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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. You are talking about text formatting in the forum, correct? Base cabinet?? I am lost
  2. Screenshots from a layout window. 1. Camera view sent to layout using "Current Screen As Image". For this particular file it was acceptable. But let's say I want to send a clearer picture so the client can zoom in for a better view. Then I'll use "Export Picture" at 3000 or 4000 wide and drag that file into layout. When I want clearer pictures, I'll also print at 600 dpi.
  3. I'm certainly not arguing too hard against live views, but I'll send all my pictures to layout, one after the other, so they are all in the same spot. Select them all, change one dimension to resize them all at the same time, and distribute along a line. Boom, 2 seconds. Or deal with the BS of a camera view jumping around despite a saved and untouched view...or not...maybe it works maybe it doesn't but it can't be trusted, can it?
  4. Any jpg can be cropped and resized. As far as a reason NOT to use the send Current View as Image' feature? When a higher resolution is desired. I typically export pictures at 3000 pixels wide. I've found that to be a happy medium between picture quality and file size.
  5. Of course. My thinking is that its just an indication or a 'cue' that the rooms and their properties have been addressed.
  6. Hey Steve, just trying to offer my take on it. I've done around a hundred split-levels...I've at least got some ideas as to what works. And yes, you have a defined ceiling height, but not the room. And the ceiling height is defined incorrectly, at least for the purposes of building it correctly in Chief. That's my take on it. And it works.
  7. @SNestor One of the issues with your test plan is that the rooms and the ceiling heights haven't been defined. Chief would like a proper ceiling height in order to decide where a wall should be built up to. These ceiling heights should match the top plate height of the exterior walls for the roof covering that room. Then, and only then will Chief's functions work correctly. No offense intended but this test isn't ideal because Chief needs more info. It's a bit of a 'cart before the horse' type of test plan. These screenshots are taken after the rooms were defined, and then I adjusted the walls properties. No polyline editing.
  8. I think this is one of Chief's big drawbacks...its forced automatic walls. A carpenter can build a wall any shape very easily...we cannot. I'd give my left.....well let's just say I'd give a lot to have true and full polyline control of a wall shape. Edit the polyline, and the wall would FRAME to that polyline and give you edge control for finish material wrapping! Oh but a boy can dream!
  9. Some of these additional posts could be confusing. See above. You cannot "send" a picture to layout and choose its aspect ratio. Exporting an image from a camera view is different than sending the view to layout. Importing an image file into layout is different than sending a "current view as image" to layout and its also different than copying / pasting an image into layout.
  10. Hey David, can you clarify? Can you "send" that result to layout? Or do you need to bring the resulting file into the layout using the 'import' tools?
  11. Yes, totally in jest! What can I say...I'm a sarcastic guy and sarcasm often comes off as complaining. I probably don't use enough emojis to properly communicate my intent. Which leads me to wonder: What would it take to get a modern selection of emojis on this forum...much like Chief's great selection of cabinet libraries?! But you emphasized a great point about the libraries that's worth keeping in ain't Chief's fault about all those cabinets!
  12. I wouldn't use a 'live view' for anything!!! It's waaaay too expensive in smashed furniture and computer monitors plus the resulting behavior and language is hard to explain to the kids!
  13. 2 quick options: 1. send to layout as image. You will need to manually replace this if you make a change, but at least you won't be pulling your hair out every time the image 'jumps' around. This image won't be the highest quality but it may be good enough depending on your final printed size. 2. From the camera, use Export Picture, and save that file at your desired resolution. Import that jpg into layout and resize as needed. Same as above, you'll need to replace the image if you make changes but you can get better picture quality, although it will come with an increased file size of the final pdf. Note that if you make a change using option 2, and export the picture and replace the file (keeping the same file name), the enxt time you re-open the layout file, the pciture will be updated. The layout file MUST be closed and re-opened for that update. Another way to get the file to update is to replace the file path with anything else, then again, replace the file path with the correct file path.
  14. I've made feature requests for polyline control of floor trusses. Maybe I typed it up wrong and someone at Chief read it as 'add more cabinet libraries'!!
  15. Because you can't edit their polyline. Of course, you can edit the floor truss in its truss detail, if you trust Chief and its settings to hold your work.
  16. Use a roof truss, you can edit its shape (polyline), width, layer, webbing. If you must use floor trusses, you will need a separate truss at each height change. Warning: Floor trusses in this instance are not as reliable to hold their shape (my experience).
  17. The only thing I could suggest there is to drag your dimension from the ends of those cad lines you drew as opposed to somewhere along that line. But that may be what you did? I don't work in CAD details for elevations or sections so I'm not really familiar with behaviors for those views. I keep everything (text, dimensions, notes etc) in the section or elevation view and send that view to layout.
  18. In a section view, it can be helpful to have "floor surfaces" and "ceiling surfaces" layers turned off. Also, moldings, and other items not critical to the structural dimensions.
  19. You're talking about dimensioning in an elevation / section view, correct? For pulling your own dimensions, and avoiding the described problem, there are several options: 1 make sure "cross section lines" layer is on and locked. 2 zoom in and be careful to 'hit' a cross section line with your dimension...preferably the correct one! 3 place your dimension within the boundary of the room first...then drag it to the exterior if desired. 4 place cad points and dimension to those 5 place text markers and dimension to those (these can display the z-axis height which is helpful) 6 use cad grid lines distributed in the z-axis and dimension to those to create your own story pole 7 use the story pole dimension tool. Learn how to set its default settings if you haven't already. There may be other tips from other users but I usually stick with #5 and #6. I only use #1 and #7 for preliminary work.
  20. I remember being at a Chinese restaurant that had mirrors on all walls and I loved it! But maybe that's because I was a 6 year old...
  21. It's too bad the toilets are separated by the shower. An opportunity for some priceless moments...wasted!
  22. Dan's saying that the pdf looks ok but when printed on paper its messed up.
  23. You can not rotate an elevation or section view sent to layout. If your using the actual camera instead of a CAD detail, you've gotta plan your layout accordingly. Don't fight it, just pick your views and use more pages, or cad details and the ability to rotate them. Personally, I'd pick the former over the latter.