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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Edit the Doors SPV , selected Defaults Copy/create a Doors Layerset, Cad Layer, Text, Dimensions, etc etc , then at the Top it will allow you to Make a Doors Annotation/Default Set so you have very specific Control of all Layers, more work but if you can't remember to Actively use and change the Active Defaults ,this is the best way..... so as not to get issues like currently You do need to remember to swap views of course this is mine, to start with just make a new default copied from the Original and change things as you go / need to I probably started with the Working Plan View and altered it accordingly
  2. NO , that is correct but it sounds like either the Plan View is setup incorrectly ie did you duplicate the Electrical Plan View to make Door Plan view? and never Made a Door Dimension Default? or perhaps you changed the Dimension default manually at some point via Active Defaults ? and forgot to change it back when placing Dims on the Door Plan. M.
  3. So it was just a Wall Definition Issue ? Mick.
  4. If you drag the edges of the Box it will no longer honor the Auto Width and Auto Height Check boxes either. Personally I try to do as much Annotation in Plan or Elevation, not in the Layout itself, I tend to look at Layout " as a way to assemble a ConDoc PDF " Mick.
  5. It appears to be a Wall Definition Issue with you New Walls and which Layer you have defined the Platform to Build too. Also remember to keep your Siding 8" off the Terrain by setting the Pony wall off floor HGT higher. would need to play more tomorrow if you still need help. Mick.
  6. Without looking at your plan..... have you by chance set the Foundation to "Hang 1st Floor Platform Inside Foundation Walls"
  7. If you Visit the Library you see the Pricing crossed out if you have SSA ( and are signed in ) If no SSA I imagine it work pretty much like it does for Home Designer Users , ( are you a HD User? or a Chief User?) however AFAIK the Libraries are only available/installable for the Version you have ie a X13 lib. not available in X11 won't work in X11. (*many current X13 Libraries are still from X12 I found out a few weeks ago but are slowly being updated.) As Eric said perhaps post in the Sales Forum and they will get back to you on Mon.
  8. Not without the .plan file or at a minimum some screengrabs (pics....) but delete it and replacing it or copy another may work? .
  9. There was a mention on the Forum here by someone at Chief that AMD released a Driver to fix some Desktop GPU Issues with X13 but they were not aware as yet if AMD had updated the Laptop Drivers as well. M.
  10. the XPS13 is known to overheat.....( and shut down) but it may depend on your particular version..... Google XPS Overheating
  11. Do you have the Options Software Installed? ( It doesn't using the Gaming Software ) Mick.
  12. Your V7 Manual is here if you don't have it ? : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/documentation.html?version=17
  13. don't have the Manual? from the V7 Manual PDF......
  14. Been a while since I used X7 but in X12 it is here..... and try F1 for help or the PDF Manual perhaps....sorry it is too big to attach it.
  15. Wow....a bit of a Blast from the Past there.... good to know it still will work if needed , to be honest I have not had to try it in X13, so I am not 100% sure if there are better methods these days or not? Mick.
  16. It maybe relate to Grid Rounding ( preferences ) there have been several Threads in the past about it, and IIRC Chopsaw had a few ideas/theories on it ... Mick.
  17. more than 1 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31232-issues-with-mouse-orbit-camera/?tab=comments#comment-246220 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31523-x13-mouse-problem/?tab=comments#comment-248335
  18. Wall Framing not on Auto? ie you changed something and without Auto Frame On it is still showing the Old Framing.... M.
  19. Maybe I should have qualified that part ?, I don't use the 3D at all since I have Chief and 3D was not why I got TurboCAD Deluxe if you only need 2D they perhaps give the $70 2D version a try https://www.turbocad.com/turbocad-windows-2021/turbocad-designer.html M.
  20. Set it's height reference to Absolute instead of Terrain and you can bury part of it in the ground .... if needed behind the Retaining wall. Mick.
  21. If you know CAD already , then it is no different , although the way they do things may not be exactly the same as ACAD, there is a training bundle available to get you upto speed but I'd say download the Trial Version and see if you like it 1st. They have Cheaper Versions even for 2D only , I think it is called Designer no Deluxe. Mick.
  22. I pickup up TurboCad Deluxe last yr instead of Draftsight as I prefer not to be on a subscription, they just released the 2021 update about a month ago and it has some nice improvements. ( Deluxe has 3D , some of the Cheaper Products are 2D only ) https://www.turbocad.com/turbocad-windows-2021/turbocad-deluxe-permanent.html Check the bundles pricing too , eg if you want TurboPDF as well. they also have a 50% off Sale on till Wed. (28th July) on their Companion Products eg TuboPDF4 ( Foxit Clone) and PDF2CAD http://r.news.imsidesign.com/mk/mr/tGRwNgeUjX0MNbD7eNiGLFwTtd81y9rhK3OtZL5jHZqOW5unmWrxm-EuuGJHSCRhsgjZFh6JDLxERGNQqemlahKxAZh7P0V6i5So2MerJ0714qcGHQ ***Disclaimer : I am in NO WAY associated with with TurboCAD or IMSI Design Products. Mick.
  23. That would be how I would do it normally..... M