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Everything posted by tommy1

  1. Just set him up with deck layer set/ deck annotation set (linked) and pergola layer set/ pergola annotations set (linked). Makes life easy for layouts.
  2. I've done a lot of pergolas. If you like, I can show you things online (free). If interested, call me at 832-754-6160.
  3. It looks like there might be a cricket there?
  4. Looking at the picture, looks like wall types would work.
  5. Newel, most places around here and for sure the City Of Houston won't let you span more than 6' for the CMU blocks. I'm sure your engineer will know that though.
  6. Well said Michael. A couple of other things I do is initially import the dwg to a cad detail so I have the original dwg. Then I'll send that dwg from the cad detail to plan view for editing. I generally be sure that when sending to plan view, I be sure that the front left corner is not too far from absolute 0",0". AutoCad files often show interior walls 4" think and they dimension to the framing (main layer). Exterior walls will normally be siding or stucco unless they show a thickness for brick. I have also had dwgs where the placement of windows and doors in plan didn't match up with the elevations. I've also had roofs from the dwgs didn't work as shown show just beware that this could happen. Hopefully they supplied ceiling heights, floor thicknesses and roof plate heights. I also generally trace the dwg and not use cad to walls. I always put the lines of the dwg on its own layer so I can turn it off when I'm finished using it and lock the dwg (unblocked) so I can trace it and not accidentally move a cad line.
  7. This pretty much what I told him over the phone. The only other thing I mentioned to him was to maybe set one of the rooms as you describe. The select that room and use the "match properties" tool and click the rooms he wants to change instead of opening each room to make the changes.
  8. Actually I used polyline solids for that bathroom.
  9. James, good to see that you're trying different ways. This is how you learn what's good for you and pro's and con's to different ways. I usually use solids from an elevation or material regions. I don't ever use a wall covering for this but that's just me. I usually use slabs for benches but use whatever you want.
  10. I place it in plan and then position it. Make the top portion of the sink base be a blank area. I use a custom countertop to form around the sink.
  11. Not looking at my laptop but my first guess would be that the dimensions shown in the specification dialog is for the bounding box...not the symbol.
  12. Rocky, can you send me a plan showing this problem or post it here? I have an idea of something that might be throwing you least sometimes.
  13. In general, if dimensions change, there's generally a reason for it.
  14. I assume you tried selecting the walls and moving them by dimension? Just giving you another option. The poly line idea will come in handy when you want to move part of a house and keep the rest intact.
  15. Might try drawing a rectangular poly line around the area you want to move, with the poly line selected, go to edit>edit area> visible area> transform/replicate in the direction you want. I did show you how to do this a while back.
  16. Casey, I really don't consider this "cheating". It's just a quick way to achieve what you want. If you absolutely want to use a cad block for that symbol, then you could try regenerating a cad block or create a new cad block and assign it to that symbol. The way I mention is just quicker (for me). All the ways I mention could be considered a "right way", just really depends on how much time you want to spend...of course, some may disagree. There's generally more than one way to do something in this program.
  17. Why not just put the symbol/s of the shelving on a separate layer and turn it/them off in plan view and turn it on in camera view. Then place your dashed cad line as you like in plan view.
  18. You can also use the "I" and "O" letter keys on the keyboard.
  19. As you go on, you'll eventually find out that some things will only be able to be done using a 3D molding poly line. Graham described it well.