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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Might be worth checking this Thread as He had issues with the Tutorial too......
  2. Have a look into creating Custom CAD Blocks for your Symbols , it works and isn't too hard to do..... ohhhh CS beat me to it..... Some CA KB Tutorials on working with CAD Blocks https://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?default_tab=support&q=CAD+Blocks M.
  3. No Problem.....not 100% sure if it was the Ponywall causing the Issue or the Bow Window Depth in the End , not sure why the 4" high Ponywall was there and didn't notice it at first M.
  4. Excellent Point...... one Wall (or Railing) seems to be enough to get the Auto Cameras to work..... no limitation if you shoot your own elevation Camera though.
  5. And don't forget the Knowledgebase (KB) too.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/database.html But one way is 3D>Create Auto Elevations> (pick camera needed) or Selecting the Elevation Camera on the ToolBar and placing the Camera as needed. At some point , don't forget to do your Forum Signature too, Version no# is important info.
  6. Good idea to add the X10 info to your Sig. John , that info is needed for nearly every answer.... If the Room Heights on the Floor are no longer at defaults they won't change back, Change one Room if needed to desired Height , then use the Match Properties Tool and choose Ceiling Elevation then click the Apply Properties Button ( on edit toolbar) and click in each Room. M.
  7. they do happen , especially if the Computer doesn't get a Daily reboot....
  8. Not sure if it is Clear Rocky ...you need to be in a 3D view (any Type) then goto 3D> View Direction >Top View This does not work from Plan View (greyed out)
  9. It probably means you started it in or but now have ... .8 was a minor update to deal with and update Menu item (activation) only IIRC. If you save it with .8 , there should be no reason you can't open it with .8 again but I would use the Save as Menu item instead and add a revision number to your Plan Name just incase there is some snafu. If you place a rich text box and add the macro from the insert menu for Program Version it will tell you what version it was drawn in.... eg mine in X10 There will be a autosave in the Archive Folder too, assuming you have Autosave on in Preferences too.
  10. It checks about once a week depending on you preferences setting......and usually asks if you want to update AFAIK though , have a look at Help About and check what version you have... Latest version should be in your Digital Locker for Download... or here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates/oldupdates.html
  11. I have, that is why I thought of it , and it may have been in X9 too , don't remember seeing it in X10.
  12. This Setting effects nothing but the Dialog Box itself (DBX) and how it Displays..... you must use the Preferences>CAD settings as Richard pointed out.
  13. There were 5? versions of X9 too I think.... was the last...
  14. Is the Plan one you got from someone with X8 or perhaps a 2017 HD title? it's also possible you started it an older version of X9 and then upgraded to the latest? (
  15. The Layout of the Tile is done in Respect to the 0,0 point on the Coordinate grid, not from where-ever you place the tile, that is why you need different materials.....( same material-renamed) so you can set different Origins (otherwise they would all follow the change). I usually use Wall Material Regions these days for do this sort of thing. I think you can delete all the textures you posted above to cleanup the thread.... M.
  16. It's an old Tip,.... I think from Dan Baumann at ChiefExperts And I didn't say anything about changing the Snap Distance.....just sayin ...
  17. There is a Library with Window Wells in it ..... not sure if it's what you need? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/981 I think they have redone some of the Video Library as I noticed some Videos on CAD I had bookmarked missing as well last week.
  18. I am curious what the Thread Title P Anstey Australia has to do with importing DWG Surveys? , certainly does not make a Good informative thread Title.....and thus garner you more help... Don't forget to do your Forum Signature , so people know what Software version you are using and can give appropriate answers M.
  19. It's not the Raised Floor Doug , your Bow window doesn't seem to have enough Depth , once I pulled it out a few inches it fixed itself. The Bow Window automatically make the main wall a Pony wall which you need to set the lower wall to the Main Wall Type as well. The Red circles are where you have some Broken walls and alignment issues too. (both sides of the house actually) Edit: just found you have a 3"-4" high pony wall between the foundation and main wall on that side of the house too, and the Bow Window is in it it appears , not the main wall of the house.... 2nd pic. Mick.
  20. Jeldwen is another Brand which I use , and has multiple different Lines depending on the Clients' Budget, and a line for Coastal Use called the Atlantic Series. They also have a line available through the BigBox Stores ( HD, Lowes etc) which isn't on their Website...the 3500 Series.....bit nicer than the Builders 2500 Series and not as expensive as the 4500 / Premium Series. They have Revit symbols only currently...... pity CA doesn't Import them (yet?) Their site for Designers and Builders is Here : http://professionals.jeld-wen.com/
  21. I use the Free BullZip PDF Printer usually ( and not just for Chief ) , file sizes are generally smaller , sometime by a substantial amount, but depending on line weights and Colour the Built-In Chief PDF Printer can give the best Output. Chief will Update ALL views before it Prints by default, (AFAIK) this is likely the cause of the Delay at Print Start Up especially if using Live View not Plot lines. Chief can be slow reproducing alot of Lines , which may account for the Slow down when a Survey with lots of elevation lines is included....
  22. Try increasing the Maximum Bump Distance in Preferences>Edit>Snap Properties>Options to 200 ( allows a move of further distance before bumping is turned off automatically I believe) and lower down is the Bumping Pushing Setting under Other Snaps................ is it checked?
  23. It maybe in the Tips Forum, Michael (AlaskanSon) wrote a post or two about making the "Cutout Tool" to make using the Wall Layer Cutouts easier. @Alaskan_Son