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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Defaults>Plan>Living area Checkbox at the bottom assuming you just turned it off....
  2. It was an issue with earlier versions of X10 and certain Nvidia Drivers , try installing Driver past the 399. series , though the latest is in the 416.xx now... There is a thread I made earlier in the year about it here :
  3. All Good by Alan above , this is similar to what I posted earlier..... Do not use the white styrene between the Sleepers , it is next to useless as far a R-Value use one of the Dow Products , locally it is blue or pink depending on r-Value etc. I have used Laticrete HydroBan on existing Floors before to retard moisture if the concrete slab is old cracked or may have moist issues etc . Roll the floor twice , once in each direction with a 19mm Roller Sleeve and disposable tray etc. it sets up as a thin layer of rubber like Membrane. We also use it to waterproof out Tile Showers, so any left overs won't go to waste if you have two bathrooms to do too. If by batten/net insulation between the joists in the new area, you mean you intend to use fiberglass batts, I'd be inclined to use Rigid there too, sealed in with cans of spray-foam, especially if you intend to heat the floor eg under Tile in the Bathrooms. You could also do a Foam sandwich with 1/2 ply on the Joists. 2" Dow Foam , then 3/4 ply on top..... this means hanging ht joist 2.5" lower though and perhaps double bottom plates , but has worked well in the past for me. M.
  4. Perhaps try a standard USB PC Keyboard 1st.....much cheaper Option.... or a different Mac Keyboard? I use a old Mac Keyboard on a 2nd PC with no issues , but I don't think it has a Numlock Key like a PC Keyboard , but then I don't know Macs so perhaps Numlock is done a different way? Win10 can disable the NUMPad at Boot time and force you to use the Number Keys , not sure if MAC OS does something similar?
  5. could perhaps do the Perimeter in 2 or3 x 8"high CMU instead then? and backfill with Gravel/Sand once plumbing is done, then 4" Slab over VB. The generic CAD details in the CA Library may give you some more Ideas...... if Pro has them?
  6. Auto Roofs is turned Off in your plan that is all
  7. Forum User Drawzilla (Perry) is in San Diego County I believe ...... perhaps PM him.... he already works with an Engineer , see this post... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/20205-raising-family-room-floor/?do=findComment&comment=164801
  8. I am no expert on DWs for sure, at one point in time I seem to remember having to allow for the cabinet sides or they wouldn't go in, I am not actually sure if anything changed in X10 ? as I haven't had to play with them except for today, but DWashers have always been a PITA. In the Past there were no 18" ones available , so you had to drop it in the open 1st and resize it , and once you do that it seem you can jam it almost anywhere you want..... but as noted it seems to change the Origin etc doing that. I looked and I see GE has several 18" ones in there Profile Line now , so perhaps other Manufacturer Library's have them now too ..... M.
  9. You Signature doesn't say what Version you have, which is important info , but in some versions of CA this is related to the VideoCard Drivers , .......system specs can be added to your Sig. too. If you have a Nvidia Card, there is this thread..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-drivers-updated-and-a-possible-fix/ M.
  10. The other Option is to reset it permanently if you need to do this Often.......CA does not recommend this Practice though. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18761-opening-2-layouts-at-the-same-time/?do=findComment&comment=160101
  11. Someone has set them per Chief's usual Appliance Origin Specification which is Back,Center,Bottom......but I think they were Created (drawn backwards?) or something originally. This is likely the issue with the imported Miele DW symbol too. @Alaskan_Son One of the Symbol Experts like Michael could explain it better but below is the Page from the Ref.Manual as a cheat Sheet. Symbol Origins_CA-x10-Ref.Man.p964.pdf In fact Michael is having a Workshop on Monday if you want to learn more about Symbol Manipulation, not sure if he is covering the basics too?. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/20108-advanced-symbol-manipulation-workshop/
