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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It's just a bit of fun , lighten up, apparently some do use them in that vain as Cheryl mentioned...... M.
  2. I agree , they should sort them by year or Version and all be available on the Server ...I report them when I find them and find Chief has always reacted promptly when I do... M.
  3. I did Note it was rather Old, ( 2015) , but I didn't do the Tutorial to test it....... must be one they have missed updating for X( pick any two digits) so far. M.
  4. I think this Tutorial is basically what Robert Said...... did it not work? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01042/creating-a-symbol-that-sits-on-the-roof.html M.
  5. Thanks for the Heads up as I think I missed them in 2018 and 2019. M.
  6. All True and why I asked about the "budget" ...it is ALWAYS the determining factor 93.5% of the time I am still on i7 6 core 5820k and a 1070Ti ( no longer available) and am awaiting for a significant upgrade in Hardware Power to make the "spend" worth while. Or for Chief to start using Nvidia's RTX technology and the new DirectX Microsoft is supposedly working on with Nvidia's RTX , then I'll have to have one If buying now I would not go less than a RTX Super 2070. ( think future proofing) M.
  7. Depends on what the budget is ( as always) and how long you can wait ? as Nvidia should release the 3000 Series cards in Aug. or Sept ( which maybe delayed now???) and you should likely be looking at i9 or i10 Chips for future proofing. I know MarkMC is hoping to built soon so he'll no doubt have some good tips for you.... Mick.
  8. Yep ....... I guess my Pic wasn't as clear as I thought, I really like it , much easier to use that the Room Polyline when needed. Mick.
  9. Thanks , if you would mind sharing the Glass texture that would be great. at the start of the Video you used the Room Molding Polyline to remove the Shower Curb base, with the new No Room Molding set in the Wall Defaults in X12 that wouldn't be need to be done. ......especially if using the Pallet is needed or desired. Mick.
  10. Thanks Rene -- one new feature in X12 you could of also used it the ability to remove Room Moldings from any wall now , you could also set that in the defaults for the Shower Curb Wall in your Template. I'm also wondering which Glass or how you altered the material to get it to show better in Camera Views thanks.
  11. The is more Tips like this in the Knowledgebase ( KB) or FAQ Library too..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00805/editing-2d-cad-blocks-assigned-to-3d-symbols.html M.
  12. I think in X12 the ALDO is a new Feature for Interiors. ( confirm with a User or Sales - I wouldn't want to be without it), but I'd have thought not having CAD Details would be limiting. The is also no Terrain Tools or Plants, no auto framing or Framing Tools , no Wall Material Regions etc etc but that may not matter if it is strictly Cabinets you are do and not Renos or Remodels. Many things have alternatives but , as a Premier User I'd find it limiting or slower. X12-Premier-Interiors Comparison-Matrix.pdf M.
  13. It is simply a Hip roof built off a different plate height than the Main Roof Planes, it is not an Upper Pitch as the Term denotes it in Chief eg for a gullwing Roof. IMHO of course, we obviously have a difference of Opinion on that.... ie in from the Gable Wall as I said... whether you go in and then up (Rise to find the Point or in and then down at the pitch angle from the ridge is all the same thing, eg when laid out on the Plywood Floor for example to find the Plate Height for the Gable wall you'd like to frame before standing it. ( or draw CAD lines in Chief at scale to do it beforehand. We all do things differently depending on experience/skillset etc but in the end the Result is the same ...hopefully.... There is no way at the moment to use a known Onsite method ( to me) in Chief to get the same result and the fact Chief does not document, their Method at all just makes it that much more frustrating, in the Video She actually skips over the whole in from baseline "thing" and choses an arbitrary 10ft in from BL. In the Other videos She actually goes in to BL and explains it and explains what the BL is and where it's located in Chief etc, the Info, in the case of a Half Hip has no correlation if you have watched the other short Auto Roof Build Videos in the series. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6128/half-hip-roof.html?playlist=95. M.
  14. Why not? I'm sure there are 10 different ways to frame it depending on the circumstance's but standing the ridge with the common rafters either side and then one off the end of the ridge is pretty common... Your just looking at it from the other direction ( so to speak ) but at the moment we don't have either method to use , as Chief has made up it own way of doing and calculating it. And yes the Plate height would work too , only chief is NOT placing the plate at the correct height currently either..... M.
  15. Just the usual - save the File and reboot the computer ....... Nobody but TS can help with those - make sure to "send Report" if given the option ...it help them figure out an issue in a plan about a year ago for me. M.
