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Everything posted by DzinEye

  1. Doug, didn't realize you included your plan file until just now. Anyway, I should've realized this before but you'll also need to move the OSB into the Main Layer on your lower wall... then they'll line up on the outside
  2. Good call. Interesting though... pretty sure I've had similar mis-location of stairs before but never had this weird railing issue.
  3. Looks to me like the OOB main layers (studs) are lining up, so I think you'll need to change the location of the main layer in your upper wall definition to whatever other material in the upper wall should line up with the main layer on your lower wall.
  4. To reduce file size.. You might try printing with Chief pdf printer, then opening that PDF and printing that with your Acrobat printer
  5. Do you know how to make a new cabinet door symbol? Lot's of info on this available. Create your own door symbol with the handle and use a vertical stretch plane through the middle of the door/drawer panel.
  6. That almost looks like an M.C. Escher drawing...
  7. The way you wrote this I was confused at first...but you're is kind of a natural reaction to SAVE SAVE SAVE... which in the case of Saved Plan Views is usually not what you want to do.
  8. You can give those Default Sets any name you want.... the "Annotation" part of the name is just carry-over from when they were called Annotation Sets. I just leave the names alone, but you can get rid of the 'Annotation' part of the name if you like or call it something completely different.
  9. I didn't look at his plan, I just knew using the reference would do what he needed and figured he had his reasons for doing whatever he did with floor levels. Both methods work, but of course it's always good to point the OP in the right direction to do things from the get-go. Now he knows TWO new things... so all the better.
  10. No. You 'might' be able to create something that will look okay for for one perfectly located wall, but fill patterns will not magically line up with your's a repeating background pattern that shows through where you have allowed it to.
  11. Using 3 layers to create the CMU wall definition you can get this ....
  12. You could make two different railing walls and push them up against each other
  13. Thank you Rene! Very cool! Looks like the power is definitely there. Hard to tell though how you're using the touch screen. Do you pinch the screen to zoom in/out?... how do you orbit / pan etc.? I was thinking of like a 3rd person viewpoint of you using it... BUT I really appreciate the effort. Thanks. Did you get the top of the line $3399 one?
  14. FYI...Dept. of Consumer Affairs requires min. of 300 faces on pool floaties
  15. Sounds interesting Rene. If/when you have a chance make a vid of you using it. Wondering how you went from big monitor to feeling it's great drafting on a 15" screen. I'm sure there's reasons... which is why I want to see
  16. Messing around I changed the scale settings you used to bring it into layout and lines went away.. I unchecked "Use Layout Line Scaling" and set it to print 1 to 1... but I have a feeling it's due to the Use Layout Line Scaling
  17. Other more knowledgeable folks here may have a better answer, but I think it has to do with how Chief is managing fills. I tried printing with Chief and two of my other PDF printers and all show the same pattern. FWIW... I exported from Chief as a JPG and it goes away. You could try setting the PPI very high to get a good output.
  18. It appears that you guys might be right in trying to decipher what the OP is after now that even this second image does not portray sloped walls in the usual sense. Although OP (Tiggsy) you should know that it is almost a certainty that what appears to be sloping (raked) walls in your first photo are actually normal level topped walls, it is simply showing a strong perspective foreshortening due to use of a wide angle lens.
  19. I had thought about that rounding issue... it came up a while ago, but I thought it was really only an issue with angled walls. I'd been messing with your plan and besides Michaels solution you could also solve it by moving your model so it aligns with the grid snaps.
  20. I think it's possibly because you have your grid snaps on
  21. I'm sure there's a jillion cool reasons it's nice to have the areas automatically calculated using Ruby etc., but if you're not using all the automatic setups and just need the numbers, create a new layer and call it Plan Area or something like that and use it just for area polylines that you shape to the needed area and can click on to easily get the area.
  22. Too funny. I got cut-off from my ability to <heart> or up/down vote yesterday so I have to rethink how I do things. Why are we limited to so few hearts?? I think I only did maybe 10 yesterday?