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Everything posted by dshall

  1. LOL. I concur. It seems like turning on PRINT PREVIEW would save paper, but what do I know?
  2. In spite of that, wouldn't the roof build? Not at 'puter.
  3. second man's opinion... go for it.
  4. I did not think so. Bottom line, nobody is asking for someone to change how it works, they are asking for an additional feature.
  5. Yeah, we can do that, but more work. I really like the initial suggestion about having to actually decide to change layer set settings. I am with the other guys, much easier to quickly turn off a layer without messing up our LAYOUT LAYER SET. ....hmmmmmm, has the "Original Curmudgeon" and I ever been on the same page? This might be a first.
  6. Try this, a base cabinet with 1" overhang, but make the base cabinet 1/16" tall and raise cabinet the appropriate height above the floor. I find this works better than custom countertop.
  7. Good stuff, was that all done in CA? I do not think so. Really well done.
  8. This is a really good idea. Thanks guys for the suggestion. IOW, I would have to explicitly SAVE changes to a layer set....... this is the layer set that is in layout, a great idea.
  9. BTW, I do not think this is a deal breaker. Nice feature to have for this particular job for this particular client. Normally I would not use it.
  10. Dermot, I have been using this on about 30 different sections for two different jobs. It is a nice feature. Please think twice about removing. It gives us the ability to further define cross section cuts with heavier lines. I am now locking all layers except for CROSS SECTIION LINE layer, selecting that stuff and putting on separate layer. Easy Peasy, but would be better if LAYOUT recognized that original layer.
  11. This is what you do...... I assume your template plan is already in template layout. Open template layout. Do a save as. Now open plan file that is in new template. Do a save as of that plan file. Now relink new plan to new layout. Easy Peasy.
  12. What got me started on this I have a client that wants the CROSS SECTION LINES much heavier than everything else. This is the "classic" way of doing cross sections. This is a very nice feature if I can use it in layout. I do not care if they are redrawn, in fact I want them redrawn if something changes. So Dermot, I think I would prefer if you guys keep this in but find a way I can use in layout. The work around is to lock all layers but the cross section line layer, select all cross section lines, copy and put them on their own layer. Not too bad, but still not "live". Another option is to use the "live view" as Joe suggested. I stopped using that option a while back for some reason.... because it did not look as good? Perry, why did you stop using "live view"? Thanks guys and Dermot for helping me out with this.
  13. This is what mine looks like. And no, I cannot get a circle around the call-out number. No macro required.
  14. Perry, look at Shane's post number 6. That is what I am talking about.
  15. You are missing the point. I made the layer red and very very heavy to confirm the lines are not seen in layout. I see red heavy lines in section view but not when section view is sent to layout. I just checked with tech and Michael confirmed behavior.
  16. exactly, why wouldn't we want the option. In fact the layer is not even shown in layout
  17. Cut a section, look at the layer CROSS SECTION LINES.
  18. No JB, send cross section view to layout.
  19. Has anybody noticed that cross section lines do not show in layout? Is there a reason for this? Do a quick test, cut a section thru house, change cross section line layer to red and size 300, send to layout. Do you see heavy red lines?
  20. Here is my problem with auto build. Can you build roof with trusses at garage, Conventional at existing house and then back to trusses at family room addition that was completed 18montha ago?
  21. Why do you guys mess around with this? Listen to the solver, do not adjust the bottom and top of walls unless you know what you are doing. I rarely rarely rarely ever need to adjust the bottom or tops of the walls. Do not do it. CA is very good about self adjusting wall heights. Seriously, think about why you are manually changing the default top and bottom heights and then don't do it.