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Everything posted by Kenoeightspot

  1. Users should be able to adjust the order of the line styles. I have asked for this years ago. Fix this CA.
  2. Dennis is correct. but if you have to move the window first pull back the wall then move the window. Add a polyline solid end cap.
  3. Place the polylines or terrain perimeter on the layer that has the text style that you want.
  4. You may have "painted " your walls. Select the "spray can" tool, when the DBX opens check the "use default" in lower left then spray your walls, this will set them back to the gray default. Then change the default wall material to whatever you want. If this does not work post the plan so someone can look at the issue.
  5. Has everyone noticed that regular dimension extension lines offset to objects. This will allow grid bubbles to be offset when two are close together. This is similar to the "story pole".
  6. The method I use is snappable, it shows in 2D and 3D but it takes 5-6 mintues a room. A new tool from CA. would be best. I have vectorworks but like Ca better.
  7. Now uncheck "include in schedule" in the door/window DBX.
  8. Adjusting the texture/pattern is trail and error. It took me one minute per direction, but not perfect. 2D cad lines in plan for perfect alignment. Ceiling tool please.
  9. Click on "Room Polyline" adjust ht. change material to ceiling tile. adjust the pattern and texture of the material as needed per room.
  10. Joey, I like using "American Clay" They have four versions. I showed the four types.
  11. The Door/Cabinet method can also be used for wall access to crawl space or child's secret room.
  12. Try a cabinet. Image of cabinet on left, door on right
  13. The downside to this method is it will cut through the entire wall, not good if there is a room on the other side. On the good side it will show up in the door schedule if you want it to be included.
  14. Small thin door without hardware or hinges, material same as surrounding wall
  15. Have the teacher start with CA. articles and reference material in
  16. Your attic does not have a usable area above it so the 10' rule does not apply, but since it is within 5' of the property line the 10' rule may apply.
  17. Since the deck is considered usable and you have a usable room below then you meet the definition of requiring draft stops. You need to isolate the deck floor assembly from the roof attic areas.
  18. Scott, In your example is that a deck in the middle?. The inspector may think you are using open web floor joists. If your are using open web joists then draft stops are required every 1,000sf.