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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. He is already using the only known "trick" or work around that I am aware of.... M.
  2. I mention this yesterday and today......You have the Room set at 109" set it to 108" if you want a 9' "Plate Height" and rebuild the roof and the truss. Michael mentioned the "procedure" yesterday ...guess you missed that post ?
  3. And it issue is? all you should now need to do is open the truss's DBX >check Sloped Flat Truss>check Force Rebuild>OK Is the Pink dashed line yours or Chief's auto layer changed? M.
  4. It's always a good idea to check out the FAQ or KnowledgeBase (KB) especially if you think it's likely you aren't the 1st one to ask the Question............ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00036/creating-shaped-windows.html M.
  5. I guess it depends on how you look at it - why would you expect Chief to place a 74" high Door "in" a 6" high wall automatically? as I said it surprise me we can even do it. M.
  6. Over which part ? maybe I am missing something too as you plan seems to work fine for me.... I assume you know chief doesn't build trusses automatically so I am not sure what you mean when you say "chief won't build a single truss" Trusses always build to the bottom of the roof sheathing and top of a ceiling finish in each area hence the drop ceiling truss in the Entry foyer. The wall height is 109" IIFC from the plan i looked at correctly..... M.
  7. After placing the Door all I did was set it's top height back to 74" , The Rest I had set in the Shower Door Defaults already , eg single door , swing both etc. **Just tried it again to make sure I remembered what I did and all I needed was the top height adjustment Chief's Parametric Doors do have to be placed in a Wall , so I am/was a bit surprised I could even place the door since my defaults set it at 6 1/4" off the floor, so technically above the Wall , so I was Happy all I had to do was rest it's height from the floor. In the Past I just used my Own Shower Door I made as it's not a Door as Chief sees it, so these quirks don't happen. Mick.
  8. You didn't play long enough ? works for me , I did test it.....can't say exactly what I did differently though right now....I'd have to try again... but here is your plan back just in case. MHD_sample template plan.plan
  9. As the others pointed out ...only partially .... as with Interior "Soffits" chief does no framing in them and nor can we add the continuous vent strip require by Code. M.
  10. Great ! it seems in the last version or two "Textures" have gotten a little too smart at times, and try to rotate automatically ( eg Fir Framing going 90° for a Joist or Beam vs a Stud) M.
  11. Just uncheck "Flat Ceiling" in the Room Structure DBX ( right underneath Roof Over this Room ) The Roof Plane will automatically "Use the Room Ceiling Finish" ( See the Roof Plane Structure DBX) M.
  12. You don't need to add a ceiling plane manually to a Vaulted Area , Chief will still build trusses using the Ceiling surface of the Roof plane. Above I pulled your Ceiling Plane out of the building and it still built the truss above for example. M.
  13. This is I think some of the is cos' you haven't actually built the Floor ...eg added a quick MonoSlab foundation to the building as The plate Height looks right to me. Chief is not allowing for the Pitch though perse, so there is a Gap between the Ceiling and the CMU Wall as the wall is just built to 109" , and being 8" thick it causes the Gap. ( Chief doesn't build the Plate on top of the Wall Either ) How should the Truss Build? see my pick are you talking about a "flat" over the CMU Walls? *When Michael said Ceiling above he was referring to the Ceiling Plane you drew Manually I believe as you need a Ceiling (Plane) to generate a Truss but vault works fine.
  14. Chief has never built stairs this way , they have always just been a set of "Faces" ie empty 3D boxes , not Solids and definitely not framing. The issues shows up in Vector view too sometimes eg when looking at Deck Stairs from the Rear instead of the front. Same for the "Wall" that generates when you uncheck Open underneath..... I usually just draw my own for that . but it has a few quirks. M.
  15. Not sure if it will help but Michael posted this tip the other day when someone was having issues with fascia board textures. try setting.... 3D View Defaults>Legacy Compatible Texture Mapping M.
  16. This is an old time issue usually seen when trying to put a Shed Roofed Room on a Gable End but Eric's Tip works in this case too. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/1197-help-with-roof/?do=findComment&comment=6859 It is actually a Setting in the Room DBX not in the Roof Planes themselves as one might expect, all Roof Planes are in Group 0 by default BTW.
  17. This is the issue AFAICT........ the Curb just needs to be a 6" high tiled both sides, Railing Wall ( set 6" high) with Cap ... not a PonyWall And AFAIK there is currently no way to Add a Default Roof Label , though I have made a Feature Request for the same thing myself. M.
  18. Do you actually have roof planes built on the model? the glow is usually because there is no floor or roof Structure above. The Black is usually caused in PBR, as the PBR "Lighting Engine" thinks the Surfaces are in another Room ( or outside) and don't need to be Lit. And I'd suggest you check your Digital Locker as X12 is Free for those with current SSA. M.
  19. Good Tip , ( for me anyway ) think I'll try that instead of Alt-Q and manual clean up next time. M.
  20. If I could reproduce it easily, I would of sent in a report to TS already and shared their answer here long ago, unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce it constantly so I just use Alt-Q to Clean Up and move on..... * And I don't "meddle" with my Attic Walls -- unless I need too.... M.
  21. It seems I accidentally kicked something off here ......but yes my "evidence" is I see in not only in my own plans occasionally especially when I do Manual roof plane manipulation but also in plans from the Forum and Elsewhere and is not anecdotal ie I didn't read about it on a blog or website somewhere. I personally do not use the Save As Method , I found it had too many "quirks" , though I do have my own Templates , but those don't have Attic Walls already obviously. M
  22. As you know I open multiple Plans every week , and see these "left behind" attic walls all the time , this did not seem to happen in X9 and 10 so much that I remember but , so my reasoning was that they had changed the 'programming" in X11 for attic walls , I find I use Alt-Q all the time now to "Clean up" which wasn't needed in earlier versions. M.
  23. In this case I don't necessarily think it is "Pilot Error" Larry , personally I have noticed that the Auto Attic Wall Builder seems to be a lot more "aggressive" in producing Attic Walls in X11 and X12 than in Previous Versions, and not always removing them as it should , leaving "strays" lying around in the Attic, ( I hit Alt-Q, delete them all and then turn auto back on to "refresh" them) and even though the wall is not marked Auto created, as Michael pointed out, I would not be surprised if it was built as you drew the house and changed it's shape , notching in for the porch area , then adding the railing wall etc etc . Being an attic wall with no room def it actually runs back to the window breaking that Gable wall, so I think the building was a different 'size" and shape to begin with leading to the Strays left behind up above. I think this works as the Auto Attic Walls are "refreshed" in the new plan when you only copy over level 1 ( not edit Area all Floors ) as the Attic is rebuilt when you auto build the Roof again. M.
  24. Try Renaming the Templates Folder in the Chief Data Folder to Templates-OLD and then when you restart Chief , it should notice the Template folder is missing and make you a new copy from the Programs Folder it has as a backup. Then goto Preferences and make sure per the PDF linked BELOW that when you click the browse button it is finding the Profile.Plan in the Chief Data Folder>Templates Folder . https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00333/restoring-the-default-plan-and-layout-template.html The DATAS folder for each Version of Chief is in you "My Documents" Folder or plain Documents in Win 10 ie : C:\Users\YOURNAME\Chief Architect Premier X5 Data\Templates