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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Or...another way. Select the polysolid in elevation. On the Edit menu select Solid Feature and then draw the hole. Reshape the hole.
  2. Another way if you want something a bit more complicated is to open the dbx for the Deck room and uncheck "Automatically regenerate deck framing" and check "Keep deck framing after the deck room is deleted". Drag one of the railing walls back to break the room definition (or you could check No Room Definition). Drag the rail back to recreate the room definition (or uncheck No Room Definition). Open the room dbx and uncheck Floor Under This Room. This will now allow you to paint or change the material of any decking plank - not just the boarders. What this does is create a deck room without any floor platform. It uses the retained floor platform from the previously created and deleted deck.
  3. Rene, Very understandable given the conditions. Often I don't know if I am misunderstanding, missing something or not following the thread correctly, or if it is the poster who is not understanding or making some type of mistake. Anyway...all is good. Take care.
  4. Am I missing something? You can select a single room or multiple rooms and then use the Auto Interior Dimension tool from the Edit menu. This will only give you dimensions for inside the rooms.
  5. Ok. I just revisited this thread, particularly Eric's video near the beginning. He was having trouble getting some roof edit fields available when he selected 2 roof planes (before he changed the width of the room). This should be the expected behavior because he is selecting 2 roofs that have different ridge heights - it may not look like it in the 3D view, but they must be different heights because the spans of the 2 wings are different. The roof at the rear will have a different ridge height because it will need to extend a tiny amount (a little V) to tie in with the ridge of the front roofs. If the ridge heights are different, you cannot use the dbx to change their ridge heights. In the exaggerated plan below, you can plainly see that the ridge height for the main front roof is at the normal ridge line height. The ridge height for the rear roof is at the top of the small V, which is equal to the front ridge height. This is why the ridge height becomes available when both wings of the floor plan are equal - the ridge heights are then the same. Try selecting the 2 smaller front roofs and the rear roof. Because they both have the same ridge heights, that choice becomes available for edit in the dbx.
  6. Try this - although I am not sure if it is the problem or not. Open the dbx for one of those dimensions. Dimensions panel>Options>is Suppress Wall Widths checked? Can you post the plan the picture came from?
  7. In the cross section view drag a selection marquee around all of the section. This will only select all the cad work - this is good unless you have already done any cad work. I haven't looked at what happens in X11 - only X12.
  8. I see the same as Eric - all looks good. Are you sure that you deleted the old Auto Detail polylines and then Auto Detailed again. Auto Detail does not delete any previous auto detail polylines.
  9. Think of Elevation Lines as you would draw contour lines. I still believe that Elevation Points are just too hard to work with - especially on a complicated site. It is much easier to find and control Elevation Lines than a whole lot of points. Elevation Lines will result in a smoother terrain than a whole bunch of points. Even though the survey shows points, I would still draw Elevation Lines. An Elevation Line is just a string of elevation points spaced at about 2' centres.
  10. This may help a little. You could then go back to Drawing Sheet Setup and check Remember Print Settings After Printing. Uncheck Update Automatically. This will remember the Current Sheet setting and will only display the current sheet. Downside is that it will remember the other settings as well - but that may not be a problem if your print jobs use the same settings.
  11. The Material List will give you individual wall lengths and a total length for each wall type.
  12. Tom, If you want to send me the plan or post it here, I will give it a go on my machine and see what happens. PS, I just noticed that the last posts in this thread go back to 2017 - 3 years ago. Much has changed since then.
  13. Chopsaw, You need to turn off Auto Rebuild Terrain as well or the terrain keeps generating. Thinks like Terrain Features maintain their shape when Clear terrain is used.
  14. I think they are referring to the actual shaping of the site - ie, contouring the site.
  15. Seems like you answered your own question. I must say that I have done some very complicated sites in the past and have never once had to use Clear Terrain.
  16. This Picture Box to which I have added a red fill for clarity.
  17. One at a time. For the end walls with the exposed framing. All you need is a wall definition that contains a framing material for the main layer like the attached pic. No need to build a wall and do manual framing. You can then just draw the wall and build framing for that one wall if you don't want to build all the framing. I noticed that you have Auto Rebuild Walls/Floors/Ceiling toggled off. This should normally be toggled on in most cases to keep the model updated as you work. You also have an unused Picture File Box over the living area - is that doing something?
  18. Also be aware that there is really no such thing as an "interior" or "exterior" wall tool - these terms are a bit misleading. They are just two different wall tools and either one can be used as an interior or exterior wall. The 2 wall tools may as well just be called "wall type 1" and "wall Type 2". Chief recognises the difference between and "exterior" or "interior" wall by it's location in the model - not by the wall tool used to draw the wall.
  19. Well, if you haven't built the roof why would you expect one to display?
  20. Silly question, but have you built a roof? PS. You really don't need Shelf Ceiling or Use Soffit Surface for Ceiling checked.
  21. Sott, Is that the same building you had the same truss problems with, about a year ago? Did we sort it out or is it a new problem?