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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. Wait a minute. WTF?, when I try to assign the texture to a wall, it goes back to looking messed up again. If I just open the library (not from the wall dbx) and go to the texture, it looks right in the library as I showed. Don't know what's going on.
  2. Okay, y'all had me a little freaked out for the standing seam didn't look too bad in X10. Had to do a couple of tries but got it to show like in X10 in X11. On my first try, I tried to export the library directly from Chief's library and then import it into X11. Well, Chief changed the texture to look like an X11 texture. Freaking out a little by now. On my next try, I copied the X10 library into my user library. Then I exported that library from my user library. Then imported that library to X11. Now it looks like it did in X10 which is satisfactory or like it was in X10. I attached an image from my new X11 standing seam library. BTW, when I exported it from my X10 user library, I gave the file name a different name. Don't know if that made a difference but it worked.
  3. I agree with Glenn but I didn't want to go into an explanation on how to use the roof plane polyline. Because the OP didn't want to see the text, he needed to know why the text as there in the first place which has been described. As mentioned, turning off the layer like anything else doesn't mean that it's gone which it isn't. Also as mentioned, the OP needs to delete it and build roof place without using this option. When I help newbies who are starting out with roofs, I always tell then not to check that option at this time for it will only lead to confusion. I can only think of a couple of time I ever used it. I'm assuming that the OP got it working okay. Yes it can sometime be difficult to select but if all else fails, go to an all off layer set and turn on that layer and delete it.
  4. That's true and shouldn't be confusing. Maybe I'm misunderstanding that they do want to build and edit using that tool. I just didn't get that impression based on the thread title and first post.
  5. Look to see if that layer is still active, if so, then it's still there or if you rebuilt the roof using that option, it just created a new roof baseline polyline and that's what you're seeing.
  6. It has nothing to do with roof labels. If you don't want to build the roof based on the roof baseline polyline, you'll have to delete it in plan view. It might be easier to locate if you change that layer to red or yellow or something. Maybe deleting the roof will work though, not sure for I'm not looking at the program. Just be sure you don't have "make roof baseline polyline" checked.
  7. "Make roof base line polylines" can be very useful IF you know how to use it. You'll need to delete it if you change the roof for the roof will build based on that polyline. Michael is correct that you checked that when you did the auto build of the roof. You'll have to tab around in plan view to select it. BTW, that is not new. It has been around for a very long time.
  8. For me it generally depends on the situation. If the dormer is part of the living space and is for some kind of room, I do the dormer manually for I will need to be accurate of the wall placement.
  9. If the cross angle supports are separate from the vertical members then you should be able to select them in plan view and move them. These items are probably at the attic level or a floor up. Probably even be able to do a point to point move.
  10. Without seeing a plan, It will be hard for anyone to give and accurate solution for a specific problem. Try turning off snaps and see if it will go where you want.
  11. Exactly. And if you have a hard time removing the attic wall then make it invisible or turn off auto attic walls and delete it. P-solids would make it easy. Fairly easy carport. I've done this so many times for carports and porches.
  12. To be honest, I'm sort of fed up with this whole situation. Every time the designers marked up revisions, either the builder or homeowner changed it. I've done my part and have been paid, but I'm not going to waste my time on things beyond my control. This job has been going on for over a year now. You would think that the homeowner would start getting frustrated with the builder and designers. I just drafted my part and did around 6 requested revisions. I'm about to walk away from the design process and when everyone gets their Sh** together, I'll get with the builder for construction plans. The only reason I haven't walked away from this job is because I've drawn plans for this builder for around 10 years.
  13. That's what I think. I'm not a big fan of these designers. They do not work for/with me. I warned them and the builder. The designers told me, the builder and the homeowner that it wouldn't matter if I did it in CA. Go figure.
  14. A little more info on what's happening. I drew the model in CA. The designer uses Archicad and she wants to make some revisions with elevations. She said that Archicad opens a lot of program files including CA. I sent her a zip file twice and she said that she couldn't unzip it. Don't understand that. Anyway, my gmail account will let me upload a .plan file so I'll try sending it to her unzipped. Not sure about my file size limit with gmail.
  15. Does anyone know if you can open an X10 file in Archicad? Thank you,
  16. Oh man, I'm glad it's not just me then. We have a lot of bay windows in houses that are around 15 to 20 years old that have windows joined together on 3 sides. Never can get it to work right in Chief so I just tell clients not much I can do about it.
  17. I fixing to help a man who just got Home Designer Pro (rental) yesterday I believe. Does anyone know If I should open it with X10 or would X11 be okay. I'll be making revisions and sending it back to him. Don't know if a recent version of Pro is compatible with X11.
  18. I would make a custom line style with the spacing you need. Will be a bit of trial and error until you get what you want. If you're going to send to layout at an engineering scale, you should probably check that too.
  19. Are you using Version 10 or do you really mean X10?
  20. I had this same situation a few months ago (X10). I'll go back and see what I did. Probably not the best approach but got it done. Sorry, mine is different from yours.
  21. With so many changes in X11, I made all new anno sets and layer sets with the layers I want to use and am not having any problems with my views.