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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Do a Forum Search as MarkMC did a plan a while back which had a few different ones in it ...... ***edit found it easier than I thought.... @MarkMc
  2. It's another of those half done features that has never quite been finished and has ALOT of quirks.....there is a (many) reason most don't use it or only use it when there is no choice
  3. You don't need to use all CAPS Jim ...in internet speak that is the same as "shouting"..... Hold the Ctrl Key as mentioned on your other Thread to open two instances at once.... M.
  4. I had a play around with a couple of textures I found online , the single tiles cause too many Repeats for my liking, so I made them into 4'x6' samples too rotating the image to break the repeat. If you have Photoshop skills you can likely do better, I just used Paint to do these, but should give you the idea..... they will be in a Folder called Marble once imported to your User Library. M. MHD_Tile_Carrera Marble.calibz
  5. Check the Ref. Manual page 812 onwards....
  6. Printing a Screen capture would be the easiest way..... M.
  7. I use the Windows Snipping Tool in Accessories for doing this and also DBX etc This can also be done.......... by holding the Control Key and Clicking the Chief Icon again....
  8. The easiest method as Phil and Mark mentioned is to find a Tile in the Library of the desired size and then change the Texture to the desired Carrera Marble, this can be hard as you need a nice image of the tile you want to use eg from the Manufacturer's Website . The DalTile Library has a number of 12x24 Tiles too eg in the Kimono Silk or Pietra Jura or EC1 Folders. There is a Short CA Video on making Custom Tile which might give you some more insight too : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10145/creating-custom-tile-materials.html
  9. Normally trusses will automatically remove/replace any (Automatic) Framing they intersect or in their immediate area eg Roof Rafters or Walls, and the Reduced Gable End Truss normally replaces the Gable End wall's (Attic) Wall Framing automatically if it is placed correctly behind the Sheathing. This is just a Test Building which I put Trusses on only 1/2 the roof and as you can see the Reduced Gable End Truss (Black) has removed the wall framing seen on the other end of the Building. As you can also see there is no rafters between the trusses I made White for easier identification *** rebuild framing if you don't get similar results
  10. I do believe I am slightly closer to Idaho than you however it seems to post before you or Eric I have to come here at 2AM but all good, as long as someone is answering right !
  11. You could copy and paste one of mine into your Plan , depending on the Object Type I am not sure if everything will be "blockable" in the 3D model. Glenn's (or the STD) way will most likely work better I think if you want to resize and then rebuild Roofs M.
  12. That's surprising , Win 10 will normally try and update your Drivers along with Win10 itself., can't remember if it was 398.36 or 398.98 that had some issue for me though. 391.24 was a good driver for me too and 399.24 too........ https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/137729 I am using 417.35 on my desktop though.
  13. It appears I just didn't have a nice dark gray texture to use in the Normal slot ...I do have that Swirl-Grey in your pic above and it works Your Material Works fine too , so thanks. M.
  14. Thanks Jintu , for some reason I could not get the results you were so will try this one out , much appreciated. Mick.
  15. I almost made a note last night to say you'd know how to fix it however I should have thought of that too but hardly every use that option actually. M.
  16. I have never seen or heard of an access denied error from the NV Control Panel , which Nvida driver Version are you on currently? I have had some bad interaction between the Intel iGPU Drivers and the dedicated NV GPU Drivers though. the latest are 417.35 , the notebook version is here : https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/141171 It sounds like it was using the intel iGPU for 3D previously ...which is why I recommended you set the OpenGL which Chief 3D uses to the Nvidia Card. Unlike games it seems the NV Driver does not recognise CA as a 3D App and doesn't switch to the more powerful card. It will use the intel card for 2d like the plan views to save battery unless you set the Preferred Card to the Nvidia card for full time use , will use more battery though but not a big deal if always plugged in on your Desk.
  17. Glenn's way seems to work fine , though there are a few quirks for example , the Framing builds thru the Corners in plan view even though they should be 6X6s ( okay in 3D) and the Posts will center on the Wall and that may not be desired in this case. ie you likely want the Walls flush to the inside so the posts don't stick out at the interior Corners. It does let you spec a 2x Wall Cap though which maybe desired eg for a Bar Top. Other way would be to Use the Framing Tools and Place the 4 Posts and Beams and then add the Sheathed one side Walls, build the Roof Auto (if not on), turn Roof Auto Build off, drag the walls down in elevation to the desired height and frame them. I also needed to uncheck "Roof over this Room" in the Room DBX so it framed the walls to the new height . You would need to do your own wall cap this way with a molding line or p-solids. M. STD Railing way Pavilion Plan 1_MHD.plan Post and Frame Way Pavilion Plan 2_MHD.plan
  18. Oh no worries i guess it wasn't clear from my smilies that I knew you were just teasing me..... We actually posted almost at the exact same time.....
  19. Thanks for the Tip Jintu , that looks very nice..... Would you mind exporting the Material from your Library and sharing the calibz file please , so far my attempts to duplicate it have not worked , and I am not sure what Glass you started with? and don't have that basalt.jpg file you used for the grey either..... thx.
  20. Here are the ones I have found on the Forum and altered a bit to play with in the past Shane..... , put the Skylight on the Roof and it's corresponding Skylight as Window into a short Wall off to the side.... you need to cut your own Roof holes with the Skylight symbol if needed for 3D views just remember that the Hole should be shorter than the Skylight top to bottom ( due to roof slope) and to make the Frame 1/16" tall and wide, the Symbol can sit on top of that hole then, the hole will also do the Framing. All Credit to JoeCarrick for this method. Skylights for Window Schedule Use_MHD.calibz
  21. The heart on the RH side of each post allows you to give Users reputation Points and Likes/dislikes as a Thank you, hover over it for Options with your Cursor.
  22. I think you still have to fake it in X10 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/8493-adding-skylights-to-the-window-schedule/?tab=comments#comment-74818 or make a special symbol https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/5531-skylight-symbol-roof-accessories-schedule/?tab=comments#comment-48387
  23. My guess would be the Dimensions etc are using the X10 Defaults if you haven't changed them or Imported Defaults from one of your old plans. Under Preferences>General>New Plans you will find the files and location of the Template plan used for every new Plan.... If you migrated your x10 install it maybe using the settings from X9 and hence an X9 Plan file for your new Plans even in X10 Yours won't be the same as mine in the pic but the pic shows where to look.... yours is more likely here: C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X10 Data (interiors)\Templates\X10_Residential Template.plan M.
  24. 1st post.... ps: DBX is short for Dialog Box here on the Forums...
  25. Hi TV , not sure if you new laptop has Nvidia Optimus but make sure to set OpenGL to the Nvidia Card in the NV Control Panel , you can aslo add CA to the Program Tab and set further Options there too. here is more info on Optimus too : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17190-inserting-object-from-library-browser-freezes-most-of-the-app/?tab=comments#comment-144430