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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. John , don't take this the wrong way but you have been here long enough now to know that No Plan = No Answers ( or at best only guesses ) especially when it comes to PBR-RT, there are just too many variables including that you may have buried the rope light in the Crown Moulding as just 1 example. Your pic is too small to read the DBXs ...but that maybe just me ? It also a good idea to check the Cap Live Sample box so your Video Card doesn't run continuously at full speed. Mick
  2. Just that it's a quick way now to change it's inherited Characteristics including the Layer, without changing anything, if for example you want to save only a few of them and then use Delete Objects > Automatic Dimensions to remove the rest. And you are right nobody ever said anything about Locate Settings..... Mick.
  3. You jumped to a conclusion, I never said it had anything to do with the Layer, that was in the second part of the comment you conveniently chopped off your quote. This is NOT the behavior I am seeing, as Jason stated above, they both now reside on the specified Default Layer and remain there eg the new Plan Dimensions Default. Looking at the current ALDO there isn't even a Dimensions, Automatic Layer, anymore and unless you move a Dim. deliberately to the Dimensions, Manual Layer, it seems to go unused as well. At least that is what I see happening in a Clean X13 Test Plan (from the Residential Template) I was testing today, and may well be a good thing for SPV's especially and perhaps why it was done. I am now thinking with the new Dimensioning Defaults in X13, l and my Clients Templates will need to be rebuilt off the latest x13 Residential Template , as it seems Plans brought forward have various issues as demonstrated last week in the Cabinet Elevation Issue thread. There is a new System Layer Called Dimensions, Overall which maybe what Kyle is now wanting but I have not tested enough to confirm that Usage.
  4. It seems , like before the Auto Tools create Auto Dimensions , but there is no longer a dedicated Automatic Dimension Layer, each Dimension Default's layer is now considered Auto if the Auto tool is used but in the DBX you can change a string to Manual if needed ( can group select as seen below ) , and you can still move a Dimension(s) to the Dimension -Manual layer if you want to.......but I need to Play/Draw/Dig deeper into X13 to be honest.
  5. there are a lot of changes with Dimensions in X13 and Plans brought forward are demonstrating Issues due to all the new Defaults it seems... I am beginning to think i will need to rebuilt not only my Templates but my Clients also.
  6. Ahhhhh that would be it I think too , I didn't realise you were still in X12. *You can save line Items to the Master List and Update them there is needed. 2021 - What's New in X13.pdf x13-new-features.pdf M.
  7. you've gone full screen..... it appears?
  8. Pull the DBX wider .... note the width in 2nd pic..... Mick.
  9. Chief has these tied to BuilderTrend Codes, but I think you can Double click them to edit them Yep that works....
  10. The latest Microsoft Update ( KB5005003 ) for the PrintNightMare Hack is causing many people issues apparently, not sure if this could be related though. https://www.tenforums.com/windows-10-news/ M.
  11. Oh I missed you had changed your Hotkey from default , but If you want to place multiple hangers I see no reason to hit space , you should be able to keep clicking for multiple placements. I can however reproduce the Issue once I hit space ( in my case for select ) the library item is not clickable again, unless you click another item 1st and comeback to your 1st choice.
  12. Sounds like UHD 4K Color Off Color Off is actually 4k OFF and the TV went into PC mode which is normally FHD/1080p same as your monitors. M.
  13. This is a known Issue even in X12 for some , there is an Article in the KB about this.... how useful I am not sure ......YMMV. PC https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03049/troubleshooting-chief-architect-software-closing-unexpectedly-on-windows.html macOS https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02940/troubleshooting-chief-architect-software-closing-unexpectedly-on-a-mac.html
  14. Chief has a bad habit of automagically making a Garage a Monoslab even if the rest of the House is using Stemwalls, so you then need to fix it by turning of those settings Michael pointed out OFF and reconfigure it.
  15. Try using the Spacebar instead ...puts you back in select mode.....
  16. You should really post some screen shots for your questions as it sounds like to me you have used one of Chief Plumbing Supply lines LineStyles and now want to join the Dashes together after the fact cos you don't like it ? Or maybe you just want one Linestyle so they all look the same ? You can make you own LineStyles if you want too? and then apply them.
  17. I think Rob is right you just need to reset the Floor to a Framed Floor Type in the Defaults.... They want to put a high-floor closet over the toe of the stairs ..... Yah got me , that is not a term I have ever heard......so can't really help. Mick.
  18. The Gap should be 1/16th , not 1/8th , and I have never seen a good cabinet installer need to put "spacers" behind the End panels, that must look lovely every time the Client opens the Door or Drawer. Not muddying ...... just clarifying my earlier Posts and what was or wasn't different from the X12 Client Plan brought forward to a clean X13 Test plan ...along with another couple of surprising finds, that you'll just have to get over and forgive me for mentioning.... M.
  19. The multiple copies of materials ( made by ????) and the Error when Merging has been around for a couple of versions now, so definitely send it in please..... Plans come with 35-40 Default Materials OOB ( Look at Defaults > Materials ) Green Exposed Fasteners is a Metal Roofing Material (Texture) I believe. M.
  20. Two I can think of but may not be available in the Bay Area are Richard @Richard_Morrison and Rene @Renerabbitt
  21. Just a case of giving Clients what they want ....if they want it in the Dim. String, so be it.... Mick
  22. Thanks I will look into that as another Option , since I doubt this will be fixed **I guess I'm not allowed to be sad it won't be fixed.......so much for build it like it's built in the Real World........ there are some mighty petty people on this Forum/Thread downvoting everything, good thing I don't care , that whole system should be removed. Mick.
  23. It's not a link to a video , and it isn't an arch. Block either , symbols and A.Blocks are different things.... CAD_Editing-2d-cad-blocks-assigned-to-3d-symbols_2021.pdf Symbols are not easily edited , their CAD Blocks can be though... you haven't really said what you are trying to do though? M.
  24. See if this KB Article helps.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00805/editing-2d-cad-blocks-assigned-to-3d-symbols.html
  25. Turn R.Can light off and use an Added 3D Light perhaps? M.