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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. The Looks outs method doesn't take too long and isn't that hard , just do a quick 20x30 m Box with two gable ends and have a play.... the Test house will give you the Lookouts for the Library in about 6mins.... M.
  2. did you try these Tutorials? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00772/building-a-cape-cod-roof-by-adjusting-ceiling-heights.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00653/building-a-cape-cod-roof-that-bears-on-the-1st-floor-walls.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00648/creating-an-automatic-dormer.html The HD versions of above.... https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00358/automatically-building-a-one-and-a-half-story-roof.html https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00367/drawing-a-shed-dormer-manually.html If you still need help after those PM me.....
  3. there is a 25mb size limit..... zipping the file may help
  4. As far as i know you need to make singles , then make extra copies yourself for eg a built up LVL Beam, you can play with the number of pieces in a Header but CA doesn't build them per the real world yet.
  5. You really shouldn't need too disable it , this is usually a Videocard Driver issue , and disabling HW ACC is just stopping the Browser from using the GPU and forcing it to use a Software Video Player instead ( CPU instead ). If it just started recently , I would nt be surprised if Windows Update installed the Latest Intel GPU Driver for example and there is an issue. Windows update histroy will tell you if that happened and if so in Device Manager use the Option to Roll the Driver back. M.
  6. They do have a nasty habit of "losing" there height etc if any changes are made to the Roof Plane , so definitely advisable to do as late in the Project as possible, ( if you rebuild the Roof they will disappear , so if you need to do this marquee select them all and make a transform replicate Copy off to the side and then reverse the move afterwards.) You can Marquee select them all , open the DBX and close it and they will (with luck) reset, but it doesn't always work,though haven't come across a fullproof method to stop or fix the orientation issue they sometimes have yet. The Tip in the Video to make a Library Purlin , from the 2nd Layer of the Roof Structure, temporarily set to Framing works well, due to it "remembering" it was above the Rafter in that 2nd layer, which means not having to futz with raising the STD lookouts ( again if they reset there orientation especially). Make a single one and a group of 2 or 4 for larger areas. Had hoped we would get these Auto in the next version actually.....
  7. Maybe just a Year/version mismatch , can't test it as I don't have ACAD, but I would assume x10 is good upto ACAD 2017, so try saving your ACAD files as 2107 version and see if that works.. There is the same issue with SketchUP files , the year a file is saved in is important.
  8. You've done the double up again Lane , clicking the button again doesn't refresh the dimensions it just redos the Auto Storey Pole, without deleting the 1st Set of Dims.. Your Top Plate is there on the Right hand side.....
  9. don't be too hard on yourself ...it's not quite that bad....
  10. Purlins are not Automatic in CA , I usually add a Layer to The Roof Structure, ( use opening no material - as a Roof can't have two framing layers) , above the Rafter eg 40-50mm depending on whats needed, then in Cross Sections I add CAD Cross Boxes as needed. Or you can do them manually with Framing, inserting then in the space created above, Some use the Auto Lookouts for this, raising them up and then extending them the entire length of the Roof. With Multiple Copy its not too bad if you really need a 3D framing view or they maybe exposed underneath in some areas like Porches and you want to show them. There are a number of threads on Purlins and how to accomplish them .... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/15872-pole-barn-metal-roof-purlin/?do=findComment&comment=133546 and Michael's Video : https://youtu.be/topft3rOOa4 Other threads on Purlins on the Forum https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/search/?q=Roof purlins&type=forums_topic&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=and This is one I did recently.......the Roofing Was Corrugated Clear Acrylic over this Section to allow more Natural Light ( no budget for Glass)
  11. Well that explains it .....you posted the Fixed Plan .......... so even with the In from Baseline set for the Upper pitch at 1800mm , it was jumping backout to 1500mm?
  12. Glad it worked , perhaps add the Library to your OP so others will find it if they search here too....thx. They are updating some libraries like the BonusGames one in X9 and it is not available either so I added it to another thread this week.
  13. The plan doesn't help much as I can't see an issue perse.....you have 7 different Elevations so I don't know which one is the Issue? E1 has no Storey Pole E4 has 2 sets of Storey poles stacked on each other ( i noticed some overlapped text ) E7 may have the same issue except you moved some of it already... M.
  14. Kbird1


