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Everything posted by Rich_Winsor

  1. Looks like the wall in question is actually 2 walls butted together. I deleted the short section on the left and dragged the right section over to the corner to make it one wall section and the gap goes away.
  2. If it will help I took the liberty to edit out the watermark and also the leaves in the bottom left corner.
  3. Nice Dennis. It's been my experience that darker tones produce better polished results as your RT demonstrates.
  4. I had a quick play with this. Very strange. I can confirm that it is in fact an inverted ridge cap, but I can't determine what is generating it. I deleted all the roof planes and everything on the Attic level and the inverted ridge cap remained. If you only need to render the view you can do as Griffin suggests and turn off the layer. You will lose all the ridge caps in the view but with the dark color you are using for the roof the lack of ridge caps is not readily apparent. However I found that restoring the ridge caps resulted in the inverted and unwanted cap returning.
  5. I think most of the people around here are certifiable.
  6. I am truly blessed, my friend, to literally be living in the land of milk and honey. Milk Honey - yes all those little brown specks are bees We had 20" of rain in a six week span and we are experiencing a spring the likes of which hasn't been seen in this area in decades. Anywhere you point the camera you can get Chamber of Commerce vistas.
  7. The catch 22 here is that to learn almost any of the clickable functions you need to also click on all the options to see just how they affect the model. My original premise was to include ALL the clicks required to open every option. In general terms I'm thinking we are talking 5 figures here, and if anybody thinks that I am actually going to attempt a count.....don't hold your breath.
  8. OK, so I’ve been sitting on this question for over two years. Every time I asked my Magic Eight Ball if I should post it to the forum the reply was always “My sources say no”. I figured the darn thing was just stuck but today when I asked the reply was “Yes, definitely”, so here it is. How many mouse clicks would it take to fully explore every option of every feature in Chief? This is a question that goes right to the heart of every request for improved features for the software. We all want to perform the various tasks with the least number of clicks and are always looking for ways to streamline our workflow to eliminate unnecessary clicks. So in order to see what we are up against I want to know what kind of a number we are talking about here. Take a minute or two over your morning cup of Joe to mull it over and come up with a number. In the meantime I will start counting up the clicks up so we will know who came up with the best estimate. 1-Click on File drop down menu 2-Click on New Plan icon 3-Click on New Layout icon 4-Click on Open Plan icon 5-Click on Open Layout icon 6-Click on Open Recent Files icon 7-Click on Templates icon 8-Click on New Plan From Template submenu icon 9-Click on New Layout From Plan submenu icon 10-Click on Save as Template submenu icon 11-Click on Manage Auto Archives icon 12-Click on Startup Options icon 13-.................................... 14-...................... 15-........
  9. Well, I just grabbed the wall and dragged it over to cover the hole and everything seems to look pretty good to me. Didn't look for other issues. 2017-02-As_Built_Plans.plan
  10. Amen to that Curt. Maybe for an industrial strength kiosk in a mall but not for my PC. What if I'm eating fried chicken and Cheetos?
  11. Been foolin around again. Does this illusion work for anyone? What we have here is a model and a background but no terrain perimeter has been created. In essence the model is hovering in space in front of the background. I had to remove all the footings from the foundation so the bottom of the model was flat. And the sun has to be at your back because there is no terrain to cast shadows upon. If I reposition the model in relation to the background you can see what's really going on.
  12. A lot of interesting things going on in this shot Johnny. I Like it.
  13. Good advice Mr. P, but I haven't had the cover on my computer case since about Windows 3. Somehow I never get around to that step when I assemble a new rig.
  14. Here is a quick Ray Trace I pulled to give the client an idea of how this electrical panel would look on his siding. The enclosure is a Wall Cabinet. The meter is some Boolean operations with P-solids, and the meter face is an image from the internet converted to a material and applied to a P-solid face plate. Everything modeled and rendered in Chief of course.
  16. Don't know what to say Bill. I haven't downloaded that catalog. The Project Description for the download says "'ll also find cars and trucks, even some emergency vehicles". There is a significant difference between the file sizes of the downloads for X5 vs. X9. Maybe everything isn't available for X5. Suggest that you contact technical support on Monday. If you can talk to Nigel, he is the man. He will sort it all out for you.
  17. BTW, have you tried just updating your core catalogs? Select "Library">"Update Library Content". I assume it was an option in X5.
  18. If you go to Chief's 3D Library you can download their Vehicles content. It says that they go back to version X4.
  19. What version of the software are you running? There are cars and trucks in the core catalogs and there are more in the bonus catalogs. Here is where the core catalog vehicles are found.
  20. This is excellent advice. If you adopt this approach you will save yourself a lot of grief and aggravation trying to figure out how the various light sources perform. It deserves more than a +1.
  21. Is anybody else experiencing this in X9? >Draw a simple floor plan. >Build the roof and framing. >Take a Perspective Framing Overview. >Run a quick Ray Trace with default settings. The wall framing will not display in the Ray Trace. I just performed the exact same operations in X8 and everything displays just fine in the Ray Trace.
  22. Please do. I busted my hump to get home for the 11:00 start time and wouldn't you know it, the power in the neighborhood was off and it didn't come back on until 2:30.
  23. Hey! Here is a remodel project in progress for a neighbor up the road a piece. Maybe not as impressive as Bob's lake house but it's always nice to see your design taking shape in actual brick and mortar. As always 100% Chief. In light of the fact that we have had 15" of rain in the past 6 weeks, and with more on the way, the owners are reconsidering their landscaping options so that's a blank canvas for now.
  24. Nice monitor stand for that new Acer 27" Larry.