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Everything posted by dshall

  1. If he would post his plan, somebody would fix it for him in less than 6.83 minutes. 15 plus hours now and counting...... hey... Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Go Cowboys and go San Diego Chargers (they will always be San Diego to me)
  2. You might check this..... or check this thread http://osxdaily.com/2014/12/01/number-keys-not-working-mac-keyboard-fix/
  3. I do the same except for #3. I have all details in a separate plan that is s3nt to layout.. Much easier to manipulate and edit. differnt strokes for different folks.
  4. I am using the macros on a current project. 2nd floor addition, I am concerned with FAR, Coverage, Impervious areas, pervious areas etc., a slight change in the new floor area changes all of those results. With the macros I get auto feedback what the new results are. I can't imagine working without the macros.
  5. Michael, maybe you could set up a "Fee Based Workshop" to teach us. I would bet a bunch of folks would drop $20.00 for a class...... 20 folks..... $400.00....... I bet in 2-4 hours you could get 'er done..... (just so you folks know, I have already paid Michael much more than that for the basics and it was well worth it)
  6. Why would you want a square footage chart? Maybe because you would use it on every single dang project you work on? It is crazy that this is not part of the CA program. The Alaskan Son and Joe Carrick both have methods to achieve this. Contact them, it will cost but the cost is well worth it. I use Michael method, Perry uses Carrick's method.
  7. That does not even come close to what he wants to do. - He wants the number to show on a different level/Floor. - He wants the movement of the number to be independent of the polyline. - He probably wants the number to be shown in a CAD DETAIL - He probably wants the number to be used in a mathematical equation If he doesn't want all those things, I would like to have them.
  8. The Alaskan Son helped me with what you are trying to do. Such a valuable tool, it's amazing to me that this is not part of the CA program. Joe Carrick also has a method of doing what you want to do.
  9. Hi All, just a Heads up..... apple email may be down for you..... apple is working on a fix now....
  10. I tried this also... no luck... nice job....
  11. anybody else with a mac wants to get in on this... send me an email in next 5 minutes....
  12. 3:15 -3:30 would work better for me........ my 4.78 year old Granddaughter is hanging out with me until 3:15 and we are involved in designing a new house for her parents...
  13. I just upgraded my computer and went to MOJAVE. Like Levis I am having issues with the way it prints. I did keep my other computer and I still have Sierra on it. I am using the older computer because of this. I have not spent the time to fully understand what is going on. Levis, if you have time to do a GOTOMEETING with me, we can compare what is going on. Let me know if you have time, thanks.
  14. It is so weird..... I can't figure out the difference except for the DBX labels. The DBX's look the same.
  15. Do you know for what reason we would choose one tool over the other?
  16. Hi Robert...... have you noticed if there is a difference between the custom back splash tool and the wall material region tool? I think they are the same tool.
  17. Flat out stupid... found another one..... don't flip my walls!!!
  18. PLEASE STOP THIS AUTO WALL REVERSING PLEASE!!! We do not need CA's help with reversing walls.... please... make it an option... this is stupid having too chase down stuff that CA does without my knowledge!
  19. It has to do with your wall definition layers
  20. A bike might be fun..... going downhill, but we are going up in the White Mountains..... I have a hard enough time going up the 9% slope at the end of my street.
  21. Hi Steve, I did stop by Falling Water back in '78 but The Zimmerman House is not in the cards. We are going up the east side of New Hampshire. Attached is our route. If you have any other suggestions let me know. We were planning on doing this back in 2016 but that was the year Parker got sick.
  22. She is older than 4-1/2. Very short attention plan. But she did learn how to change the color of a car from blue to pink in 7easy steps. I think grand kids are kind of fun...... probably because she likes me.
  23. I thought she had invented something new