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Everything posted by glennw

  1. I was just about to suggest that you check and make sure that you are using the graphics card and not the onboard graphics. What does Video card Status say (in Preferences)
  2. You need to cut the existing roof eave overhang back where it encroaches into the new porch. The existing roof eave is preventing the wall from building up - same as the real world. What type of wall do you want - brick for the full width, cladding for part of it. You may have to go up to the attic level and change the wall type.
  3. Everything seems to run smoothly on my mac with your plan. No slowdown or delay.
  4. Have a look in the help file for Align Walls.
  5. You firstly need to create a material from your picture. You then apply the material to an object (like a polysolid) with Stretch To Fit checked) Open the Help file and search for Creating Materials.
  6. I am not at the computer at the moment, but I think the size of casing that is applied to a mulled unit comes from the first selected window or door - or something like that. Are you saying that if you manually mull 2 windows together (that have different casing sizes), the casing size is different than both windows?
  7. Newell, Something like this? I am not 100% sure how you want the drive to be - can you elaborate a bit more. What problems are you having with the stair. You may need to move or delete some walls to make room for the stairs. Place and configure the stairs and then fix the walls. Moheb Building GLENN.plan
  8. They are your Porch (+Breakfast) ceilings. Your ceiling heights are too high and are building above the roof. Lower the Porch ceiling heights, or...raise your roofs.
  9. CAD>Points>Delete Temporary Points.
  10. Open the stair room dbx. On the Moldings panel, uncheck Use Floor Defaults. Delete the molding.
  11. Try doing that with a mono slab.
  12. Eric, Good to see your vid. For my example, I use a mono slab, which works a bit differently.
  13. Steve, There is another way to do this. Go to the Wall Definition dbx and enter -4" in the Foundation Offset. This will increase the size of the slab, leave the wall where it is and it will not push out the roof. In the plan, you will need to hide the invisible walls and draw cad lines (or some other method) to represent the true size of the slab. I suspect, using your molding method, that in a 3D vector view, you would see the line between the slab and your molding polyline?
  14. Christina, Try excluding any cameras from your selection and then try Transform/Replicate again. You can just lock the camera layers to prevent them from being selected. You may also have to do a Rebuild, Walls, Floors and Ceilings which I find is needed sometimes.
  15. Maybe I should have been a bit more specific: Go Preferences>Edit>Behaviours>check Concentric > Jump> enter 75'.
  16. You could try Rotate Plan View, but make sure you read up on how the tool actually works and the ramifications of using the tool. Just try it on a copy of the plan first.
  17. Go Preferences>Edit>Behaviours>check Concentric, enter 75'. Select the line, select Copy/Paste. Click over one of the corner (where any 2 line segments join) edit handles (NOT the centre Move handle) and drag in the direction of the offset. This will evenly offset every line segment by the same amount - unlike trying to drag with the centre move handle. It sounds like you need to offset both ways (I don't understand why?) - you can't do that in the one step. Do one side and then the other - only takes a second.
  18. I would use some Distribution Regions with options like Evenly Scattered, Object Scaling and Random Angle, Object Scaling, etc. You can only have one plant type to each region, but it only takes a short time to copy one region (Hold Position), and select another plant. You can quickly build up a fairly complex looking plant layout. Very fast and easy to change the parameters to get different effects instantly. I think that landscaping always looks better with 3D objects rather than the 2D images which look....flat! 2D plants do not change appearance as you rotate the model or individual plants, but 3D plants will change as they are rotated. Here is a quick one I did in about 1 minute.
  19. I believe that you are talking about how the dimension text cuts out the dimension line. This is caused by the fill for the text box. This is from memory, but you should get the idea - just have a play with these settings. At the moment, you are probably using Use Layer For Text Style. If, instead you use Custom Text Style or Text Style, you can specify a Transparent Fill for the dim text and the dim line will display through the text box. Oh, don't forget that if you want to hide or delete parts of the dimension string we can use Blank Segment and/or Suppress Dimension.
  20. Open your profile by clicking on your picture in the top right hand corner. On the right hand side of the title bar there is a button - See My Activity. That should take you to all your posts. PS You have to be quick around here!!
  21. For dims, you can do this in the layout on a Layout Box basis. Send your plan to layout as normal at whatever scale you want, with a default dim text size of 200mm. Open the layout box that contains the plan and change the Number Height. If you send the same floor plan to layout at different scales, each Layout Box can have a different number height.