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Everything posted by glennw

  1. They should come up in the Material List as Exterior Trim.
  2. Liam, You need to build trusses manually. Trusses (no Birdsmouth) does not build the trusses, it just tells Chief where to place the roof framing in relation to the top plate.
  3. What are the steps you are using to build the trusses? The plan you posted only has a roof over the rear porch.
  4. Mulyiple select all the rooms. Open the dbx. Uncheck Show Room Label. OK. With the rooms still selected, open up the room dbx again and check Show Room Label.
  5. Is the short wall in a defined room?
  6. I think it was because tech support was getting too many calls about this tool. When you use perspective crop mode, the camera stays in the one spot and the view is graphically cropped. This means that if you send that view to layout the full view gets sent, not the cropped view. I don’t have access to Chief at the moment, but I am pretty sure that is correct.
  7. Except that it precludes you from using L as the first key in any other sequential shortcut. The majority of my shortcuts are 2 letter sequential - I really dislike all simultaneous shortcuts. My most often used are my sequential zoom shortcuts like ZA Zoom All ZW Zoom Window ZP Zoom Previous etc.
  8. Isn't that because, in this case, the big room really has 2 different ceiling heights because the room dividers are ignored?
  9. This is incorrect. Strictly speaking, the baseline height is determined from the ceiling height - not the wall height. The wall height is also determined from the ceiling height. In fact, you don't even need a wall or room to draw a roof plane. Try drawing a roof plane in a blank plan or off to the side of your building. Notice that the baseline height is based on the default floor ceiling height. Try drawing a roof plane with one ceiling height. Change the ceiling height and draw another roof plane. The original roof plane's height will remain as is (based on the original ceiling height) and the new roof plane will be drawn based on the new ceiling height. Dragging a wall up and drawing a roof plane will result in the roof plane being drawn based on the ceiling height - not the wall height - the roof height will have nothing to do with the height of the wall. At some stage between drawing the 2 roof planes, did you change the ceiling height? Be aware that the baseline height is not the same as the ceiling height - baseline height is Height of wall top plate (rough ceiling height) + vertical structure depth - birdsmouth depth
  10. Tools>Screen Capture>Capture Screen. You can drag a rectangle to capture the area you want. This automatically saves to your -My Images folder in your Chief Data folder.
  11. Don't use a retaining wall - use a Terrain Break and then use an ordinary wall. Edit the wall heights by breaking it along the top and then dragging in elevation view.
  12. Sorry, I was thinking about Virtual Reality.
  13. It can be. But to do that, you need to set the Sub Floor Height Above Terrain to zero. You can then directly relate the terrain heights to the first floor zero height. ie, with a Sub Floor Height Above Terrain set at zero, an Elevation Line of 24" will be 24" above the zero floor level. Likewise, a Sub Floor Height Above Terrain set at zero, an Elevation Line of -24" will be 24" below the zero floor level. There are several ways to set heights in relation to the terrain. You can even use real word heights for both the terrain and the floor heights.
  14. Uncheck Winders on the General panel?
  15. The way it works is that if you select New, it makes a copy of the existing selected Default Set in the list. So no need for a copy button - each New Default Set is a copy of an existing one. And yes, the documentation needs an update.
  16. Drawing Group and Draw Order are part of the same thing. You can assign an object to a Drawing Group either in it's dbx, or you can use the Draw Order Edit Tools on the Edit toolbar. Select an object, select Draw Order Edit Tools from the Edit toolbar, where you can change the Drawing Group and you can also choose Send To Back, Send Backward, Bring Forward, Bring To Front.
  17. No, I am on X12, which has just become available. If you have SSA, you can download X12 now. Try this one in X11. Tile a plan and 3D view and try moving some of the Elevation Lines up and down the screen and see what happens to the terrain. X11 TERRAIN.plan
  18. Here is the quick plan I made. It is metric, so do what you can with it. site terrain.plan
  19. To get to the Notes defaults, you can open a Cad Detail window and then double click on the Notes tool on the toolbar. I am pretty certain that the default set here is specific to cad details. Joe, why not post the layout.
  20. You can also have Cad details in layout that can use Notes. I am pretty sure that these have their own defaults.
  21. Post the plan and I will try and sort it out for you. You need to know where to place elevation data to get things to work properly. Sounds like you need more Elevation Lines to control the terrain slope - 2 is probably not enough. Was the wall you used a Retaning Wall or a Terrain Wall?
  22. You will need to use Terrain Elevation Data, modifiers, etc. Be aware that it could be hard going. The best tool to do the drain would be the Elevation Region. Things will get a lot more complicated if the terrain or the drain have any cross fall. I recommend that you do not use a Terrain retaining wall - you will have much better success if you use a Terrain Break and use an ordinary wall after you get the terrain correct.
  23. Do you want an actual physical drain or are you just shaping the terrain?
  24. You are trying to use the wrong wall to get the stepdown. You need to use the wall above the slab - not the slab footing itself - even for the brick wall and even though it is below the top of slab. The footing can be a plain concrete stem wall - no need for more than the single concrete layer. You also need to use a pony wall to get the siding wall sitting on the brick wall. Have a look at the section and the wall in the pic below. Have a look at the wall definitions, foundation defaults, etc I only did this quickly on the 1 selected wall to get you going. This is all built automatically and then Auto Detailed. Rosene_-_GLENN.plan