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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. I believe the limitation is restricted to heel heights below a certain VSD and/or related to pitch. If I take the above plan and build the roof with "raises from ceiling height" 24" above ceiling, it works, but 12" does not.
  2. that fixes it. plus .. ceiling plane along inside of walls, uncheck birdsmouth, raise off plate 12". rebuild all roofs and wall framing. And then finally, select trusses and rebuild
  3. For after the fact roofs (not or no longer auto built) You can also selected the roof planes go into the transform replicate, and move in the Z direction the desired amount off plate. Then select the trusses, open them up and select "Truss rebuild" your ceiling plane is at 109-1/8 but it is to the outside wall. not sure if that is what you are looking to do. CA has a good article on ceiling planes and the options for where to delineate them something funky is going on with the walls, they are at different heights. I also resized the celining plane to be on the inside of the wall as can be seen below also the main roof is into the sunroom you might want to notch that back notch shown below
  4. ...well then, that would be missing the obvious..let me try that...thanks
  5. I tried to turn the material 90 degrees but that did not seem to work. I have a 'panel' rail fence with corrugated panels. but I want the corrugated panels altered 90 degs. I created a new material from the stock, and modified 90 deg but no change...any ideas? different setting somewhere maybe material: thanks
  6. there is no refresh for plan views that I see. I did try linking and unlinking. no difference.
  7. I would suggest the critical ones are the floor heights, and floor structure depth. once you strat creating rooms and then realize they are off then...well then it takes awhile to make sure everything is correct, plus if you had altered any other elevation dimensions (like the second storey, or terrain, or foundation) they all need to be redone
  8. hmm, not sure if I understand, if I change to a callout in the camera specification it changes to callout on the plan, and then the callout shows up on layout. But if I leave it showing the camera and not the callout, and If i change the layerset to all on, it still does not show the camera on the layout, but shows on plan
  9. I'm trying to show the perspective camera on the plan view in layout, but it will not show. it shows perfectly fine on the plan view in the plan any ideas, seems like a rather simple thing? The normal elevation callouts show just fine. Must be something simple. If I change the camera specification to show as callout it will show on layout, but I would like to show the field of view, and the callout does not shopw the field of view Is this possible (other than "as image")? callout
  10. the other thing is maybe you have something on top of your slab that is 1/16" thick
  11. sometimes I will change the dim to round, if I cant get it right but it is close. so put the denominator to 1/8 instead of 1/16 might "fix" it assuming you do not care about the other dims being to the 1/8th
  12. forgot to state that, I do that as well, the schedules are already on my template plan in a CAD Detail called "Schedules", and my template layout already has the Schedules CAD detail on it. So I dont really do anything to the schedules unless I have to limit to a certain floor. Otherwise they just show up when I print. I also put WxH on the floor plan after the schedule number layout
  13. if small enough (basement plan) I put them on the floor plan. For all others I place them on a seperate sheet
  14. post the plan maybe. did you try the other side of the house
  15. or if you could post a video of the behaviour and/or the plan. I assume you have tried the old reboot your machine
  16. or just hold down the arrow key for 5 seconds, it should make incremental moves . The other thing is things will not move if there is something in the way. you could just put a, say dining room table in the middle of nowhere away from your building on your plan and see if you can move that
  17. i am confused with why would you overlay 3 different foundation plans? Three different versions of the same house?
  18. you might want to post the plan. Does a cross section show the same? Did you rebuild the framing?
  19. or the classic cluge, two layout boxes on top of one another
  20. and then do CAD detail from view. and then paste that over the cabinet outline and turn off the cabinet layer. had to "make parralel" the CAD detail lines though b/c the ortho camera was not perfect ortho w/color off pasted CAD detail into plan view with cabinets off, but dims still on tried a second time and got the ortho perfect. and this time did a p2p move of the CAD detail(after copying and pasting the selected block to the plan) over the cabinets:
  21. I actually have a garmin which will take a photo, you can type in some text,..and might do an audio... and ties it to the GPS position. and then exports it to an excel and has the paths for the pictures. it was pretty slick, but would crash every once in awhile. we surveyed a couple hundred trees and bushes along a river bank and then plotted them in google via KML if i remember correctly. But I have never been able to get my garmins geodetic to match my surveyor determined elevation at my property corner (which is tied back to a fixed marker about 75 feet away that all the surveyors use on my street as their starting point)
  22. I would be interested in perhaps a pre-review as well (i.e. what might be wrong in what they want to do).. I just got caught doing something simple and missed a code requirement which the building department caught, and there are no elegant options to deal with it. If I would have caught it at first review, the customer perhaps might have chosen not to go forward and saved everyone time and money
  23. I assume geodetic? Have you been able to verify it against a surveyed point? how close was it? Because of it was accurate then that could eliminate the need to laser level measure. And if the GPS position measurement was accurate to the inch, then that would be the ticket as one could just walk the property with the apple watch on a 5' stick
  24. if i remember correctly the problem with this is then you are constantly adjusting the elevations. i.e. I want to see how many stairs I can get away with on the bottom or the top. If they are all part of one flight, i can just go change the stair section. If I have a separate landing, I have to move them up and down? not to mention when you move the stairs or resize them the landing resizes differently (which is true for both cases I believe) I have an extreme dislike for stairs, always seems to be an exercise in frustration