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Everything posted by Kenoeightspot

  1. Please post the plan so we can try to help.
  2. Check out Scott's Video on double studs in a wall.
  3. In X6 use the custom back splash tool then use the handles to adjust as needed.
  4. Works great. Pavers, Tile, Beams, posts for an Arbor.
  5. Select your first floor wall and open the DBX and check "Default wall Ht". in case you pull the first floor wall up.
  6. Scott has a video and so does CA.
  7. Scott, I agree with the dimension ticks. I do a lot of commercial work at 1/8" and 1/16" and I want the walls to pop at the small scale. When I enlarge a stair or bathroom plan I use a dark gray wall. I have been doing it this way for 35 years, maybe I should change the black walls to dark gray or retire in a few more years and play more golf.
  8. Scott, The work to be performed, (build or remove) is done in black line while the reference lines are longer dash mid gray lines. I would have placed the trellis lines in a framing plan but in this case I combined the two plans.
  9. I am not having an issue using "Cute PDF".
  10. You can first label the garage ,then create other rooms,they will not be labeled, but if you subdivide the garage and other room will also be a garage.
  11. Do not label the first room in the plan, then any additional room will not be labelled. Or just uncheck "show room label" per room.
  12. When you create a new room the program will name it based on the previous named room.
  13. In an overview select the counter top then tab to select the sink and delete.
  14. Use "Certain Teed" as a quick look.
  15. Are you working on a project in China. Looks correct to me.
  16. You may be looking at the north arrow
  17. I plan with the framing turned on copy a stud and move it into place. at least in x5-6 you can do this.
  18. Best to post the PLAN not a PDF. Have you built the roof and turned on floor and ceiling framing?.
  19. You have more than one schedule of doors in the plan