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Everything posted by Rich_Winsor

  1. Man, that's some amazing stuff there Michael. I'm trying to get my head around those chains and how they would be modeled. Every link appears to be in a different orientation or degree of rotation from the adjacent links. No signs of repetition. Very nicely done.
  2. That being said I think the Ray Trace is far superior.
  3. For some reason your explanation made me think of Woody's Chalkboard comment today.
  4. Wow! Very impressive. Let me give this a try. What I need is a recreation of the crown molding in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Interesting case of life imitating art. Was there a roof on the house where the actual photograph was taken? It looks like we have light bleeding between the cabinet crown moldings and the ceiling. Maybe Chief is on to something?
  6. FYI, I found the captions and links on your Portfolio page to be messed up. For example clicking on the "HGTV Container Home" image takes you to the "Hillside English Cottage" instead. The only one that seemed to be correct was the first image of the "Contemporary River View". Just sayin'.
  7. Or you could eliminate the closets altogether and use a couple of nice armoires instead. It will make the rooms look larger too.
  8. Is there a bed in the scene? I just want to know who that is in the beanbag chair.
  9. I’ve been goofing around creating a coat of arms for my nephew to be, Jayden (expected at the end of the month). It turned out pretty cool so I thought I would share it. A pair of combative corvids seemed appropriate for a kid named Jay. But Rich, you say, how is this Chief related? Easy, Jay is a charter member of the Chief F.U.G. (Future User’s Group).
  10. Is that a retractable drink holder belt buckle you're wearing... or are you just happy to see me?
  11. I'm not sure if this is the effect you are trying to achieve, but many moons ago I made this simple walkthrough path to demonstrate one method to get a 360° exterior view. test walkthru-22.avi
  12. That's the beauty of Code Books. They are never ending.
  13. Yeah, I think a giant red rooster would do the trick. But seriously, when I try to open Alan's link I get a message saying that Chief Architect 3D Viewer is not supported by this browser. Really? I'm using Internet Explorer 11 and Chief doesn't support it?
  14. Come on Michael. How do I know whether or not I want it if I don't download it to see?
  15. I have encountered the same problem. It also would happen in a walkthrough recording. I've never been able to determine why it happened, but as I recall, the Camera view would Ray Trace properly.
  16. You are using the wrong Camera. The Training Video is using the Perspective Floor Overview Camera. You are using the Perspective Full Overview Camera. For your last issue it sounds like you are using the Mouse-Pan Camera. Try using the Mouse-Orbit Camera.
  17. From a quick look I'd say it could be Chief. But I'd bet dollars to donuts that it wasn't done with X10. Chief has made any Ray Trace results you may have achieved in previous versions useless in X10.
  18. Tim, check out the info in this thread.
  19. I don't remember where I got this symbol. See if it works for you. Hope it uploaded properly. Juniperus scoplorum 1.calibz
  20. Or you could use a pair of skinny cabinets on each side to create your needed chase.
  21. Like your Profile Photo P-C. Love nose art. Here's my favorite Thunderbolt art. It is after all a warthog.
  22. No need to beat yourself up. We've all been down that road. Dialog Boxes have an annoying ability to hide options in plain sight.
  23. Open the "Base Cabinet Specification" DBX and change the Toe Kick dimensions to zero. Then use the "Finished Floor to Bottom" field to set the cabinet to the height that you desire above the floor.