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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. i typically do not do brick, but I have seen this question more than once on the forum. Did you already search the forum? It helps to click on the search options and click on "all search words"
  2. is that hose on the roof? open rafters on the left? I cant tell what going on
  3. i find this problem occurs even when not named the same because you cannot see the full file name. I cant see "john Smith preliminary 1" and "john Smith preliminary 2". you have to hover, and if you have to hover then I suppose one could look at the directory. This is one thing I like about just copying the file as a checkpoint, it gets the ugly "Copy (x)" filename, so where i used to have the issue of editing the wrong file, it is less and less. But it is ugly
  4. maybe there is a way to alias the plan file, so they dont appear to all have the same file name, but do. i'll do a little digging
  5. symbolic links might help? it might be worth taking a look ...
  6. that is discipline. as to why not, for me because you have to save and close views and the file in order to copy the directory
  7. always for a new pdf even if it is a minor change? or do you overwrite the PDF in the directory and then send that out? or name it something else I cant copy the folder if the file is open, and I might print 3 pdfs as I am making changes and sending it to the customer, as saving and closing files takes some effort especially if I have two files open and only want to save and close one. i.e if I am working on a plan i dont want to close all the open views in order for CA to close the file, in order for me to copy the file/folder
  8. so they look like 20230405 - 84 Howse Heights.pdf? and you manually enter the 20230405? if there are two on the same date, what do you enter?
  9. @rene, I'm curious as to how you version PDFs to customers. do they match the folder plus a .x? totally different, manually kept track of?
  10. do you create a new folder everytime you save a PDF that is sent to a customer? almost looks like it from your screenshot
  11. I think there is a nuance here. I have different versions of plans simply as checkpoints, but then there are different versions of plans because the customer wants a different option. For the checkpoints I just make copies and use the lastmodtime to figure out my last version. This means my current plan/layout is always per the name I selected: i.e. 123 abc street.layout For new customer options on the same house I will: Prior to opening in CA, I will copy both layout and plan, rename both, and then open the newly named layout and select tools->Layout-Reference Plan files, and change the reference to the new plan file The downside to this is when creating PDFs I have to add a v1 to the end, then v2, etc as I do not synchronize the PDF version to the layout or plan file name
  12. my two cents, to compensate for the lack of wall locking, one can draw reference lines, and/or drop dimensions to markers. I did this one below last year, and it was an exercise in frustration/patience. it was a outdoor covered porch the homeowner "built". By dropping the dimension to markers, you can monitor the walls to see if they move, without having to memorize all the dimensions. I then will go back and clean them up if I can. but even below, it is not exact, mostly because I did not draw reference lines and did not do the make parallel thing for the roof, I tried to do everything with the walls and dimensions. In hindsight I should have drawn it out in CAD and then traced the walls, or just done it as CAD (which I considered, but I needed a cross section and thought that might take longer) Because in reality no one actually measures angles actual then gave up a little and went to the crazy homeowner built "roof" with the little overlap a I actually considered doing the whole thing in CAD, it might have been simpler
  13. The easiest way I find to do this inside a building is just draw across the building using the interior dimension tool. CA has a couple videos on dimensions, including the use of this and other tools. They are worth a watch
  14. is there an advantage using that method vs the schedule to text? If I schedule to text, then copy that to then be two of them, then peel out what I do not want in the first one, and then peel out what i do not want for the second one, it seems straight forward as they just show like this in the text box: then I edit the two to look like: and which yields: of course if one adds a sheet to the middle one has to do it all again, but I assume that is the same for the CAD detail method?
  15. not from what I can tell. maybe use "schedule to text" and then split it?
  16. and this doesnt show it: Tools->layout->reference plan files? where are you seeing the link in the layout project browser?
  17. based on the other thread there is the missing files check via Tools->checks. I've never tried it for layout
  18. I think the unlinking feature was added in X15 or X14 , in the save as template I dont think there is a way to see what is linked. I have seen a similar thing where there is a layout box still there linked to the background on a page and discovered it by clicking There is the Tools->layout->reference plan files, but that only tells if there is something, not what or where it is
  19. What are you trying to say here? I don't see a relation between dim 1 and dim 3 regarding the lines being parallel or not as there is no dimension from line 1 I can see dim 1 and 3 matching if the top building's rotated angle happens to land at a position in the rotated arc that equals dim 3. Or they could match if building 2 was a different width than drawn. But the fact they are different distances I don't think means much. Or maybe I am missing it
  20. looks like CA added this feature to the viewer, per the release notes, thanks! "Virtual Reality has been added to the desktop Chief Architect X15 Viewer."
  21. My list: Denoiser makes a huge difference I've used "replace fonts" many times Library browser search looking through the online catalogs Heel Height entry for trusses Sun moving with the mouse and of course, "grass"
  22. I've been meaning to make a suggestion where there is a window on the right dedicated to the most frequently used fields which are changed for the object. for instance, door size. for walls, wall type and width, roof directives. and when you change those there is no ok to confirm, they just change.