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Everything posted by Dermot

  1. "Maybe Chief people can help?" If you are seeking help from Chief Architect, then I recommend that you contact our technical support department. Please have your product registration information ready.
  2. The program uses the size of the opening, not the size of your box or even the actual size of the door panel, to determine whether or not an automatic door should change between a single or a double. If the opening is more than 24", it will switch to use a double door, regardless of the door overlay. Currently, there is no way to adjust this setting. You can always manually change a door from a double to single or vice versa for cases where you want something different. As far as wanting the automatic behavior to work differently, please feel free to submit a feature request for how you would like the program to work.
  3. My guess is that your fireplace is not in the same room as your wall elevation camera. Wall elevations are for a single room only and will exclude objects that are not in that room. You would need to post a plan for anyone to know for sure. You could either use a cross section camera (because these will use the whole model), or change your room definition so that the fireplace is actually in the room (but this can have other side effects), or modify the fireplace so that it is in the same room as the camera.
  4. See if this tech article helps: If not, then post your plan and layout and someone will probably tell you what is going on. If all else fails, then contact technical support during our normal business hours.
  5. We price our software the same, regardless of what your hardware is capable of. Currently, real time ray tracing is only supported on certain modern video cards (like the Nvidia RTX cards). We expect there to be more and better support for this in the future. If you want to take advantage of this feature when X13 becomes available, then you may need to upgrade your hardware. This is completely out of our control.
  6. Wow, so many posts and so much confusion. X12 is not capable of writing out plans in the X10 file format. If you saved the files using X12, then they are indeed X12 files regardless of what your OS shows as the program icon. The icon is only showing you what program your OS thinks the file is associated with. If you haven't read the tech article that Josh posted above, then please go read the tech article. If following the instructions of the tech article do not solve your problem, then please call our technical support team during our normal business hours and they will be more than happy to try and help you solve your problems.
  7. See if this tech article helps: If not, then you will probably want to post a simple plan that demonstrates the problem you are having. Someone on this forum would then be able to quickly determine what you are doing that is preventing the windows from being mulled. If all else fails, then you might want to contact our technical support team during normal business hours.
  8. Dermot

    house plan

    There appears to be a problem with your product registration. Please contact our technical support department during our normal business hours for additional help in this matter.
  9. We have no reports of crashes or any other problems having to do with the plan materials dialog.
  10. Color themes are not available in X10. To change the background color for camera views, you will need to change this in your camera defaults under the backdrop panel.
  11. When you put cabinets into architectural blocks, they are supposed to keep their connections with the other cabinets that are within the block. They are currently not designed to keep their connections with things that are not in the architectural block. So what Michael is pointing out is what I would consider a known limitation of the program and what Eric has found is what I would consider a bug in the program. They should not lose their connections when you save them in the library and then place them back into a plan. Regardless of what I think, if either of these things are important to you, then you should report them to our tech support so that we can evaluate them further. And, as always when reporting problems, please include any plan files along with clear instructions for how to reproduce the problems and how you would like the program to work differently.
  12. I think I would use a blind corner cabinet in the situation you are describing. When you only attach the cabinets at the front corner (which is what I think Eric has shown), you literally have nothing in the corner but dead space. The program will automatically extend the counter and back to cover it but you can't really use it for storage. Also, I think you could use a normal base cabinet, facing out of course, for the island situation shown above. This would give you some extra storage that could easily be accessed from the back side. Regardless of how you or I might design this kitchen, I could not duplicate the problem where putting the cabinets into an architectural block would lose the connections.
  13. Just a couple of comments but with the caveat that I did not actually look at your plan. There have been a number of stair improvements since X10 but the one that Eric is highlighting is that multiple landings can be connected to create stairways now and the program will automatically calculate the heights for you. In X10, you could still use multiple landings but you would have to figure out and set the heights manually as well as turn off the railings where you don't want them. Since automatic winders have always been somewhat touchy, the ability to create your own with landings gives you some more options with much better control. As to why the door doesn't work with winders and why Glenn's solution works, I got nothing at the moment. I will say this though, this is why we really like having Glenn around, especially during beta testing.
  14. I would argue that the program did not make the copy, you did.
  15. If you find a case where the program makes a copy of a material and the material is identical to an existing material, then please report this to our tech support team. Please include the plan files and exact steps needed to reproduce the problem. If you would like the program to work differently than it does currently, then please feel free to make a post on the suggestions forum.
  16. First, I can't repro the problem you are showing. You should probably report this to our technical support team and include the plan that demonstrates it. Second, I don't think this layout is a very realistic case of what a kitchen designer would normally do. The front corner attached cabinets will create dead spaces and have no support for a finished back.
  17. Here are some other ideas that don't involve using save as. You can put all of the different kitchen layouts into separate architectural blocks. This makes it pretty easy to swap them out or put them on different layers Objects in architectural blocks can behave a bit differently then objects in the plan and that can solve some problems but may cause others. You can use edit area to cut and paste different layouts from plan to plan, floor to floor, or to a different area of the same plan. When going to a different plan or floor, you can use hold position to make sure things are always in the right spot. When going to a different area of the plan, I like to use point to point move to make sure things go where I want them. You can also use edit area with pretty much any shaped polyline that you have and this can make it easier to keep things lined up.
  18. I believe that this can happen any time you place an object from the library or copy an object between plans. The program will see if the materials that are used by the object are already in the plan. The program will look at all of the material attributes and if the material is not in the plan, then the program will copy the material, even if there already is one with the same name. This can give you two materials with the same name but with different attributes. I believe that this can also happen if you import any data (like defaults) from a different plan. One way to see what attributes are different is to select both materials and use the Edit tool. Any attributes that are different should be set in the "No Change" state. The best way to get rid of the duplicates is to use the Merge tool. The merge tool will keep the first material in the list, so if you know which material you want to keep, you may want to rename it so it appears first in the list. Keep in mind that even if you merge materials, you could get additional duplicates the next time you bring any new objects into the plan.
  19. You can't do a raytrace if you are not using either standard or pbr as your rendering technique. You can't do a raytrace from a stepped cross section view. You can't do a raytrace if you have turned on "Hide Camera Facing Exterior Walls" in your camera specification dialog.
  20. You can automatically show the schedule callout, or the standard label, or neither, but you can't show both. If you want the standard label without the callout, you can control this in the schedule specification dialog.
  21. There are no automatic tools to do what you are asking. You might want to try a molding polyline with just a thin rectangular profile. Or, another polyline solid that has a different material on it..
  22. Please check with your local building department because this stair configuration may not meet code requirements. I was told that stairs are never supposed to get narrower along the path of egress. I would also encourage you to delete your other post.
  23. By default, ramps in Chief are set to 1:12. If you want a different slope, either steeper or less steep, turn off automatic heights. You can then specify the start and end heights, or the slope that you want.
  24. First, your picture is too small to see much of anything. Next, I would still guess that this is the result of a video card or driver problem. Sometimes video card companies release new drivers that have new problems. Sometimes you have to go directly to video card company's web site to get the latest version of the driver. Sometimes the problems can be caused by a video card setting or the card itself is going bad. To diagnose whether this is a video card problem or a plan problem, post a simple plan that has the problem on your machine and someone can see if they can reproduce it. If all else fails, then you may want to contact tech support during their normal business hours on Monday.
  25. Those are added automatically because you have created "island rooms". Here is some more info that might help: