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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. yep it was Glennw ,Joe and a couple others , I'm sure he'll find this thread tomorrow ( Monday Oz Time) and enlighten us cos I couldn't find the thread again...
  2. there was a Hardi Panel topic a couple of weeks ago , a search should find it.... they were using the new Wall Region Tool to create the recessed lines between panels... or do you mean just the surface texture of hardi panel type products? M.
  3. Use a CAD Polyline (square) and make the line style and solid fill colour the same as your background colour so it blends in , so you don't see the dots in plan view but in 3d views you'll still see the door .... M.
  4. the new HomeTalk Forum is here Dusto.... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ it uses the same login as here now so no need to create a new user or anything...
  5. okay thx , I've used this trick for doing custom Cupolas but don't do it as normal practice, so was wondering if I was missing something.
  6. did you try shorten the extensions lines then so it's closer to the roof? how did you draw/get the unparallel dimension? M.
  7. So Scott , you always make an extra floor even if unused ? (0" finished ceiling I presume?) care to elaborate pls... M.
  8. Thx P. I would/have never considered that setting to adjust that cos it ain't a brick ledge , this is where CA's terminology throws me sometimes esp. as a Contractor as I use and know the "real terms" for stuff everyday. I see a setting for a brick ledge ...not want I want so ,move on and never looked further into it as I don't remember the last time I did "brick"... On your image you have interior railings as the wall type so esp. in that case I would of assumed Chief would ignore a brick ledge setting or not even show it ,so thx. again. learning something each time I am here. M.
  9. quote name="Nicinus" post="7357" timestamp="1399778449"] I can't seem to figure out how to set the building in relation to the ground level, i.e. how much the stem wall sticks up? It does not seem to be in the structure tab, and I can't find it in the defaults settings, nor in the terrain dbx. note this maybe diff in X6 but without getting into the sea level aspects Nicinus if you leave Auto elevation on for a Stem Wall Foundation Chief adds 6" (old code?... here now 8") plus the thickness of the Floor Structure eg 12 5/8 by default with IJoists so the Terrain will be 18 5/8 below the top of the plywood subfloor. However you may need to alter that as the 6" takes into account the 1 1/2" treated plate on top of the Stemwall, so the bottom of the Siding will be only 4 1/2 " off finished grade, if like me you need siding to be 8" above grade you need to add 3 3/8 to what ever size is displayed in the Auto Elevation Box. you can check these heights easily with a Backclipped Elevation view thru the wall and use the Tape Measure tool for a quick check....(Note the sill plate doesn't show in this view ,for me anyway, the tape measure will show 1' 1 1/2" to top of floor though not 12" off the stem wall assuming 12" floor structure of 11 1/4 Fir and 3/4 ply). Siding automatically stops at the bottom of the floor structure whatever it is, which isn't how it is really built but not sure it is worth messing with in Chief to fudge it, but you may need to alter cross section views to be right for planning approval. The number in the elevation height box is assumed to be negative by chief you don't need a - sign , if you do use one the effect is opposite,it goes up... also the default "ADD" amount is different for different types of Foundations too eg slabs uses +8" If you are setting contours lines after getting you pad correct above, make sure you are in decimal feet mode ( for N.Amer.), as that is how Surveyors shoot their heights. M. aarrrrghhhh.....I hate how this forum now times out when you type a long reply and wont let you post
  10. I think you need someone with X5 so it is compatible or Pro 2014 otherwise you wont be able to open the plan, nevermind edit it. You should post this over at the Home Designer Forums someone with Pro 2014 should be able to help. Sorry I don't have either.... http://hometalk.homedesignersoftware.com/forumdisplay.php?2-Q-amp-A
  11. Think you got it CJ , that was what I thought was there ,it is just hard to see if there is a Hip in line with the Gutter line of the porch roof or not in the photo...
  12. Yes I have seen this distortion too , so will try these tips in the thread,thx.... Nicinus , do you have software on the mouse programming the scroll wheel to do something in applications? I used to have a mouse that let you scroll up down with the wheel but if you applied side pressure to the wheel it also scrolled left or right. My current mouse has a "button" (middle) on the wheel too, so I can pan with it by click/hold>move mouse. M.
