and stopping point of the camera’s Line of Sight.
  7. Is it possible to do ? is that what you are asking? yes i think so.... The photos of your Monitor are very hard to see , please use Windows Snipping Tool in Accessories to take Screen Captures instead Also please do you Forum signature , thanks....
  8. I guess you could SEND TO (the same) LAYOUT from the Different Plans for each Floor, and avoid the trying to copy back into one Master Plan to do the ConDocs but once again , not something I regularly do.
  9. Set Double Rim Joist in the Wall Type (Railing) Default Settings , on the Structure Tab. Default is Automatic = Single as far as I can tell. Mick.
  10. There is also AwesomeBump which is free (open source) on GIT HUB , and a few other Sites which have Tutorials and Videos for it. https://sourceforge.net/projects/awesomebump.mirror/ Youtube tutorials: Tutorial #1. Generating normal texture from heigth texture Tutorial #2. Generating height texture from normal texture Tutorial #3. Generating normal, height, specular and occlusion textures from one image Tutorial #4. Building AwesomeBump from source Tutorial #5. AwesomeBump v1.0 presentation: Seamless textures and perspective tool Tutorial #6. AwesomeBump v2.0 presentation Tutorial #7. AwesomeBump v2.1 presentation Tutorial #8. AwesomeBump v2.1- starting from normal texture Tutorial #9. AwesomeBump v3.0 presentation: PBR textures Tutorial #10. AwesomeBump Pi (3.14) overview + materials texture feature. Tutorial #11. AwesomeBump v4.0 grunge maps. A quick cheat is to copy and paste the texture file info used on the Texture Panel into the BumpMap Panel and just use it... M.
  11. Most Roofs in N.Amer. with a Parapet are Flat roofs and the Roof drains to it's own downpipes ( and scuppers) not to internal gutters, personally I have not seen these "fake" Parapets with a normal sloped roof behind them in your 2nd pic. I am not sure what you are calling a Soffit block or how you are using it , so can't really say why you are getting a gap, but I would of thought a normal wall could be used to do the Parapet? have a look at this KB Article.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00295/creating-a-flat-parapet-roof.html
  12. Kbird1


    Try keeping multiple Versions of each plan as you go while learning, eg do a Save As every hour with a new Rev.No# , so if you get too far down the Rabbit Hole chasing an Error like this one , you can step back a few versions if needed and try again.... might want to try setting your Redos at 30 or even 50 too. Post as many Questions as you want too Levina , lots of good people on the Forum who are willing to help....... just remember there is a REF.Manual and an Online Help (F1) to try 1st along with the KnowledgeBase Tutorials.... The New Tutorial Guide for X10 is worth going through too..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/34/roofs.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/documentation.html
  13. Kbird1


    The "lost Wall" is actually just inside the Front Door under the "Entry" label over the front door.....you could delete both.... It appears you have used the same Siding 6 Exterior Wall for many of the 1st floor walls in the House including the interior walls so I am not surprised CA is a bit confused the LH Garage wall should be marked a Hip roof.....you might want to read through the Roof Types Tutorial and refresh yourself on the basic styles and how to set them up. There is also 2 exterior walls on the 2nd floor on RH Side , easily seen in Plan view but also seen in 3D looking at the back Corner of the house. Corner board not aligned M.
  14. Kbird1


    Hi D3 , The Overhang may need to be done manually , unless the Upper floor doesn't align with the Main floor? can't tell in your pic.... *** the lower roof will build off the Porch Railing wall which you haven't drawn yet.... Attach the plan file while it is closed in Chief and some will look for you I am sure... Mick
  15. It would mean having to use 2-3-4 Licenses for multiple Users and I think it might get pretty messy trying to copy floors back to a Master Plan at the End but I have not tried to do that specifically as I'm not 3 people M.
  16. I would say from the Names above you should be able to get them from the Samples Gallery along with the PDFs and Videos if any are available for that Plan. Also Dalton Remodel and Riverstone I think and the Hillside Contemporary as I labelled that one X7 2015
  17. I thought they used to list that but then they always think you have the latest which can open anything.... What year was X7 ? 2014? , I can look and see if I downloaded any Samples myself in whichever year.
  18. Good catch but it appears to be only in plan view they aren't dimensioning accurately once stretched
  19. Check the Sample Gallery..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html
  20. You can also once clicked Close to what you want, use the Next icon on the Toolbar or perhaps quicker use the TAB key to scroll through things in the area of the Click. M.
  21. I changed the Wall type to Railing Fence from Interior Railing (what you are seeing is the Drywall on the wall/floor below the railing) and checked Follow terrain and it seems to fix it, you'll need to alter the height again as you lose the Floor thickness from the height. Check DJP's video for other Ideas , I didn't look at it....
  22. The Error reporting message does work , once they had a bad plan from me they were able to check those reports and figure out an Issue for me earlier in the year, so it is worth send bad plans in. *** Re the EKG I can relate , exact same thing happened to me, She was so freaked out, She pulled me off the Treadmill before it even stopped. She forgot to push record or something in the Panic, so I heard the Cardiologist telling her off.....I offered to get back on the treadmill ( I hadn't felt a thing) but there was no way they'd let me.
  23. did you try 3D Warehouse? (Trimble) M.
  24. Thanks Mark , that sounds good and makes me wonder even more why CA's symbols can't measure to centers too.... The 0" high seems wrong but it works ? that's one I haven't seen before. M.