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Everything posted by dshall

  1. so my Granddaughter, Taylor is helping draw a house, and she hit some buttons and I don't know what she did. Can you guys do this? Note picture on left has minimal color, same house on right has full color.... how did she do this?
  2. I create new PLAN SETS all the time....... believe me, they all have a purpose...... I strongly suggest you adapt using PLAN SETS if you have not already, and understand that each PLAN SET should have a unique ANNO SET, LAYER SET and REF SET. The PLAN SET is created after the other 3 sets are created.
  3. One comment on Eric's video, when he copied the symbol and went to the plan to paste, he should of PASTED IN PLACE, that way he would of avoided going thru the "centering" gymnastics.
  4. I know I have done this in past CA versions, it surprised me that I could no longer do it auto. Yes, custom mutins is probably what I need to do. Thanks guys for confirming.
  5. Hi Guys, can anybody build a round window with a vertical and a horizontal mutin per picture.... I can't, what am I missing? thanks
  6. Would you mind sharing a small plan with the method? And maybe see if you could to it with a door.
  7. Yeah, I was thinking of starting a brand new plan soon.... maybe on the next project....... the new computer I am getting has the solid state drive....... I have a fusion drive now which is a combo, I am hoping the new computer will make a difference
  8. Over time I have accrued many cameras in my plan that I do not use. So the question is, if none of the cameras are open (simply saved in plan)........ is the plan speed effected if it has 349 saved cameras vs only 1 saved camera? I hope that question was clear.
  9. I knew that was required for a new release, I don't think I realized it was for an update for a release. Maybe my computer auto updated the X10 release.....
  10. My computer is acting up. If I open a new plan it is asking me if I want to save the plan in the latest CA version. I thought I was already using the latest version. This is what I see....... Avon Catalog | Avon Brochure | Target Red Card | Target Ad I ordered a new replacement computer.
  11. Yep, not a good question or request..... is the footing 8” thick or 8” deep....... I’m assuming 18” minimum depth and minimum 8” thick. (16” wide)
  12. Hi Jay, I will keep that in mind, I have it noted it in my calendar and if it works out, I will touch base. Thanks
  13. Plymouth..... I will be driving through Plymouth October 8th on our two week New England Road Trip to see the colours change. I doubt I will have time to finish up those plans for you but there are plenty of folks around here that can probably help you out.
  14. Hey Glenn, I think you called out, my garage definition at level 1 was incorrect. Thanks! It was also fixed by giving that particular fence segment as having a room def also helped. Occasionally I have seen this in the past and I think it might also have something to do with if the project has a mixture of mono slab and raised foundation. I do not think I have ever seen this issue if I was only dealing with a mono slab. Many variables, not sure what necessarily causes what. BTW, I do not think the stem wall height at garage has a bearing on the issues. The stem wall could be zero.... I am not sure why I did not have it as zero...... I just might do a video on this to satisfy my own curiosity on the variables.
  15. a few reasons: no room above no roof above easy fix I think would be to select the room and check NO ROOF...... The walls are as tall as the roof or floor above.... no roof or floor the foundation walls go as high as the Milky Way.
  16. I tried it and it did not help. Did you try it. As I said in previous post, giving the fence a ROOM DEFINITION, cleared up the issue.... very strange
  17. This is not the first time I have issues with the fence I am using. Sometimes it frames at the bottom.
  18. I do not think that is the issue, that is a hole in ceiling at the second floor that I am not using..... I was too lazy to delete it.
  19. Thanks for looking at this Robert..... I gave the fence a room definition and now it is fix..... weird...
  20. Hi Chop, sorry about wasting your time, it is in there now and I was able to extract it so all is well,' sorry again for wasting your time,
  21. Sorry Guys, try this, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/luxmedi6xxwmxjr/AACjLK7eNOP3yLY3kcowScYBa?dl=0 maybe it was too big to post directly
  22. Can you figure out what this is? LEO PLAN 1C BBB FENCE ISSUE.plan
  23. I see it now..... I am sure it was always there, but I did not see it.