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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I do not think this is good advice. I realize there are some circumstance where this is viable, but generally I would stay away from this approach.
  2. I studied the ref sets years ago and even did a vid on the ref sets. Going through the study of ref sets in the vid, there was a reason that I ruled out using the xor option. I forgot the reason.... maybe it had to do with the ridge and valley and hip lines..... none of which shows up when using xor, I have never used xor...... I am not clear on the reason for the option.
  3. Yes, very limited (dimensions only, not for text). An option if you really know what you are doing, however I think I would recommend using anno/layer sets to control dimension text sizes.
  4. Note: take a section thru garage, note the higher ceiling.... only about 1 11/16"...... but suppose we want to keep the ceiling step? How do we do it.
  5. Yes David James, UNCHECK the boxes. Nice job DJ. But if I did not want to uncheck, isn't there a way to fix via the dvx, and how did Alan get in this position in the first place. What I am getting at is, I did not fix DJ's way...... but then maybe with DJ's solution we can have 2 ceiling heights in the garage..... one defined by the floor above and the other defined by ..... errrrr.... something. Interesting issue.
  6. BTW, Alan's flat roof over the porch is a great argument for having the ability to choose which edges of the roof plane have and don't have fascia boards and shadow boards. Perry and I have requested this for many versions...... and we still do not have the ability....... or am I missing something?
  7. This is an interesting case. I do not understand it. I could not confirm DavidJames solution. I opened the plan in X8, yes, X8, I think Alan did it in X7. When I opened the plan, select garage, open dvx, I said some magic words, I then closed the dvx and I saw the attached warning. If I clicked OK, all was well. I cannot explain this behavior, I do not know how Alan got to the position. What I think is neat, is that Alan has two different ceiling heights in the garage. One is defined by the floor above, and the other is defined by I do not know what. Glenn, maybe you can explain this.
  8. Adding links is harder. stretching existing much easier. Look at light in elevation and lengthen it and if the stretch plan is in correct location it is easy peasy. if not, it will take more work. Of course if you had posted the light fixture in a plan in the beginning, you would of had an answer much quicker.
  9. Do you want to stretch out the chain or do you want to add additional links?
  10. its a ceiling break line, turn off that layer and it will go away
  11. Here it is Michael, I meant to and i should of posted it with being asked, my bad. FYI, the vector view tends to have a few "nasty" little lines that should not be there in vector view. Master.plan
  12. Here is the vid. https://youtu.be/kljMzOAY0vo no good https://youtu.be/uBzE-5dxbxA
  13. This is the correct approach. I will do a vid.
  14. Another good tip. I have never used the wall fill tool because it is an extra step. It might be a good option...... I have to think about this............... the wall type setup fill can be controlled by layers..... so the question is..... is there a time that I would want the wall fill shown yet I would not want to see the wall layers....... if I only want to see the wall fill when the wall layers are turned on, I do not think the wall fill tool will be necessary.
  15. Great comment, I am assuming the retaining wall and the inside framed "furred wall" are on two different layers so you can control the line weight and style. Good stuff Joey.
  16. David Potter had a good solution, here is mine: Part 1 https://youtu.be/HjynHJIN-i8 Part 2 https://youtu.be/BiCHm8mHwwk good vids,
  17. ....... Good info, thanks Dermot.
  18. I would you the 1-1/2" method whether I was going to manually build roof or use auto build roof. The move roof down method works too.
  19. I am talking 2d and 3D. I do understand how to select a different cad block to use as a symbol for a plant whether it be 2d or 3D. I have not done a lot of landscape plans, but I do remember there is a method to the madness..... I.e. Whether the symbol line style is dependent on the LINE STYLE or the BLOCK LAYER. I am hoping to hook up with a few users to see if they have a few tips they might share.
  20. Great question Glenn. When I temporarily lose room def and then get it back, I appreciate the memory, But what are the rules?
  21. Nope, I ain't gunna do it... too much trouble.... and seriously, there is so much wasted verbiage, that I find it hard to believe anybody will watch and listen. But.... I am always up for another workshop if you have something to discuss.... I think our time will be much better utilized with a live interaction. Graeme, glad you got something out of it. I was glad you made it on however I was hoping for some more input from you. You have been around awhile and I am sure you would of had something to contribute. I hope you will join us the next time.
  22. Great question, Try using a 2d molding polyline or as I have shown here, a wall material region.