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Everything posted by Chrisb222

  1. I also find it difficult to zero in on the information I need using the forum search. I get much better results using Google and restricting the search to the website. Try putting this into Google, replacing [YOUR SEARCH TERMS] with whatever you're looking for: [YOUR SEARCH TERMS] This will give results from the forum, as well as anywhere else on the CA website including instructional videos, PDFs, knowledge base, etc. You can restrict the Google search to ONLY the forum by putting this into the Google search bar: [YOUR SEARCH TERMS]
  2. Chief works by creating ROOMS and much of the build data is derived from Room Specifications, including roofs. Dragging walls does not change the information used to build the roof.
  3. All the layers are turned off in Camera View Layer Set.
  4. In my experience that's a pretty unconventional way to frame an opening. I would think something that unusual would have to be done manually. The parametric controls only get you so far...
  5. That's an issue with your wall definition. The technique works if your wall def is set up right, but as Eric said, so do doorways without having to reverse.
  6. Did you reverse the wall direction as suggested above? That prevents the walls from rejoining. Notice the location of the "exterior layer" indicator:
  7. Just increase the newel spacing. In the future if you're trying to get rid of a post and the above technique isn't suitable, you can also set the newel width to ZERO.
  8. Thank you so much for posting this! I love my Mac mini and often brag how well it runs CA but not PBR. I had no idea this tech existed. Takes some hacking for my non-TB3 older mini but after doing some research I think this option will save me from having to either buy a more powerful Mac or switch to PC platform. Thanks again.
  9. OP wins record for fastest-after-join to reach -2 rep with fewest posts. Wow very impressive.
  10. Did you fix this? I've had that happen in the past when I had my wall definition screwed up. Since you "run into it consistently" I'll guess your template plan has a goofy wall definition. I'm sure if you post the plan you'll get a quick solution.
  11. Katherine, I took it that you want to specify a window by typing in a dimension of, say 36" and the dimension string would show 36" to the outside of the casing. I'm guessing you're measuring an existing room, going from the corner of the room to the first window casing, then measuring that window from the outside edges of the casing, then the drywall space to the next window casing, etc ..... and wanting to draw a room using these type of measurements. If that's right, set up your window defaults with a casing in round numbers say 2" with Overlap Frame set to zero. Then when you enter your window sizes deduct that casing size x2 from the window size. So if you want a window that's 36" to the outside of the casing, enter 32" for the window. Then set your dimension defaults as Eric and Michael said, you'll get the result you're after. If I guessed wrong, well, you get your money back.
  12. This has been discussed and many of us are strongly against it. Software companies like it because they get an endless stream of revenue, even from long term users. I have software I've owned for 20 years that I still use, but only had to pay for once. If Chief had been sold under never-ending subscription fees I would not have bought it. Chief already offers monthly rental now for users who don't want to pay the full price.
  13. +1. I'm certainly glad they mention the new features. I'd hate to have to go digging through the reference manual, comparing that to an older ref manual, just to figure out what's different.
  14. Here's how I do it in a tight spot but your lower level doesn't even meet code minimum 7' ceiling.
  15. Especially suspicious considering the number of doors is a result of "doubling" the number 1 ten times.
  16. Funny, "learnt" is actually a correct usage there. I stopped trying to get one of my guys to stop calling jack studs cripples. He insists so I just go along. He also wants to say something that's level is "plumb" and something that's plumb is "level" but he inconsistently uses the terms interchangeably. Haha. I know what he means. However, printed material in a professional product should be correct. Same to ya!
  17. Haha, that's how I pronounce wainscot, but at least that IS one of the three recognized pronunciations. If I said "WAIN-scutt" around here I'd probably get whacked with a two-by-heavy. "Trey" ceiling is just plain wrong.
  18. Just watched the video. Wow, great upgrade! Tons of great new features. Thanks Chief!
  19. My only gripe so far is all the misspellings of tray ceiling.
  20. Both of these comments have truth and validity to them, but are a little too rigid in my way of viewing Chief. Yes, SPVs can be set to use totally unique anno and layer sets, but it's not necessary and creates extra work when one anno/layer set may be able to serve multiple SPVs. Likewise, discarding anno sets is possible now but also creates extra work unnecessarily. Yes you can create a new SPV without anno sets, but if an existing anno set works for multiple views it's more efficient just to call up the anno set and bam, set everything at once. I'm glad. Anno sets, or now Default Sets are still useful. All these tools are important as they do different things to work together for nearly infinite workflow possibilities.
  21. According to the offer page, the cost will go from $556 now to $1,195 on Jan 7. For me, that would be a reason to jump, but I have a strange attachment to my money.
  22. You might want to jump on that, the year-end sale was extended to Jan 6
  23. Excellent advice. The only thing I would add is that I never go beyond 10 passes. Ray Tracing can be an eternal hell but ultimately yield beautiful results, and it takes many hours of trial and error for the tool to become even remotely usable. Yep, it is NOT a "push button, get results" tool.
  24. My elevations are fast whether vector or standard. I don't see PBR as a display option on elevations. All of my display tasks are handled by an onboard graphics chip in a puny 2.6 GHz i5 dual core processor. I don't think there's anything wrong with Chief running on a Mac.