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Everything posted by glennw

  1. What I would like to know is how are you ever going to build it with the lower pony wall protruding out in front of the upper pony wall.
  2. You can do it if you are happy to use one of the other 3 marker types (Test Boring, Point Marker, Framing Reference) that only allow 1 line of text.
  3. I'm not sure I follow you. Can't we already get windows as close as we want?
  4. No they aren't. Your exterior casings are off - your interior casings on on. It is the interior casings that are causing the auto mulling.
  5. Yes, it is what I said - Automatic Mulling. Occurs when the casings touch. In this case it is caused by the size of the internal casings. Chief will "join" the windows with a single casing - same as like you would do in real life. If the windows were dragged together closer than the casing width, what would you want to happen? Delete the casings? Overlap the casings? Make 1 small and 1 big?.......... Auto mulling is different from manual mulling in that the windows remain as individual windows whereas with manual mulling the windows join together to form a single window unit.
  6. Windows will automatically mull together when their internal casings touch? Although without a plan it is a bit hard to tell what is happening in this case.
  7. Larry, Yes, I deleted my post, so as not to confuse. I was about to post it and then re-read the other posts and realised that my method was very similar to Michael's. Instead of his method using retain Floor/ceiling Framing and dragging wall up and down, I use a Deck for the room definition. turned of auto framing and checked Retain Deck Framing.
  8. You create a Wall Cutout Polyline by opening the symbol specification dbx and on the options panel, checking Inserts into wall. While you are there, enter the Depth as 6". Select the window and on the Edit toolbar click Edit Wall Cutout Polyline. Oh, I had to change the Y Position Origin Offset to -6" to get the window in the correct location in 3D and cut a hole. That all works for 3D. You will probably have to create a new 2D cad block for the wall hole in plan view. I see you using the Edit Wall Cutout Polyline in the video. If you don't have a Wall Cutout Polyline, why are you using Edit Wall Cutout Polyline? 1966953791_version6 GLENN.plan
  9. I can't see the edit toolbar - it is cut off. Why are you using a passthrough to make the wall hole? The Wall Cutout Polyline does that.
  10. You don't have a ceiling finish specified, therefore there is no ceiling. Room Specification dbx>Structure panel>Ceiling>Ceiling Finish.
  11. You can use the Delete Surfaces tool to temporarily delete the parts of the symbol you don't want. You can then save what is left as a symbol for reuse.
  12. Elevation Regions are your friend - the site will auto grade between regions. Terrain retaining walls are your enemy, as are Elevation Points. Use Terrain Breaks with elevation lines top and bottom instead of retaining wall and then add a normal wall. Control the house height with the Subfloor Height Above Terrain setting. How do you want the house to sit on the site - it doesn't look too bad. I also try and avoid the modifiers like Flat Region as you don't have absolute control of their height like an Elevation Region.
  13. Select the roof plane and open the dbx. On the Options panel, uncheck Flush Eave. Same for the other hip roofs. You only need Flush Eaves on a gable roof. So you could use Edit All Roof Planes.
  14. Hide Camera-facing Exterior Walls? Increase the Field of View? Use Invisible Walls?....... I can't check on it now, but I think it was possible to start by drawing the camera view inside the room and then backing the camera out of the room which maintained the room lighting - I am a bit vague on this though but will check when I am in front of Chief next time.
  15. For the corner. Select the pony wall. Edit Wall Layer Intersections (edit toolbar) Drag the wall grip so that it forms a 45deg joint between the 2 walls. For the floor gap, Select the pony wall and open it's dbx. Structure panel>Platform Intersections>Go Through Floor Below.
  16. You can get them touching. Defaults>Window>General panel>Options>Minimum Separation>change to zero.
  17. I think it was new to X12.
  18. Open the dbx for the wall General>Options>No Room Moldings Interior.
  19. You have a ceiling finish specified. The only problem is that it is set to Insulation Air Gap
  20. Mick, I am pretty sure they get added to the ML as Exterior Trim.
  21. Ah, you are talking about in elevation - not the 2D cad plan block?
  22. Rob, Without going through all your posts and dissecting each one, it would appear that a lot of your temp dim problems can be corrected by using the Temporary Dimension defaults along with General Wall Defaults settings and current dimension defaults. Take for instance, the above situation. If you select the big grey wall going left to right and on the left, you want the temp dim to go to the right hand side of the vertical yellow wall. Note that the wall grips are at the bottom of the selected wall. This would indicate to me that you have the General Wall Defaults>Resize About set to Outer Surface (depending on which way you drew the wall). If you change this default to Inner Surface the wall grips will change to the top surface of the wall and your horizontal dimensions should be as you want. For this one: Set your Temporary Dimensions>With Wall Opening Selected, change to Automatic instead of Locate Primary Wall Side: So,...have a play with the Temporary Dimension Defaults, the General Wall Defaults and the current dimension defaults. PS. Sometimes it depends on what side of the wall you click on as well.
  23. Not sure that I understand what you are saying. Why is the thread titled "Dimensions"? Are you double licking in the room to open it's dbx? Have you tried clicking in a room to hi-light the room. What do you mean by: It sounds like you can move the cursor - so how is it stuck?
  24. Gene, A few more details would help. What bonus library and what particular trees? What sort of 2D block do you want? A lot of the plants I looked at had closed polyline blocks. It is very easy to create your own 2D filled block.