so if I lower the roof, I can get the wall to 60", but I cannot get the heel of the truss to be tall enoguh then. It looks like the software does some sort of math, that if the roof is x inches higher than the wall it builds another wall on top of the wall. but if it is more than x+y it does not. For instance if I change my roof baseline height to 280, the wall build to 60", but the truss heel is only about 13", If I change to 290, no wall change and the truss height is 23". When I change the roof height to 283, i get the goofy wall on wall again with the truss drawn through it
this is totally repeatable behaviour.
I did some more testing. the "top up" wall starts when I increase the roof baseline to 281 and stops when I increase the roof baseline past 289. In summary, if the roof baseline is greater than 280 or less than 290, I get the top up wall effect. This means I can only get a truss heel height of 13" or less, or 23" or higher, without having a top up wall being auto built(and my truss being shown as through the top up wall)