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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Open the Ponywall wall type>select framing layer> Change Material>Plan material> select Framing 16OC >Copy >Rename Framing 16OC Black> General Tab change colour to Black > Texture Tab Blend with Texture > Save
  2. At some point it becomes intuitive on what to click on to move what with Dimensions and most of the experienced Users obviously don't think about it a lot anymore but I found when I first started out i was better off to NOT close the loop , and leave the last wall out, not sure if that may help you or not? Things have also changed in CA since then though ie we can now draw anti clockwise etc but in general I don't from habit since Auto reverse on walls is 100% infallible. We also have options on the move with Dims now....make sure you know what those Icons mean and turn on Wall Start and finish indicators if you haven't. M.
  3. You can blend Black with the Framing Texture ( Copy the Framing material 1st) for the Pony Wall, to eliminate the end wall issue....don't just make the Framing material Black Colour as it won't frame if you do. I didn't use Michael's RO / S trim method so I am not sure , mine is a WMR as noted above..... Are you not having a Casing? (looking at your plan view)
  4. Thankfully someone's memory is better than Mine , thanks Maureen
  5. In the BOAT video he puts it in his 15.6" laptop bag ...just....though he says the bag he had on hand was smaller than some.... I see Origins new Models are going thin bezel and IPS too.... If budget isn't so important waiting for the new models to come out in the next 3-6 months maybe a good idea , it may also push the price down on some existing models as new lines come out so that maybe good too for some.
  6. I haven't tried Michael's S shaped Trim above but NO , as you can only have one side recessed to the framing. I had never noticed before that "recessed" only works on the Exterior side but makes sense for exterior Walls where you want it recessed to sheathing on the Exterior Only but doesn't help in this situation though I am guessing it was not intended for this Application either. The other problem with using the Casing as the Gap too, is that the Gap in my experience does not go to the floor typically but follows the outer edge of the trim. But if you set the Casing on the other side to 1/16th thick , it is hard to see that it is 1/16th thick since it is the same colour as the Door jamb (frame) and the Material region still make it look like the Gap it there. 1/2" thick and 1/16th thick casing
  7. It's a deep hole , I can attest to that...... I also looked at this new Asus as it's 17" screen is IPS like ( my eyes don't do TN) and it is about the same as a 15.6" in size and getting good reviews , has thin bezels with a small bonus in that Win10 uses 100% scaling on a 17"....... There is a very similar new MSI but it has not been available locally..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94-hKvT9exc At NBR : http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/official-asus-rog-strix-scar-ii-gl704gm-dh74-owner’s-lounge.826087/ Check the Full Model number though as there seems to be a few different models etc on NBR....
  8. Yep getting the Black shadow detail on the Door Casing is an issue as we can't build up the molding ( ie add a backband) like we can with the Base. A Material Region works but you wouldn't want to do that for Every Door in a House , but for a few Views i guess it wouldn't be Bad, nice thing is the WMR cuts itself out in the Door so you can make one 1/2" taller than the Door with Casing and an 1" wider and you are good to go.... no need for 1/2" strips... I noticed Earlier that setting the Door to Recessed to Main Layer so casing is flush to drywall only works on the exterior side of the Door/wall M.
  9. If the Pony Wall is Frame Only it's not needed ...it's what I did above.... I guess you just used a 1" thinner wall? actually I think you used a 0" think black layer over the Framing to make the Shadow..... probably a better Idea than the 2 mouldings I used above....
  10. I thought they might be but Mark is more up on Laptops than me.....They are one of Clevo's main competitors and are also used by Eluktronics , CyberPower and OverPowered (Walmart) and a number of Other Brands... Bob of All Trades has reviewed a few of their Products on his YT Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/satanjamez/search?query=tong+fang NBR review: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/over-powered-15-lp2-tongfang-gk5cn6z-benchmarks-temps.826919/
  11. You didn't dig deep enough on Origin Site then as I was just looking at them in 1060-1070 and 1080 models....NT series....and NS I think M.
