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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. I can work with all versions of Home Designer Pro as you wish, please contact me and let's get started! DJP
  2. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1552/placing-an-apron-sink.html Watch this video on the Chief Website, please. DJP
  3. If you cannot find anyone in Idaho, I can, like many other Home Designer Users, help you with your plans submission and 3D modeling concerns. Please feel free to email me or call (contact information below), thank you and best of success to you as well. DJP
  4. My contact info is shared so those who need/want my help can communicate it. If you wish, please email me with the specifics I asked for and I am sure I can swiftly deliver what you need and want based upon your detailed instructions, thank you. Since you did not post your contact data, I assumed you would contact me, since I openly post how to contact me. DJP
  5. I would need to know what version of Home Designer Architectural you have so it can be formatted for your software after completion. It would be useful to also know the intended ceiling heights for the rooms and Architectural style of the home, lot size, topography etc. I am sure once you fill in the blanks, I or others could then help you as you wish. DJP
  6. California requires State Licensed Structural Engineer for structural call outs and foundation design, just saying, check your plan permit requirements at your Permit Office's website to be sure what constitutes "Construction Documentation" for their area. DJP
  7. The system used here for "reputation" is purely not fact based, arbitrary, mechanical and robotic. Were I you I would ignore it completely and just be yourself. DJP
  8. The roof generation tools of Home Designer Pro and Chief Interiors and Chief Premier are precisely the same-no differences at all. DJP
  9. A concern about Hasp Drivers is that the company that made those products has since been bought by others and the current company no longer supports those old dongles with drivers. That is the main reason I did what I did as it was the most logical thing to do (use the Operating System designed for the drivers and software they were created for available from the Chief Website and installation materials). I mainly use the really antique versions for .pl1 etc files too old to be converted by X8. DJP
  10. Like Glenn said, above, the software doesn't "DO" much in the hands of the unwashed but a learned, studied end user can create beauty any time they wish. DJP
  11. Naming a space "Deck" automatically leaves the "Ceiling over this room and Roof over this room" check boxes unchecked. Check them and then you can build an autoroof or manual roofs over a deck. Room names are not just "names" but also include some programming commands as well but you can get around that easily. DJP
  12. I have X1 through X14 on my Windows 11 PC, I have versions 7, 9 and 10 on an old PC that runs XP x32, that old versions were designed to run in. DJP
  13. That was so long ago, I have forgotten. I set it up when I had Windows 7 and it has stayed functional when I upgraded to Windows 10. You should be able to set up what to boot into via your bios. I do recall that I set it up within Windows 7 to offer a boot screen to either boot into Windows 10 or Windows XP, it can't be that hard if I did it without help from a geek. Just do a Google Search for Dual Booting Windows should gain you some useful results, just read more than one help article before you act. DJP
  14. No, call Tech Support for help to straighten that out. DJP
  15. Share your .plan file so others can then see what you see, please. DJP
  16. Yes, you create a folder on your server and then you save copies of your collected materials to that folder. The Library Browser for each seat or license is specific to that computer so any arrangements you create are purely manual in nature. DJP
  17. You have two equal-thickness masonry wall types stacked making or leaving NO room for a visible "wall cap". Make the upper masonry wall thinner and then perhaps the wall cap will be visible between them. DJP
  18. "Why" is a good question for Tech Support. If it were me I would just manually draw in the missing foundation walls and then just drive on. That is my advice. DJP
  19. I did this project in Chief 1999. DJP
  20. I hate to be the only one out of step but since the beginning (Version 4 - 1995) I have always when "saving as" had to navigate to the location or folder I wished to save-as the file to before clicking "OK". I have always had to do this manually without to regard to Chief or Windows, what am I missing, please? I just tried it in X 14 - X1 with the same positive results. I see NO bug here. DJP