  13. This question comes up a lot....CA still hasn't made a Material though, on the symbols forum there is a discussion on it and the final result found here https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/137-board-and-batten-siding-texture/page-2#entry2077
  14. That's true , I try not to use them if at all possible , to many drainage issues and Snow/ice dams etc ..... thus Leaks.... plus the aesthetics are horrible too...
  15. Those could be call crickets too, that was just an example I found online, but I was referring to this particular case where I don't see them in the Pic provided, and his images were labelling Valleys as Crickets..... M. It's actually hard to tell if his Sketchup #1 or #2 image is the correct one from that grainy photo.....
  16. BeeoHat ,what you are calling a cricketin your Sketchup Posts , (no#2 is correct by the look of the photo) is just a valley, a Cricket is a small roof that usually sits behind Roof Penetrations such as chimneys to divert water around it. a quick google got this to show you : http://www.mcgarryandmadsen.com/inspection/Blog/Entries/2013/2/25_What_is_a_roof_cricket.html and ps the small white "hip" in the photo,someone mentioned ,at the gutter ,below the snow is a water diverter because of the valley I believe. Your No#2 Sketchup image looks right to me Beeohat without better photos (ie 5 planes not 7)... ,it would be more typical if the ridge hit the wall at the porch roof line but the photo does suggest what you have "sketched" M.
  17. I'm a GC too but as Perry said don't rely on the Materials list to be at all accurate , I never have found that to be true unfortunately as it was a purchasing point for me as well, I certainly wouldn't use it for Bidding/pricing a job. One of the reasons I never upgraded.....yet.... Do some simple models and test it out. M.
  18. >Where can you see reputation points? I obviously don't have any since I can't see them, but still? < the red , green and gray buttons on the bottom of each post ...grey is your rep. points and yes you have zero M.
  19. better yet make Room Planner available for Windows Tablets..... there's still a few of us Windows Users out here Back on topic ......I have one of the Bosch Laser measurer's but think only the Disto can integrate with Chief Directly if that feature is needed. M.
  20. Didn't DMDz make something like this ? maybe on the old forum or his site....don't think I have it but will check as I am still not sure how it passes code since it is "climb-able". M. Update: He did do something very similar , here is the post on the old forum , it includes a 40 " section with 2 posts and cables ,( resizable) and the post and cables as separate elements. it actually looks like the Chicago Rail I think: http://www.keuka-studios.com/the-chicago-style.aspx DMDz' s Library http://www.chieftalk.com/showthread.php?23366-One-New-FREE-Symbol-Each-Week&p=293835&highlight=railing#post293835
  21. Thanks for the Tutorial Curt you must have heard me racking my brains and the help menus as I played around with this yest., so I have used your posts and images to make a small PDF Tutorial for when I really need it again . M.
  22. his sig says 650ti ...... $150 would be about right Using a 470GTX on one comp myself and my old one is on a 275GTX still. Videocard does not help with Ray Tracing which is CPU intensive. M.
  23. Since you don't want to use the Internet/Cloud a USB Key or a small USB backup Drive like the WD Passports would work. Chief backups up to the My Docs folder and the software on the Passport drive automatically backs up My docs , your music email etc when you plug it in , and that way you'll also have the extra copy on the WD Drive or USB Key as well. USB Key works fine too if you know your way around Windows Explorer ...right click on the plan file> SendTo> "Your USB-key" pretty quick and simple. http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=470 Or if you are at home you can just use your Network and grab the file off the Laptop when you get home with HomeGroup Shares or Mapped Network Drives too. Mick
  24. Have you tried other Nvidia Drivers? I was having trouble with the latest 332-335 drivers but it was the driver crashing not X6 but things are smooth and crash free on 314.09 . SLI'd 470 GTX and 275GTX here. M.
  25. it's faster to just change the ext. but I'm curious why I should zip it regardless ? personally I think it is DUMB not allowing Calibz Files on the Chief Forums , why force people to zip them 1st?