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  1. I can get the mansard roof to connect to wall. And would appreciate any pointers on getting a dormer into the front as per example picture. Porposed.plan
  2. 2d works what materials did you use. i cant find any
  3. Thanks, will do, did not see anything in the help documentation.
  4. Thanks, thought the joists not under parallel walls above, Did not know the at irc require this for non-load bearing wall. Not finished I am showing an existing house. The flooring is 4x6 @48" with 1.5" T&G on top and absolute boat load pers. Have only seen one other like this in my area.
  5. I can fix this manually it always bothers me that chief randomly does this. I ask for the floor joist to be 48 inches on center. But for some reason chief always gives me much shorter spans between floor joists. Wondering why and how I can fix this going forward. Untitled 4.plan
  6. can you let us know how to get these details or the file so we can copy?
  7. I keep getting strange results when I try 2 different ceiling heights in rooms that that touch. Not sure what i am doing incorrectly. The pic will explain better. bathroom project.plan
  8. Anyone try this in x13? i just did and got a strange result. Haven't used macros in CA before but the syntax and documentation seems pretty straightforward so not sure why I'm getting this result.
  9. Thanks for your help. Did not pay attention to the wood underneath the grade. Just trying to get the model to look right at this point we're not doing any work in the garage area. Did not understand the instructions about the pony wall and changing the wall type. I changed the wall type then tried the pony wall did not work for me. Not sure why is this happening
  10. Working on a story and a half condition and attic walls keep generating in front of the exterior retaining wall in creating strange artifacts. I've deleted the attic walls a few times but they just keep regenerating. And overall I'd like to know why so I don't face these issues in the future. I tried the training video but they don't seem to be having this issue existing-dormer-fix (1).plan
  11. Need some help with shallow dormers. I've tried the auto dormers following the manual dormer instructions (Creating a Manual Wall Dormer (chiefarchitect.com)) and a whole bunch of other things. But no luck. I'm trying to recreate a roof with very shallow dormers and sloped ceilings. I've spent almost double the time on the roof than rest of the model just can't get it right. Would really appreciate it if someone could provide some better guidance. the roof creates sloped ceilings within the house and the dormers make it even more complicated. Photos of the interior and exterior are attached with the file. existing.plan
  12. Is there any setting to allow walls to build up to the roof deck? No blocking just up to underside of the roof like in the attached pic. I normally just drag the walls up when I finish. Just thought there should be a better way?
  13. Ok after a lot of back and forth canvas refunded me for that file. So that's in there favor. i think if the technology becomes better I can see my self using it more . As is its ok for some basic 2d floor plans that dont need to be spot on like realtors floor plans.
  14. YP that's why I have been looking to switching. And its only 1700 if you are not paying them to come out and do it, if you buy the Equpment much cheaper. Will give it a shot on the next one. Cant use as builts that are 10% per room.
  15. I just had the worse experience with canvas, the output was bad, verry verry bad. Then they ripped me off on the price. The scan is completely unusable the measurements are off by about 10%, my 1 story house is now 2 stores, strange objects and errors everywhere within in the CA file (attached). Simple thigs like stucco are showing up as siding. Walls form nonexistent first floor to through the second floor. Just garbage. The home is about 1400 Sqft. As per the website the price was $0.20 + 0.05(extra .05 for exterior). Maby if we include the deck another 200 Sqft. Yet they charged me for 3600 Sqft. They made up a whole floor then charged me based on that. When I contacted canvas, they blamed my scanning technique and offered to fix the file if is sent them the correct measurements. So they expect me to waste time to sending correct measurement ?? So far they have not responded to the price issue, but since the file is complete garbage I want my money back. Lets see where it goes will keep you posted. Mar 4, 2022 at 11-45-27 AM.plan