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Everything posted by parkwest

  1. Why does a Harley CVO Limited cost more than a 2006 Honda Rebel 250 – $1,880? They’re both just motorcycles. Please explain.
  2. APA has a library of cad details, also. You might want to check your local building department website too.
  3. Once you go "Plan View" there is no going back. Can you envision a day when you can do the 3D modeling of a project and behind the scenes, and concurrently, the computer is generating your layout views automatically? I would like to see the option of connecting a plan view to a room label, also. ie., kitchen, bath, master bedroom, etc...
  4. If accurate framing is important... then Eric (solver) gave you the answer. IMHO, I would go with the wall material region for quick and easy.
  5. Yoda: Do! Or, Don't Do. Everything else is an excuse. ;-)
  6. Have you had a chance to go thru the tutorial guide? CA has a great video training library also.
  7. Add the symbol to your user library and then you can place it wherever you want.
  8. Did you check your wall type definition and make sure you only have the framing on main layer? Not at my desk so I can’t check...
  9. Try breaking the wall in two spots and change wall type in the opening section to invisible room divider...
  10. I watched Dave's videos on my iPad using Chrome... no problemo.
  11. I am able to watch Dave’s videos on my iPad with no problems.
  12. That is quick and easy... Good find, Rene.
  13. Dan Baumann has one on his chief expert academy website. Also, Contractor's Legal Kit has a pre-construction Service Agreement that might work for you.
  14. Have you tried changing your grade level marker to the top of foundation and have your elevation reference the grade level marker, instead of the 1st floor subfloor? This can be found under auto story pole dimension default-locate elevation.
  15. I also add the scale of the layout to the plan view title when I rename it. It does a couple things. Besides adding the scale to the layout box label, it is also a reminder what scale to use when sending the view.
  16. If I understand the question correctly, can’t you change the layout box label by renaming your plan view?
  17. Maybe CA can add an approximate symbol (~) to the s.f. column. Many years ago I once built a custom home for an engineer. He tried to deduct HIS calculated square footage from the plans stated s.f. from his final billing. His reasoning being that "Total Living Area" can only include the usable, living space in a room and surely can NOT include the space under walls, closets, stairs, cabinets, utilities, etc.
  18. That gable decoration in the op can be done in about 2 seconds using a standard truss and edit the chords to meet your needs.
  19. Would using a deck for the landing and deck stairs work? If you want your stairs covered, make the stairwell room 2 story height.
  20. I use Snagit. I use Zoom for online meetings... never thought to use Zoom for recording videos... I am going to give that a try. Thanks David.
  21. Did you try a search for balloon framing?
  22. Thank you for your answer. I didn’t find anything when I did a search in the knowledge base for json files.
  23. No thanks, Michael. I am still in recovery from autolisp... I want a CAD program to put out decent con docs that show the workers what needs to be done and to get the states permission to build it, without having to learn a foreign language. I read topics like this one and wonder when will all the fragmented software programs we use to build a house work together seamlessly. I like CA because my biggest problem building custom homes was getting the client to make their selection choices in a timely manner.
  24. To get me started... what do you do with a json file to use it in CA?