  12. You have Roof and ceilings OFF , for most of the Stalls and other Rooms on that Level , you need both to build trusses..... so use the match properties Tool to turn them back on.... PS your Ceiling Plane is there on the other side......and trusses are working
  13. In the two end Wall's Structure DBX check Balloon Framing Through.... that should fill them in Ps in Preferences on the Arch. Tab ...turn off Automatically Place Roof Intersection Points to stop the pink crosses, to delete the existing X's hit Space a couple of times to make sure nothing is selected , then push the Delete Key on your Keyboard till they are all gone....on each floor if needed. Will have a look at your Ceiling....
  14. Two piece mould works well for the base if you want the shadow Detail... make the Top piece an upside down L shape so it is the back and top only then it can be made Black for the Shadow.....
  15. Hi Pazz , your file is not attached , you can PM me if you'd like Offline help , I do offer help to other Forum Members this way.... That may not be needed however, it sounds like Auto Attic wall maybe disabled so they aren't rebuilding...... Mick.
  16. Have used that trick a time or two myself......
  17. A Frame Only Pony Wall the same height as the Base + Flooring and a Custom Moulding will achieve this it looks like If the inset is the Tradition Black (Shadow Detail) you could make the Custom Base as two pieces instead , here It is just one..... ......... try this moulding...set Pony wall to 6 15/16" Shadow Detail Base 6inch.calibz the Door Trim will be a lot trickier I think..... can't believe this is making a comeback.....
  18. found it......Probably good to watch the whole video but the Gable decoration or Truss starts at about the 12min. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/77/cad-basics.html?playlist=97 Once made it is pretty easy to turn into a symbol , by copy pasting into a new plan and converting to symbol while in a 3D view.
  19. One Upside with the MSI's is the Bios is not 100% locked down ... and they do fix issues if needed.... I had 2 GP series Units last year but returned Both due to USB Issues which MSI tells me now have been fixed with a new Bios and EC Firmware Release. also had a Clevo/Sager after that from ProStar ( another US Builder/Reseller) , which was returned for a Bad screen but I liked it....unfortunately there was also an issue with the Current Clevo Command Centre Software causing a WHEA Hardware error ever 57 secs or so so I opted for a Refund, not a replacement. Just been watching the market since..... You should be able to save money by not going the Workstation/Quadro route though...no advantages in CA
  20. There is a Bonus Library with Gable Attachments and a KB Tutorial I think , and a Video on how to make that Truss Detail fairly quickly ( if a little roughly in the Video IMHO) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1093 I'll see if I can find the Video , think I was looking at Videos on CAD and Polyline Solids not trusses though.....
  21. I have seen this reported before but don't remember the fix offhand , so I'd suggest doing a Forum Search for the Labels issue. It is usually suggested to attach a copy of the File or a Test plan showing the issue if at all possible too. Probably a good idea to do you Forum signature , especially with the Version , as that info maybe important for the "fix" M.
  22. Thanks for Reporting back Curt , good news it was a simple fix. Probably worth checking the Template File Used for all New Plans and correct it there if needed. The OOB Template File is called Residential Template or ResidentialM Template.plan if you are using Metric. You can check in Preferences>General>New Plans for the File actually being used currently too. Yours will likely be on C:\Drive ( I moved My Documents to A:\ ) but this is where to check.....
  23. Hi Curt and Welcome..... Without the Plan File to look at my only guess is that perhaps you have the Floor Structure Set up incorrectly or have chosen a Material that is not of the "Framing" Type, in which case it would not generate. If you want to add the .plan file to the thread , make sure the Plan is closed in CA or it won't attach as CA locks the file while in Use. If it is Under 25mb there is no need to Zip the .Plan File , just drag it into the light grey area of the reply Window. Mick.
  24. This Series of Videos are a couple of years old but proceed through a typical Project and show many of the Basics too.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/111/chic-cottage-building-project.html