    Certainly not helpful if you want to get someone to read it , especially since it looks like advertising (ie: teaser) And be sure to fill in your Forum Signature Please... as you can see others have done...
  15. The i5 and GF150 with 2GB are below System requirements but I think it will run,if a bit slow , assuming Windows' is a 64bit Version as 32bit versions of HD and CA are no longer made. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/system-requirements.html
  16. Best to post a Test Plan with the Examples and the files used otherwise everyone is only guessing..... Two Mirrors won't reflect each other but those two are in the same plane by the looks of things. One other thought is there is an OLD CA Mirror Material that doesn't reflect except in Ray Traces.... is it possible you used it from your User Library rather that the New Mirror Material that does Reflect in STD Camera Views... Best to Fill in your Forum Signature when you get a Chance especially with your Version of the software as that info is needed for many answers.
  17. X9 has about 10 different ones but not Black You could export them from an older Version if you Still have any of them installed?... M.
  18. Kbird1

    New Laptop

    Thanks Dave...compatibility Settings for Win7 , would of been the 1st thing I tried , so good to know it does work. Shouldn't be any issues importing new libraries if you have them backed up. If you have the old Laptop and the Installation is still there you can also Copy the Chief Data Folder out of My Documents to My Documents on the new Computer with a USB key or over the Network . Have a look in the KB for the Articles On Migrating CA to a New Computer like this one... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html M.
  19. You need to use a Section or Wall Elevation View , not a 3D camera view as they don't allow Dimensioning... have a look into the NKBA Annotation Set too.
  20. Kbird1

    New Laptop

    That is the Official Stance yes , as they don't want to provide Support for Old Versions.....on a new OS If you had to perform any special moves etc to get it installed , you should post your findings while fresh in your mind for Others...and perhaps yourself in the Future if you have to redo it.... M.
  21. Iyuv can produce huge files as does avi as you have noticed Xvid and xfw264 both make smaller files by default and you preset their config via the Start Menu >XFW264 or XVID https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10146/preparing-a-plan-for-the-3d-viewer.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10147/sharing-3d-viewer-files-and-viewing-in-a-web-browser.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/3206/adding-notes-to-a-3d-viewer-model.html Did you reboot the computer? I get my Codec from here though https://www.xvid.com/download/
  22. Neil......Steve made the Video , not Michael, he just quoted Steve's post...... I don't see either issue in your plan , so either don't understand your 2 comments or are somehow missing them.....perhaps put some RED TEXT and ARROWs in the plan to highlight the issues and repost it , cos as it is I can't really help...will look again in the Morning... M.
  23. Kbird1

    New Laptop

    The 1st paragraph appears contradictory to me , 1st you say X5 wouldn't install , then you say it is installed? I am guessing there is a Typo there somewhere.... But there is no reason you can't Dual boot Win7 and Win10 on the new Laptop , so you can run X5 if needed. M.
  24. Might want to upload the plan while CA is closed and any pics of the Property you have , as we can't tell anything from the 3D though the terrain looks high judging by Doors and or not sloped correctly. ( not that I am a Terrain Expert )
  25. I am aware of that and hence I reported the Issues , and Brian Beck replied they would add it to the DB ......not that it means alot as there is thousands of suggestions every year....and this is rather Minor ( and perhaps not doable as noted) , they should likely be added to the Geometric Shapes Drop down by default instead , then nobody would confuse them with (True) Beams. It's also why I think they started out life as "Beams" for the Home Designer Series , where I am not sure if they have all the options we do? I certainly didn't mean for anyone to think these were the Only Steel Beams Available in CA , so hopefully that has been put to rest now....