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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. Another reason I've typed so many of those room dimensions is because I was often providing brochure style floor plans so the builders needed the correct garage and deck sizes on a brochure shown for potential customers. I always did those marketing plans last, and it was pretty simple to just have a different text style for that layer set.
  2. Do you think it'd help if I made my plans clear and easy to read?
  3. He was just used to looking at that nice big juicy room label, ya know?
  4. Yup, one of those oddities that's no big deal...once you know! We should start a simple topic of oddities! - why does the 'footing' layer only affect plan view? In elevation view, the footing is a slave to its wall. So if I change a wall line style, the footing changes as well, HOWEVER, if I change the line style and layer of a roof plane, the ridge cap or gutter etc does NOT change, it holds to its own layer settings. Kinda annoying for an addition project!
  5. You know, I remember doing the same thing a long time back. Then, I had a client (a general contractor) who couldn't figure out how big the garage was. Heaven forbid you'd make someone actually 'read the plan'.
  6. But up/down, left/right only. Not back to the face of a recessed panel.
  7. 20 years, I'd never thought to look there either!
  8. Anyone know how to quickly and easily fix this issue with vertical cabinet pulls on a full height cabinet that has multiple stacks of doors?
  9. That's the exact method I used! I had to apply a 3d molding to the top of the wall for renderings, and cad masks for the section view.
  10. You know, I actually find it quite funny when its someone else's problem!
  11. Over the length of a career, how much time has been wasted retyping deck sizes, and garage sizes...
  12. It doesn't work well, but here's what I came up with. My default deck railing wall - used for side of deck. My outer railing wall - a copy plus 1" Then, for proper plan display, adjusted the wall thickness back to 3" Plan view display:
  13. You're such a whiner! Doesn't seem like a big deal to me...
  14. Then I'll get the wrong width, right? I'd need to use a different railing wall type for walls that are opposite a house wall.
  15. Is there a simple way to get a deck to display it's framing dimensions as the room size as opposed to the room size label that reduces the room size because of the exterior wall cladding? I've been typing these in manually for 20 plus years and I might be getting sick of it! During design development, a deck size may change several times and clients don't like seeing a deck labeled wrong. I prefer to fix the label for the final draft...
  16. You don't have the "line drawing" on in your view.
  17. I must admit I don't run into this often. What's the best way to have a railing (no room definition) that will follow the terrain? In the picture, I used a terrain retaining wall to develop / divide the slopes, and a ramp to model the railing at the edge of the driveway / retaining wall. Is there a better way? If I need to adjust the slopes, I'll have to recalculate the ramp elevations. I'm unsure if a railing can be a pony wall and a terrain retaining wall, but I'll play with that shortly.
  18. @SNestor 4:51 of the video: One of the things I'd be doing differently is with the lower roof. I'd have it build TO the upper wall, not under the upper wall. Now I realize that probably won't put the ceiling where you'd like, but I'd also be using a ceiling plane for the vaulted ceiling. I use No Special Snapping, and I draw my roof planes up to the sheathing layer where they butt against a wall.
  19. I'll see if I can today yet. In your video I really liked your expression about Chief's behavior! Random bs that just drives a guy insane! Right now, I've got a plan almost done...except I have a wall material that won't generate properly in elevation or section views...but only from the front! From the sides and rear it's fine. Curses, Curses, Curses!!! If I take a cad detail from view, there's nothing! And I'm supposed to print this today.
  20. Just to clarify my suggestion: I wasn't intimating that the Room Type carried any special properties that would help with the building of the original offending walls. However seeing a room type as UNSPECIFIED makes me wonder if the rooms STRUCTURE properties have been addressed. An examination of the image below reveals a few oddities: The ceiling height in view "elevation 1" measures 9'-1 1/8" but the room in view "elevation 1" appears higher...perhaps 12'-1 1/8" as indicated in the dialog box. the top plate height is somewhere in between those 2 elevations. Chief's modeling of walls won't like this 'discrepancy' or ambiguity of structural elevations. So my only point was that it's helpful (to Chief) to ensure the model is accurate by addressing the properties of each room for the purpose of the original get those odd walls built correctly.
  21. I still don't know what's going on here...but it's time to eat! L8R y'all!