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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Mark is correct, say for instance you want to apply a texture you found on the internet to a tileable wall panel, but their is only a portion of the textures image that you want applied to your panel, so you have to set an offset to center your texture properly on your object...and then you want to save this texture to be used down the road using the same positioning for any object it may be applied to, you could set your parameters and then check global and add to library to be used with the same offsets
  2. Lol @jcaffee just my two cents, I bought my 14 core Xeon in my sig for $500 on eBay, watercooled it and clocked it to 2.7ghz.. and it really cranks... sure there are some things that my laptop's 6700 are slightly more snappy on, but the gigantic l3 cache on the Xeon really sets it apart, not to mention the cores help with programs I use outside of chief Take a look:
  3. I see your points, I think I'm with Joe and yourself on this one and may provide the vector view and clean it up a bit as you said as well as an accompanying render... a couple of things to note, I've been getting most contracts based on design, which often requires a different approach than build-sets.. and also, that I include a cabinet schedule as well as joinery details in my drawings. i just wanted to find the balance and incorporate something new... I think there is a solution here that can include all of these elements. Not disagreeing with anyone, I'm absolutely in agreement, I just want something more! included a newer rendering with more contrast and brighter(unrealistic) overhead light for more clarity
  4. Agreed, I would like to keep the labels somehow, probably a rich text overlay with some transparency etc..
  5. completely agreed, it will happen, I love the clarity of a rendering, coming into this industry as a builder it is so easy to distinguish the following image as a board and batten with stem wall foundation and an asphalt shingle roof:
  6. I'll try a combination of both tomorrow and post it... on another note, city of Berkeley CA only takes digital uploads now.. no prints
  7. this is awesome!, and exactly what I want, though you lost me at html snippet..I'm a total noobie at this, I'm sure the community would love a breakdown , I will say that my pano's are created outside of this specific to CA?
  8. What's your preference of these two? The clarity of the rendering is nice, but it would need to be printed with the right settings. I typically use flat line-drawn images in my plan sets but after looking through the chief architect samples I'm so impressed with their color plan-sets
  9. Thank You... BUMP! I know there was someone in here with embedded VR on is webpage, please help!
  10. Well said to Michael, photon mapping used to be unchecked as a base option, with x9 the setting was checked on default.. I'm not in front of my computer right now so this is out of memory but I believe photon mapping's primary use is to develop caustics and subsurface scattering through translucent surfaces. The more direct light and less ambient light you have, the more difficult it is for the photon mapping to calc.. if you want to keep pushing the rendering envelop you'd really need to play with point lights and material properties as well as exterior point lights. The Particles you see are your computer trying to "find" light coming through windows and slipping into dark corners of rooms or bouncing off of reflective surfaces... when I was using chief for rendering it was necessary to significant play with individual lighting settings, turn up internal ambient light in your 3D dbx. And play with the ambient occlusion settings in your ray trace dbx. After all that was set photon still took a 100 passes to clear the noise
  11. Easiest method since you are using cabinets, is to add molding to the molding tab on your cabinets dbx. and the base will wrap, even in situations where your cabinets auto fill and extend.
  12. Turn "photon mapping" off in ray trace settings and give it a try im on the road so I can't say for sure but suspect that's the problem, or rather the culprit.. photon mapping can take a 100 plus passes with multiple lights in a scene
  13. I thought I had a more clever idea for this, but when I did it I just used architectural blocks of material regions with a molding profile and used "multiple copy" then used the break line tool around the windows. The nice thing about this is it is actually to spec for Hardie's reveal panels ...not the fastest process but the most visual appealing one for me. Slapped together this section of wall and rendered in about 20 min Hardie Reveal Block.calibz
  14. Ah yes I forgot a crucial detail, apologies. I have the solution, just have to dig it up, stay tuned! will have it tomorrow, have to sign off for today
  15. In past I just created a cabinet door, which is re-sizable, making it easy to do corners and have it look very realistic...I know I always try and punch this through but for external photo-realistic renders, material regions lack distinction in transitions and relief, plus it is difficult to map them correctly for corners etc when i'm pushing 4k resolutions. A crude example Hardie Panel resizable.calibz
  16. Like the title says, looking to embed chief VR on a website, I know I had seen one chiefer's site that had it embedded, would love a tutorial. We use squarespace and I have very limited working knowledge of the process. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Make it spin please!
  17. Piggybacking on the post from Alaskan_Son which you should take a look at Here.. Here are some steps towards getting normals maps into your renderings for more realistic materials using photoshop in Windows with corresponding pictures. With no support for reflection maps in chief, Normals maps are the closest thing we can get to reflection maps. Step 1, use the material definition adjustment tool to find your base texture. Copy the path and then paste into a Windows explorer window but do not press enter. Delete the portion of the url that contains the zip as seen in... Step 2 Locate the texture and extract to a folder so we can open it in photoshop Step 3 In the case of this wood floor I want some relief between the floor boards. Ideally we would enlarge the texture to a much larger resolution for better detail. In any case, we highlight the sections that will be recessed and paint them black. Then select the inverse of the black sections we painted and go over the wood grain with a white. I don't want to cover the wood grain entirely as it will become a reflection map for me, so i set the opacity of the brush I use to 30 percent and go over the grain for 1 pass Step 4 Go to the filter/3d/generate Normals map. I want the relief in the floor boards to be very subtle, so I turn down the detail scale from 80(shown) to a more modest 30. Save as a different file name to be located using chief. Step 5 Locate your normals map and then click on the properties tab to adjust your material to your liking. It may take a few raytraces to really dial in the texture but this makes an obvious difference in depth and reflection BEFORE AFTER This technique works for all materials, and should be used on ALL materials for more realistic raytraces..MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR MATERIAL!
  18. Just a friendly FYI, Thea has walk-through and Spherical VR
  19. To me, your test confirmed what I had already come to assume about chief architect and hardware implementation. That the problem is in the coding not in the hardware, there is some refinement yet to be made. Ever notice how apple can squeeze new snappiness into an old phone with a software upgrade just from trimming the fat and better coding. My systems are both powerful, but my desktop should really stand out, yet both systems had the same results in your test, which were in the margin of everyone else's tests. When I have a high-poly scene being bogged down in chief, the same scene imported into Thea will work beautifully...that says something for sure!
  20. Just sharing some of my go-to symbols as I sort through my own library...enjoy! Short Throw Projector.calibz
  21. Just sharing some of my go-to symbols as I sort through my own library...enjoy! add to plan as a fixture, adjust size as needed, frame will retain its aspect ratio Adjustable Picture Frame.calibz
  22. Just sharing some of my go-to symbols as I sort through my own library...enjoy! FINMARK DINING TABLE BY CB2 SKU 158972.calibz
  23. Just sharing some of my go-to symbols as I sort through my own library...enjoy! Gold Cross Mirror Cabinet Door.calibz
  24. I've been and will continue to unload a lot of my custom made symbols into the symbols forum today, FREE for anyone to download...Some of the free ones I'm uploading are fantastic...I do however have a few symbols that I invested a ton of time into and would love to make a $1 for their download. Is this proper? These symbols are what make my work so detailed, they set me apart, which is how I make money, by offering them up I am giving away an asset. offering them up, I am essentially adding competition that may push me toward bigger and better...I would like to know your thoughts! This community has done so much for me, I am not shy to give back, so please share with me what your take on this would be.
  25. Just sharing some of my go-to symbols as I sort through my own library...enjoy! This is our actual company sign, designed and built with my two hands DAOUST LAWN SIGN.calibz