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Everything posted by CharlesVolz

  1. Here is the latest ANSI Z765 I have which is 2021. ANSI Z765-2021 - SQUARE FOOTAGE print.pdf
  2. I am a creative designer who has acquired unique experiences and perspectives from my collection of work as a designer and builder. I have degrees in structural engineering (BS Rice University) and architectural engineering (MS University of Texas at Austin) and have planned, designed, developed and built various, diverse projects over my 30-year plus career. I am a member of the American Institute of Building Design ("AIBD"), which provides quality continuing education to ensure its members remain current with technology, materials and building codes. AIBD holds its members to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. I utilize the latest technology like GoToMeeting to work with customers live online and OBS Live to record "how-to" videos for builders, designers and DIYers, instructing home design using Chief Architect. I offer design assistance and training for beginners to intermediate using Chief Architect versions X11, X12, X13 and X14 and design assistance for all newer Home Designer products. I have worked with homeowners, builders, designers and architects from all over the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and England. I offer money-saving proficient design assistance as well as expert training in Chief Architect. I am available to design your home from concept to working drawings, assist you in learning Chief Architect and/or improve your existing home design. Whether you need a home designer or just a few hours of training, I can accommodate you.
  3. Are you seeking remote work or local? Meet with clients "in person"? If so, please state your location.
  4. Select garage and do the same thing.
  5. That is what I am thinking. If someone cannot justify the cost because they are not using it enough for professional work, then why don't they use HDPro? And how do people stay proficient in such a capable but complicated software.
  6. You can also cut (Ctrl+X) and paste and hold position (Strl+Alt+V).
  7. No. That means that you could not sell that plan to others or build it yourself. You could be in future litigation with that same builder over various aspects of the design. I say this knowing that a builder is not going to make you rich enough to be worth it.
  8. Howdy Mike, The best thing to do is post the plan. Maybe: Different rooms have different ceiling height settings. The roof is built manually or marked edited so that auto-rebuild will not change the roof height. Etc... Generally, CA works so that a wall will build to the height of the default setting unless it encounters a roof plane. Best, Charles
  9. Please post the plan if you want help.
  10. I am with you on the phone, if that meets your needs. I am with you on the keyboard, if that meets your needs. For some of us, it is an investment that pays off big time.
  11. I use them also. You could say that the perspective views are distorted... to look correct from one point of view. But we don't draw what we see, we draw a scaled structure so that it can be built. Perpectives only help us understand the structure from our limited point of view. Perspectives translate the actual to our understanding. Reminds me of an interesting book from highschool geometry, discussing that a line looks like a point (or two) if you are at a point in that line. A polyline looks like a line, etc.
  12. I ordered Stream Deck XL 32 keys...If it's good for Joe... Thanks for the input guys. Best, Charles
  13. They seem the same other than X-keys have more keys (which I like) and StreamDeck has nice key graphics available (which I would like). Both allow multiple uses of each key. Right?