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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Ahhh okay I missed the pull part , so I guess he is using Manual Dimensions... I usually use Auto Exterior ( with my own Defaults set ) and the Interior Dimension Tool to "pull" my own Room Dimensions as it usually easier that placing Auto Interiros and deleting all the "extras" since it seems to place a dimension for every wall which means a lot of double ups... M.
  2. Are we talking about Auto Exterior Dimensions here ? ....... If I understand correctly? there is a setting in Defaults for doing exactly that...........
  3. It's best to draw the Lintel ( known locally as a Header ) as a Single outline and save it to your Library and then apply it as the Molding on the Lintel Tab Same Idea for the Sill - draw it as one piece . and check some of the setting in the Pics below . Maybe a KB Article on doing this too ....which maybe helpful for 1st Timers.... Yep ...here's 1 I found : Creating and Editing Molding Profiles (chiefarchitect.com) * found an old Video too : Drawing and Combining Molding Profiles (chiefarchitect.com) M.
  4. Make the Suggestion and Ill be happy to +1 it....
  5. I am sure if anyone can , you can find an exception to any "rule" in CA M.
  6. It's always been a strange Default for me especially since we have a Slab Tool, so I am not sure why they can't switch the hardcoded Default to Exterior Trim instead ( Or better yet just give us a New Default for Polyline Solids like we have for Material Regions etc. M.
  7. There was a Driver Issue that sounds similar to yours back in X11 but have not seen it reported in X12 GeForce Experience should keep the Drivers Updated for you , assuming you ( Dell? ) are using it ? but I think Dell also has it's own Command Center or something too? The latest is 457.09 but I'm not having issues on 456.71 either. Available here too : Advanced Driver Search | NVIDIA If your Dell uses Nahimic Audio as some do , there is a known issue with it's Sonic Radar App causing Issues on Multi Monitor Systems too, there is a fix, I posted in the Tips section for that as well. Multi Monitor Issue Fix for Computers with Nahimic Audio - Tips & Techniques - ChiefTalk Forum (chiefarchitect.com) M.
  8. Always good to put ALL the info in the 1st Post as your Post Title and Post Info conflict ( Import vs Export ) and a Pic does help like Eric mentioned along with the plan file in some cases , since what is obvious to you isn't always to those trying to help. M.
  9. Yes Auto, usually only gets you 65-95% of the way there but the advantage at the start is that you can "play" with the "design/look" by adjust Wall roof tab settings or in the Build Roof Dialog etc, and a biggie for a lot of people is, it ALWAYS gets the Roof Baselines exactly over the Wall Framing Line where they should be in 95% of cases. M.
  10. Just to confirm what Chris said above..... If you have gone Manual with the Roof Planes ( Auto Build now unchecked) then select all roof planes and use Transform Replicate to move them up ( Z Delta) 3/4" M.
  11. I think you mean Leica Disto Laser Measuring devices like the E7500i is my guess. Search e7500i here on the Forum there are several Users with them eg MarkMc KB Article: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01846/using-a-leica-disto-device-with-chief-architect-software.html @MarkMc
  12. More reports the better as Eric mentioned , you do it through your Chief Digital Locker once signed into your account. M.
  13. this is a known quirk with CA , the easiest Fix is to remove the Auto ones and in an Elevation View use Polyline Solids to draw your own then use Copy > reflect about to mirror to other side etc. M.
  14. Your computer is getting a bit long in the tooth if your sig. is still correct? especially for X12 as it appears you only have a GTX560M Chip and 3GB VRam ( below min. requirements.) so it maybe time to spend money on a new system instead especially with X13 new requirements (RTX card), especially if you'd like to use the new RTRT. But yes Chief uses the HDD/SDD anytime you do something in Chief for both the Temp and Undo folders , so you may see some improvement with an SSD if you currently have a HDD in the Laptop........ however don't expect miracles as HDD don't usually suffer from Slowness....they either work or are dead , so I'm guess the Repair shop is suggesting the SDD may help with speed over a HDD and it should, but a Clean install of Win10 2004 may also be in Order and then reinstall Chief. The old HDD could go into an Ext. Enclosure and still accessed or/and used as a backup device too. M.
  15. You need a minimum of 2 Regions to "move" the Terrain. The Terrain Perimeter (T.P.) itself will auto set it's own height to begin with depending on floor structure thickness, but can be set as needed ( uncheck automatic height - not Build ) for the particular Project. Terrain Regions register off the T.P. height and should show 0" when 1st placed. In this case put a Terrain Break with the transition set at 0" between the two Regions, which are drawn nearly touching each other for a steep/straight drop. M.
  16. I remembered a post from Glenn Woodward about using a Terrain Perimeter for these types of Roofs, so gave it a go, it is doable but a bit of work, but some centerlines and the use of multicopy for the terrain elevation lines etc help. Ceiling planes will be needed though as Terrain has no bottom surface in 3D. Terrain Grass is now Asphalt 3 material and terrain skirt is set to color black in example. M.
  17. There is also a new Bonus Library with Appliance Handles ...once again not sure if it helps you though? M.
  18. The GE Library Includes the Cafe Series now , just not sure if it has the exact ones you need.... M.
  19. Use the back clipped Cross Section Elevation camera to cut a "slice" , then dimension and annotate as needed. Cross Section/Elevation Views (chiefarchitect.com) Other Cross Section Videos Link Adding Detail to a Cross Section View (chiefarchitect.com)
  20. Everybody did, you aint gonna get it all in a week ...or a month for that matter , chief is a pretty deep program...... and macros aren't on everyone's list to learn but Michael is one of the Forum's Macro Guru's and knows them inside out. Hopefully these pics help a bit :
  21. Don't be afraid to ask questions, nobody thinks you are stupid, people aren't like that around here, you just happened to ask about a Topic (Cant. Trusses) that has been a bug-bear around here for quite a few years, and as you can see quite a few Opinions etc . Being new around here means you just didn't realise you were opening a big can of Worms . The Upside of course is Michael was kind enough to provide everyone the Macro's above to do a lot of the math without the Chief Cross Section Method being needed to figure it all out... ( Thanks Michael ! ) Mick.
  22. Try the (Railing) Wall Definition being used , it is often Interior 4 by default so 4 1/2" wide. ( the general Tab should show this ? but I prefer to make a new definition if needed, as Chief will do it Auto and give it a name like Interior 4-2 which isn't very descriptive) M.
  23. did you try pushing the Stairs to the Room Boundary ? ( foundation wall? ) just curious as you didn't share a test plan...though a cross section may not be 100% right doing that , and I suspect why you have the current gap ( so top step/tread is same width as others due to overhang on porch slab.) M.
  24. Yes , no problem , you can for example duplicate the Working Plan View and make a Foundation View, but will likely need to duplicate/copy the Working Layerset too and adjust it for Foundation Views specifically, depending on your needs. some Primer Videos for working with SPV's : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2421/saved-plan-views.html?playlist=84 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2433/developing-saved-plan-views.html?playlist=84