  12. Maybe with invisible walls? But if you want help , you'll need to post the plan , add the .plan file to a post , just make sure it isn't open in Chief when you do it as Chief locks the file. If the File is over 25mb you can try Zipping it 1st before posting. Note: the posted Image is very hard to see any details on due to size and Colours used. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature below then you have them turned off for the Forum, so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window ^^^^ and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature is enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  13. It does appear The Bounding box is on the wrong side of the Symbol .... there are some weird consequences of resizing some Appliances, probably because the stretch Planes aren't set up correctly to do that or at all. I don't have Miele Dishwashers in my library ? , so not sure where you got that one either.... I assume you know 18" dishwasher won't fit in and 18" cabinet ( 16.5"?) , so the Bounding box is likely the Issue there again. ie. I can see it says 17 5/8 in the Pic so if the Cabinet is 18" you would get the error message as the hole is only 16 1/2 (18" less 2x 3/4" sides) M. Edit : it appears that most if not all Chief's Default Dishwashers have their Origins set incorrectly in their Symbols , try with X.Y,Z set at 0". Some are -4 so below the Floor and others have the depth set at 22" or 23" except Dishwashers unlike a free-standing stove or Fridge are placed flush with the front of the Cabinet , not back against the Wall, and it appears they were created to do this. More info page 963 of the Reference manual. @Adrean
  14. Rene's Window with the Updated Screen Material above : Rene's Milgard Slider_New ScreenMat..calibz
  15. Most people Use the Default Template in the Correct size and then customise it as needed but there are examples in the Sample Gallery , in Plans like Lake Point, Grandview and Joey Martin's AIBD Example Set at the Bottom. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html
  16. Building Codes are different everywhere , even City to City boundary , so they ( City Official) are your best Guide, though admittedly some are not that helpful , as if you are "Designing it, you Should know" , at least that is how some Officials think. It is quite possible in 1955 no VB was used , codes were very lacks back then and very tough now especially in Cali., Perhaps your Carpet Installer "knew" something? You maybe be Best to contact one of the California Based Designers on the Forum like Richard Morrison (in PaloAlto?) or Perry (Drawzilla). My comments were based on personal experience as a Design-Builder , not necessarily "Code" , as when I posted I didn't know where you were located. The American Wood Council has Span Tables for Free (PDF) and an online calculator and also free Android and iOS Apps, along with other Design Papers etc available for all to use. Not sure about your local City but my mine has Handouts for Home Owners for common things like Garages Basements etc. Calc. https://www.awc.org/codes-standards/calculators-software/spancalc PDFs https://www.awc.org/codes-standards/spantables
  17. Should be in your Digital Locker then.... KB.
  18. More information is need really especially if you want Code help ...ie where are you?.....but some general advice...... 1.) there should be VB under the existing Slab........putting it on top too will cause it to "sweat" in my experience ( if moist is present in slab....should be tested). 2.) All Sleepers should be on sill gasket not VB. 3.) 2x8 joist will be "bouncy" if Span is more that 8' 4.) Use a Ledger to double up at edge of existing slab (over Sill Gasket if touching concrete) for better nailing of J.Hangers and Flooring ( don't allow Sheet joins at this point, lap new ply 2' either side (Or more depending on direction) 5.) excavated Soil needs to be covered and sealed with VB AND preferable a 2" thick "Rat" Slab of concrete to retard Moisture and vermin. M. Please do your Signature, thx !
  19. I was told as it is an online only exam it is not possible to supply Practice Exams..... that was when they told me about the Free retry , at the time they didn't have an X10 Exam available so I put it off, but should by now I'd think. M.
  20. The Competency Matrix PDF is all the CA will supply, I asked earlier in the Year about Practice Exams etc. Price is 50% off if you have SSA at $95 with one free Retry. M.
  21. One way is to find a common point between the Floors like a Corner, turn on the Reference Layer (F9) ,select everything on one floor and use the Point to Point move tool ( ignore error messages) and use the Corner to move everything selected..... some Clean Up maybe required afterwards. Try in a Save As Version of your Plan to Practice 1st..... M
  22. I believe Graham is right....ie. to export any 3D File type you must be in a 3D View to do it...
  23. Did you use the Log Truss Library last time perhaps? it's been around for 4-5 versions.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/915
  24. A Custom Countertop with a Custom CT Hole will make a Column Base "Sleeve" , being a Countertop allows you to add mouldings to the edge and it can be assigned it's own new layer for the now you see it, now you don't option. As with all CA Workarounds there are a few quirks but it works.....would not work on a Symbol though, as the whole Column would be the Symbol and on 1 layer.... But the Base "Sleeve" could be Converted to a Symbol of it's Own , eg as Millwork and then put on a Custom Layer just for it....
  25. Chief's Library also comes with Green , Grey , Milk (white) ,Tempered ( green tinge ), and Laminated ( Bluish) ready made Some manufacturers Like Marvin also have Glass under Options. M.