  16. Wall width doesn't really work either but is an alternative I guess and better than the current method..... as with the other person who asked me recently , normally you just want to know the distance in from the gable wall the pitch change starts at the ridge Level , eg in their case they were try to get chief to start the pitch down 11ft from the gable wall. It's also one of the easier ways to do it Onsite , measure in from gable wall, ( baseline) lop off the ridge you previously ran long, and offer up the precut Common Rafter ( you made using known pitch + run ) . All assuming the Truss company hasn't already done it differently Not at all it isn't an Upper Pitch, as Noted above, no matter if Chief wants to call it that to make there Code and DBX work. Oh I am all for that , and I am sure with your level of Skill n Chief you can make Chief's way work to get that cut point exactly at 11ft from the Gable Wall , but it's obvious that everyday Users can't ,ESPECIALLY when then have no clue how Chief is really calculating the Pitch Change Point. Enough from me , I just needed to play with it for my own learning but still see no easier way to do what is normally wanted..... M.
  17. It's Never the Architect's Fault , most of you put that right on every single page off the Plan Set ..... just joking , I didn't mean it quite like you took it I think, I've just seen a lot of PDF Plan-sets lately that are very poorly dimensioned, apparently AutoCAD mustn't have an Auto Exterior Dimension Tool bad .
  18. Okay, I just could let this go yet as it's annoyingly WRONG, ..... how Chief is doing this..... at least from the point of view of This Builder/Master Carpenter and perhaps I am once again " missing something " with my conclusions....... but.... and not picking on anyone but to illustrate some points made....... and from some observations from a basic 40'x30' Gabled Box home with a 10/12 pitch.... A Gable Wall in Chief doesn't have a Baseline (BL) , no, so why is Chief Using it as a basis for the so called Upper Pitch? a Roof Plane always has a BL, both in Chief and the Real World (RW) but it's NOT an Upper Pitch ..... it is a Hip Roof Plane, building off a different Wall Plate Height (the Seat Cut of the Birdsmouth Height.) this is the Height Chief should be using to calculate the "Cut" point IMHO. The fact it is not an Upper Pitch is shown in Chief's own DBX's ie the Roof Rafter Pitch is 0/12 , even though it displays at the "given pitch" on Cross Section ( 6/12 below ), a Cross Section through the Main Roof Plane and 1/2 hip confirms this... ie it shows the Half Hip roof plane is parallel to the ground or 0° (or 180°). . Chief CHEATS and calls it an Upper Pitch , when it isn't really, personally I have never seen it calculate the way they do it, and from Framing it in my Test Plan, it is not cutting Birdsmouths (BM) on the 1/2 Hip Rafters thus they are ALL too high (I assume) or the Wall is Framing at the wrong Height?. The Rafters weren't "Trimming to Soffit" either at 1st, until I lowered them down (the measured ( 2 3/4") BM Depth), then something "clicked" in the "auto roof framing tool" and they were okay. It's not a Consistent use of the Term, the Setting doesn't even work the same way as it does, for example on Gambrel or Mansard or Gullwing Roofs. I think someone just found a way to use "Existing Code" ( and DBX) to Fudge it, and not to document this total change in behavior ( ie consistency of the term "in from baseline" ) somewhere is just wrong and unhelpful for all Users trying to figure this out. Levis' pic (above) or similar and a short explanation in the Ref. Manual on how Chief "does it" would of sufficed for one and all. And back on Topic ( ...sorry Dave), his way in the last few minutes of the Video, may actually be easier if your Architect was kind enough to give you the Fascia Height. // Rant Off //...... and yes I do feel better M.
  19. Sorry I didn't mean to infer that was the correct place for the "Default" for Angular Dims. I had just assumed it was previously ( incorrectly) as I use it as Michael demonstrated when doing Plot Plan CAD Lines etc to set the Desired Output. Like Michael I hardly ever use angular dims , so your discovery was new to me.... M.
  20. In X11 when you sent to layout it was linked to a saved plan view --- unless you selected NONE before sending I believe you may not have this Toolbar on if you migrated forward.... ( customise and add if needed) In X12 it is optional and in the DBX when you 1st send it ie check it or not to use SPV's. If you select the Layout Box there will be an Icon to the right of the Red/Black Chain link Icon for de-Linking or creating SPVs on the Edit Toolbar.
  21. I assumed till I just read this Thread that it used the General CAD Default setting , but after running a few tests as mentioned it appears not too after all ,.
  22. this Video ( thanks Charles) was made yesterday during a Workshop held by Forum Members , it starts with Reference Sets , but you may like to watch it all however.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/25780-workshop-this-friday-at-300-pm-pst/?do=findComment&comment=207435
  23. Not sure to be honest, though it's not just in CDN, but I did assume the US had something similar. (nope...below)
  24. You may want to look into a Degree for "Architectural Technologist" instead , not sure about WA but many places also allow them to "Stamp Plans". M.
  25. A short video https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5435/using-the-reference-display.html