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Everything posted by dshall

  1. in layout I use it for the title block, in plan I use it under clients name on sheet one... not a big deal, several ways of achieving the same thing.... with macros...
  2. Hey Chris, give me a call sometime. Maybe we can meet for lunch.
  3. I agree, it’s only about 8 trusses, order new new trusses.
  4. I have something similar. I don’t want to get in a pi$$ing match, maybe somehow, everybody can share in the hit. I actually drew the plans for the contractor who was hoping to build the project, so I was never hired on by the owner.
  5. I thought the same thing......... Glenn, I was thinking the same thing..... Perry, you are correct, I bill hourly..... BTW, BH (you know who)...... BH and my client has been revising my client windows....". I wonder if the plans will need to be changed to reflect the changes? hmmmmm, thanks BH for the heads up! Thanks, Chop, I love your reasoning...... Johnny..... why wouldn’t the truss manufacturer check out the permitted set of plans ?....... retirement is not too far away...... but things ain’t half bad, but I really don’t like fretting over this crap...... thanks guys..... I should of requested revised truss calcs... luckily there are usually back ups to prevent the bone head screw ups like forgetting to reorder truss calcs....
  6. I drew plans for a remodel. On one wing of House we had hip roof. Ordered truss calcs. Submitted plans to city, before we pulled permits we changed hip roof to gable. Plans show gable roof. The trusses on permittted plans are shown as gable. Plans are correct. Permit pulled, contractor is building remodel, he orders trusses, trusses are delivered with hip set. They should of been gable trusses. I never sent plans to truss company to revise trusses calcs. Who should be held liable, Me, the contractor or the truss company?
  7. The main problem is you have an intersecting wall that messes things up... the invisible wall between the porch and kitchen
  8. I have also seen this in the past. I have not noticed it lately.
  9. Hi Greg, thanks for looking into this.... it looks good in 3d, however the railing doesnot show up in plan view..... frustrating...... maybe one day soon the stairs will work better....
  10. Mick, I did get the z fighting on the plan that you are looking at. I had done a save as for that plan and evidently whatever I did with new plan fixed the z fighting..... I can't explain it but it is all good now. NYSTIE 1c z fighting for mick.plan
  11. A real simple set of stairs...... I built the auto stairwell..... and I get the rails at the top of stairs screwing up..... really? still? NYSTIE_1b_screwy_stairs.plan
  12. This will blow you away...... whether the mirror material works or not depends on the thickness of the slab, psolid, countertop etc..... play around with different thicknesses, you will find somewhere around 8"-14" thick the reflective material will disappear.
  13. Eric, you might be onto something. Maybe it has something to do will cabinets. I could not paint the soffit a mirror material. Maybe somebody from CA will clarify the issue.
  14. I have seen that behavior before...... I think it has something to do with how the cabinet symbol was initially built. Using psolids vs moldings vs slabs vs something...... I can't quite put my finger on it but I have seen the behavior before. Post the small plan so we can check it out. Thanks
  15. Mark, I would love to attend but as of now, that is something I would not use. But I do thank You for what you are doing and hopefully you can help CA take businesss away from you know who.
  16. My system is very similar. Once in awhile I get a nutty job where I have more than one layout, and too too many different plan files but that is the exception. with this system I can tell what was going on at a particular stage. \\
  17. FYI, I think I figured it out. If you like the shaded window glass, in vector mode do not check opaque glazing. The down side is you can see into the house. I think it might also slow things down.